Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

LMAO..... muslims will be laughed at as much as any other religious nutters... Religion has no place in first world nations.

The US on the other hand is already under the control of extreme religious NUTS... not in 2040...but NOW!

Wow you can laugh all you want, while they drive through you with their swords. We're not making a third trip "over there" to save your sorry asses yet again.

:lol: I know we're a bunch of retards.... Love your locale Necritan -

K, so any country that thinks Obama should be president is a nonstarter, what about the countries that think McCain should be president?

So that is;

Israel and Uzbekistan?

Not one first world country wants the elderly midget to control US terrorist resources.
Wow you can laugh all you want, while they drive through you with their swords. We're not making a third trip "over there" to save your sorry asses yet again.


Ahhhh....why not......I'm sure our soldier boys would be glad to go over there and bang some limey chicks...I bet they're hard up for real men....as opposed to the native hoity-toity pastey blokes.
Ahhhh....why not......I'm sure our soldier boys would be glad to go over there and bang some limey chicks...I bet they're hard up for real men....as opposed to the native hoity-toity pastey blokes.

Woul'd want to score some of the nastiest looking women on the planet?

[Swedish Girls: Making English girls look ugly since 1428]
I haven't read all of this thread, but I must say that yes, I'm sure the world will LOVE us after Obama gets elected. After all, he wants to demilitarize the country and we'll be sitting ducks. The whole world would be pleased.:cranky:
At the
moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.


The US doesn't have a problem with anyone but socialists... And socialist will always have a problem with those who reject their insipid notions of fairness; so screw 'em. When ever the left is cryin' about what you're doing you can be certain that you're on the right track.
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You won't need to, they don't need saving from anything. Yanks under the Bush gang are the ones inventing reasons to wage wars, looks like you're tryign to follow in lock step too...:D

Dr Grump are you an idiot??? By the way your condescending the word YANKs, tells me that your of English decent(Britian, New Zealand or Australia). Well let me tell you something, first off there were no fabrications for Bush to wage war 3,500 OF OUR PEOPLE AND SOME OF YOURS DIED ON 9/11 IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER and PENTAGON ATTACKS!!! your freakin lucky Bush didnt start a NUCLEAR war, i bet you understand NUCLEAR DONT YOU asshole.
If Ronald Reagan wouldve been president we'd be cutting glass tiles out of the sands of the mid east to put in our kitchen floors by now. Dont come in here calling our dignitaries and leaders gangsters, if it wasnt for USA your freakin ass would probably be speaking German or Russian long before now. Bush was the only one that had the guts to spend the money to try and protect your self righteous asses..We havent had a attack since 9/11 and we're not fighting ragheads on our streets(i here yall are tho). And Obama will do nothing more than what CLinton did in the first 1993 WTC attacks, setting US up for another wave of terrorist attacks or worse mark it down. Also al qaeda may try to attack again in light of the up coming USA elections, but i doubt it will be on our soil, will it be on yours COWARD...Its highly unpopular to take a stand, especially when you have so much to lose...
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That avatar of Sarah Palin, Invayne is shameless and very tasteless, this woman is being persecuted by the socialist leftist propaganda machines because she's a Christian plain and simple(you think ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN is going to tell you this??). In all actualilty Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama, Obama has no executive experience with only a few years of congressional experience, no voting record of any real substance, and no foreign policy experience whatsoever...Obama is just a Red Doper Diaper Baby ( Urban Dictionary: red diaper doper baby ) .. and you want this guy to run the country omg we've all gone off the deep end... Check out what this guys says about Sarah Palin and her daughter and those that seek to persecute them http://www.atlah.org/broadcast/ndnr09-03-08.html listen all the way through it if you got the guts???
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