Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.

I hope you aren't under the impression that the US was "liked" until Bush showed up. After the collapse of the USSR, anti-Americanism rose DRAMATICALLY and we already weren't "liked" well before Bush came along. That isn't going away no matter who is President. And it isn't because we did something to deserve it either.

With two opposing superpowers, the other nations in the world aligned themselves with one or the other, they had a stark choice there. But most of that, whether aligned with the USSR or US - was superficial and done trying to protect their own national interests. Not because they held any real love for the US or real love for the USSR. But without the presence of an adversarial superpower that was blatantly aggressive in its efforts to expand its territory and busy fomenting unrest in all sorts of countries and supporting little commies interested in coups in other countries -these superficial alliances with the US fell away. There was no need to rely on the US to protect them against unwanted Soviet influence or for protection from the USSR.

If it had been the US that had collapsed, the exact same thing would have happened to the USSR -a sharp rise in anti-Soviet sentiments globally as the superficial alliance other countries had with it were no longer necessary -but that antagonism and resentment towards the USSR would undoubtedly have been much deeper and far more extensive than the level of anti-Americanism that exists today. The USSR was truly a bullying nation that would only have increased its brutal aggression without the presence of the US and more nations were aligned against the USSR than supported it anyway.

It is natural to envy a single superpower for its wealth and power, to be perceived as a "bully" for merely existing as a superpower. But more importantly, entirely natural that many other countries would be concerned that the US MIGHT use its power and wealth to essentially conquer the world -at any time. No matter how illogical and unlikely it seems for Americans who know this nation could not muster national support for such a ridiculous goal anyway. For many in the world they believe it is the next logical step for a sole superpower -because no other nation in history has amassed this kind of wealth and power and NOT tried to conquer the world. So naturally anything the US does -even when taking legitimate actions for its own national security, particularly when the full nature of that threat to its national security is poorly understood or contested by others -is going to arouse suspicion and even outright anger in some parts of the world -maybe most of the world. No matter who is President -that anti-Americanism will exist.

It sounds like you think more ass kissing is the proper response but it isn't.
We owe no country on earth an apology for our wealth, do not need to forfeit our power or wealth or national interests to other nations or increase our own vulnerability to attack by enemies - and it doesn't mean we cannot take action to protect our own national security and interests. No nation must do such a suicidal thing and the US does not need to commit suicide so that other nations that will NEVER give the US the benefit of the doubt anyway -somehow "feel" better. We simply need not attempt to conquer the world and use our influence for the mutual benefit of others and not just ourselves. But that will never satisfy those who will never give us the benefit of the doubt anyway. Too bad, but we owe them nothing more than that.

But we better have a President for whom defending this nation against its enemies is more important than whether France "likes" us or not. France is never going to "like" us and makes their own policy based on what they believe is in THEIR best interests, especially their best financial interests -and even if it means the people of another nation must forfeit their own liberty. The US has liberated more than 300 million people in the last 70 years. France has liberated ZERO. I couldn't care less if France "likes" us. Their history is nothing but France backstabbing one ally after another for centuries and proving their word isn't worth the paper they put their signature to. France would love to gain much greater influence and power at OUR expense in order to further boost its own interests -not because they actually give a shit about the rest of the world or because they think they could do a better job of using that influence and power to produce more global good than we do. But simply because they believe they are more entitled to it than we are. Such is the nature of envy.

Our goal as a nation isn't to be "liked" -it is to be respected and feared. I don't mean feared as if the US was a psycho bitch likely to kill off other countries because they sneezed the wrong way. But that our enemies (and enemies will always exist) have real fear about our response if they attack or threaten the US -enough so they wouldn't consider doing it. My fear isn't that we aren't LIKED -it is nations who do not fear our response to a possible attack - like Iran.

Nations don't have "friends". They only have allies and adversaries -and history has repeatedly proven that neither are permanent fixtures.
I hope you aren't under the impression that the US was "liked" until Bush showed up. After the collapse of the USSR, anti-Americanism rose DRAMATICALLY and we already weren't "liked" well before Bush came along. That isn't going away no matter who is President. And it isn't because we did something to deserve it either.

With two opposing superpowers, the other nations in the world aligned themselves with one or the other, they had a stark choice there. But most of that, whether aligned with the USSR or US - was superficial and done trying to protect their own national interests. Not because they held any real love for the US or real love for the USSR. But without the presence of an adversarial superpower that was blatantly aggressive in its efforts to expand its territory and busy fomenting unrest in all sorts of countries and supporting little commies interested in coups in other countries -these superficial alliances with the US fell away. There was no need to rely on the US to protect them against unwanted Soviet influence or for protection from the USSR.

If it had been the US that had collapsed, the exact same thing would have happened to the USSR -a sharp rise in anti-Soviet sentiments globally as the superficial alliance other countries had with it were no longer necessary -but that antagonism and resentment towards the USSR would undoubtedly have been much deeper and far more extensive than the level of anti-Americanism that exists today. The USSR was truly a bullying nation that would only have increased its brutal aggression without the presence of the US and more nations were aligned against the USSR than supported it anyway.

It is natural to envy a single superpower for its wealth and power, to be perceived as a "bully" for merely existing as a superpower. But more importantly, entirely natural that many other countries would be concerned that the US MIGHT use its power and wealth to essentially conquer the world -at any time. No matter how illogical and unlikely it seems for Americans who know this nation could not muster national support for such a ridiculous goal anyway. For many in the world they believe it is the next logical step for a sole superpower -because no other nation in history has amassed this kind of wealth and power and NOT tried to conquer the world. So naturally anything the US does -even when taking legitimate actions for its own national security, particularly when the full nature of that threat to its national security is poorly understood or contested by others -is going to arouse suspicion and even outright anger in some parts of the world -maybe most of the world. No matter who is President -that anti-Americanism will exist.

It sounds like you think more ass kissing is the proper response but it isn't.
We owe no country on earth an apology for our wealth, do not need to forfeit our power or wealth or national interests to other nations or increase our own vulnerability to attack by enemies - and it doesn't mean we cannot take action to protect our own national security and interests. No nation must do such a suicidal thing and the US does not need to commit suicide so that other nations that will NEVER give the US the benefit of the doubt anyway -somehow "feel" better. We simply need not attempt to conquer the world and use our influence for the mutual benefit of others and not just ourselves. But that will never satisfy those who will never give us the benefit of the doubt anyway. Too bad, but we owe them nothing more than that.

But we better have a President for whom defending this nation against its enemies is more important than whether France "likes" us or not. France is never going to "like" us and makes their own policy based on what they believe is in THEIR best interests, especially their best financial interests -and even if it means the people of another nation must forfeit their own liberty. The US has liberated more than 300 million people in the last 70 years. France has liberated ZERO. I couldn't care less if France "likes" us. Their history is nothing but France backstabbing one ally after another for centuries and proving their word isn't worth the paper they put their signature to. France would love to gain much greater influence and power at OUR expense in order to further boost its own interests -not because they actually give a shit about the rest of the world or because they think they could do a better job of using that influence and power to produce more global good than we do. But simply because they believe they are more entitled to it than we are. Such is the nature of envy.

Our goal as a nation isn't to be "liked" -it is to be respected and feared. I don't mean feared as if the US was a psycho bitch likely to kill off other countries because they sneezed the wrong way. But that our enemies (and enemies will always exist) have real fear about our response if they attack or threaten the US -enough so they wouldn't consider doing it. My fear isn't that we aren't LIKED -it is nations who do not fear our response to a possible attack - like Iran.

Nations don't have "friends". They only have allies and adversaries -and history has repeatedly proven that neither are permanent fixtures.

I know that you dont believe a word of the utter trash that you have written here.... as if you did... it would mean that you were completely brainwashed and deeply deluded...

US liberating 300 million.... that is the funniest thing i have ever heard. massacring millions yes... but total number of people liberated = 0.

As for fear... yeah the world is terrified of the powerful US who couldnt win a war in 100 years.

Couldnt beat the vietnemese and cant even beat a few iraqi farmers....

Military power is not so useful for the US.... but american hillbillies are fooled into thinking that it is....because it makes HUGE money for the defence industry interest groups....basically direct theft from the US people. Military power is so massively limited in what it can achieve...especially from such massive distances as the US must always be.

So no.... very few countries fear the US.... and no first world country envies the extreme poverty and lack of education there.

US comes bottom of nearly every first world standard of living table...perhaps because the wealth in the US is controlled by such a very small number of people whilst 10s of millions are extremely poor.
...Most countries pity the average american.
I think you are overexxagerating the level of Anti-Americanism.
Sure, everyone loves to rhethorically bash the "fat, uncultured, fundamentalistic hillbillies, without a national cuisine" once in a while, but it never (while I am alive, I was not there during Vietnam) as widespread as under Bush.
Simple fact: Clinton in Germany vs. Bush in Germany. Clinton took a happy walk, unanouncedly went into a middle-class-restaurant and had a Schnitzel (completely freaking out his security guys in the process). The last visit by Bush turned huge parts of Berlin into no-go areas. Not to mention some 30K policemen in very martial gear.

If we take the amount of policemen needed to guard US presidents when visiting allied states, then Bush increased Anti-americanism by about 1000%.

Sure, antiamericanism was always there (in the same way as contempt for France was always there in the US, although the US might not exist without France) but under Bush it went from the far left into the center and the political right of society.

And concerning the point that Anti-Americanism does not matter, without widespread Anti-American sentiment, Turkey would not have been stonewalling the US, there might have been a German sector in Irak, a more EU support for Afganistan etc.
All of that could have saved American lives.
I hope you aren't under the impression that the US was "liked" until Bush showed up. After the collapse of the USSR, anti-Americanism rose DRAMATICALLY and we already weren't "liked" well before Bush came along. That isn't going away no matter who is President. And it isn't because we did something to deserve it either.

With two opposing superpowers, the other nations in the world aligned themselves with one or the other, they had a stark choice there. But most of that, whether aligned with the USSR or US - was superficial and done trying to protect their own national interests. Not because they held any real love for the US or real love for the USSR. But without the presence of an adversarial superpower that was blatantly aggressive in its efforts to expand its territory and busy fomenting unrest in all sorts of countries and supporting little commies interested in coups in other countries -these superficial alliances with the US fell away. There was no need to rely on the US to protect them against unwanted Soviet influence or for protection from the USSR.

If it had been the US that had collapsed, the exact same thing would have happened to the USSR -a sharp rise in anti-Soviet sentiments globally as the superficial alliance other countries had with it were no longer necessary -but that antagonism and resentment towards the USSR would undoubtedly have been much deeper and far more extensive than the level of anti-Americanism that exists today. The USSR was truly a bullying nation that would only have increased its brutal aggression without the presence of the US and more nations were aligned against the USSR than supported it anyway.

It is natural to envy a single superpower for its wealth and power, to be perceived as a "bully" for merely existing as a superpower. But more importantly, entirely natural that many other countries would be concerned that the US MIGHT use its power and wealth to essentially conquer the world -at any time. No matter how illogical and unlikely it seems for Americans who know this nation could not muster national support for such a ridiculous goal anyway. For many in the world they believe it is the next logical step for a sole superpower -because no other nation in history has amassed this kind of wealth and power and NOT tried to conquer the world. So naturally anything the US does -even when taking legitimate actions for its own national security, particularly when the full nature of that threat to its national security is poorly understood or contested by others -is going to arouse suspicion and even outright anger in some parts of the world -maybe most of the world. No matter who is President -that anti-Americanism will exist.

It sounds like you think more ass kissing is the proper response but it isn't.
We owe no country on earth an apology for our wealth, do not need to forfeit our power or wealth or national interests to other nations or increase our own vulnerability to attack by enemies - and it doesn't mean we cannot take action to protect our own national security and interests. No nation must do such a suicidal thing and the US does not need to commit suicide so that other nations that will NEVER give the US the benefit of the doubt anyway -somehow "feel" better. We simply need not attempt to conquer the world and use our influence for the mutual benefit of others and not just ourselves. But that will never satisfy those who will never give us the benefit of the doubt anyway. Too bad, but we owe them nothing more than that.

But we better have a President for whom defending this nation against its enemies is more important than whether France "likes" us or not. France is never going to "like" us and makes their own policy based on what they believe is in THEIR best interests, especially their best financial interests -and even if it means the people of another nation must forfeit their own liberty. The US has liberated more than 300 million people in the last 70 years. France has liberated ZERO. I couldn't care less if France "likes" us. Their history is nothing but France backstabbing one ally after another for centuries and proving their word isn't worth the paper they put their signature to. France would love to gain much greater influence and power at OUR expense in order to further boost its own interests -not because they actually give a shit about the rest of the world or because they think they could do a better job of using that influence and power to produce more global good than we do. But simply because they believe they are more entitled to it than we are. Such is the nature of envy.

Our goal as a nation isn't to be "liked" -it is to be respected and feared. I don't mean feared as if the US was a psycho bitch likely to kill off other countries because they sneezed the wrong way. But that our enemies (and enemies will always exist) have real fear about our response if they attack or threaten the US -enough so they wouldn't consider doing it. My fear isn't that we aren't LIKED -it is nations who do not fear our response to a possible attack - like Iran.

Nations don't have "friends". They only have allies and adversaries -and history has repeatedly proven that neither are permanent fixtures.

I know for a fact you were more well liked under Clinton - hell even Raygun for some unexplained reason. So, yes, you can be liked under those circumstances.

And if you think your enemies such as Iran and the ijits who were responsible for 9-11 fear and respect you, I've got a bridge to sell you in Alaska, Bucko! Do tell Frazzle, what header do we put flying two planes into the WTC? Fear? Or Respect? Or how about a big FU to the US of A?

Listen, giving the Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys (the French) as an example is a very bad one. Especially to a NZer (do a little research on a place in our neck of the woods called Mururoa Atoll; as well as a certain bombing of a Greenpeace ship in Auckland harbour in 1985 to get a feel of what we think of the French).

I actually don't mind you being on the look out for yourself and your interests. That's fine. But the difference between those losers who give you guys grief is at least they are open about it. They want you out of the ME so they can have Fundie Muslim societies. That is a given. You necon, conservative Yanks do the old "we are the greatest country in the world because we are the freest and everybody is jealous of our wealth". "We are the beacon of democracy and freedom" Really? Actions speak louder than words, Pal. You are certainly not freer than I feel, and your wealth is built on a house of cards (as you are finding out now). Interestingly, the likes of Jillian and myself and a few others on this board - and other boards - haven't been saying this for months, we have been saying for years. But we're just dumb liberal retards.

But who really is the retard - the guy (on another messageboard) who every Monday morning used to tell us the amount of retail spending that happened in the weekend (therefore the economy must be doing SOOO well), or the "retards" who said it couldn't be sustained because China holds all your markers and, you know, there is this little word called debt, which basically means at some stage YOU HAVE TO PAY IT BACK. Just ask the Germans about paying shit back after the Treaty of Versaille.

Basically, my long-winded rant is saying your long-winded rant is a load of shit. :D
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Most Americans, don't give a flying fcuk what you keyboard krazies think of America. But I still keep asking myself why so many millions keep pouring into this rathole instead of out!! Have a nice day acid breath.
Most Americans, don't give a flying fcuk what you keyboard krazies think of America. But I still keep asking myself why so many millions keep pouring into this rathole instead of out!! Have a nice day acid breath.

Feeling a bit hostile today?

And do yourself a favor, don't try to speak for "most" Americans... just makes you look silly.
Feeling a bit hostile today?

And do yourself a favor, don't try to speak for "most" Americans... just makes you look silly.

I can speak for whomever I wish.. This is a messageboard.. At least I don't get out there in the ditches with huge "I'M sorry signs" when I lose an election. I am proud of my country and don't hesitate a bit to tell the keyboard krazies what I think. So there!
Well, of course you can say what you'd like, within bounds. And yes, this is a messageboard....

I'm just pointing out that you haven't a clue what "most" Americans think, so you might want to reconsider that.

And you certainly don't speak for me.
Well, of course you can say what you'd like, within bounds. And yes, this is a messageboard....

I'm just pointing out that you haven't a clue what "most" Americans think, so you might want to reconsider that.

And you certainly don't speak for me.

and how would you know what clues I have??? I have a clue as to what roughly 50% of Americans think. They think they have something to be proud of here and the keyboard krazies who are always on the internet bashing America should know we don't give a flying fcuk what they think. I don't know so much about liberals..
and how would you know what clues I have??? I have a clue as to what roughly 50% of Americans think. They think they have something to be proud of here and the keyboard krazies who are always on the internet bashing America should know we don't give a flying fcuk what they think. I don't know so much about liberals..

Perhaps you should care.... seems extremely cowardly not to care.

Why wouldnt you want to be liked.... it would suggest that you were decent and worthy of respect... the opposite would suggest that you were an asshole?
Perhaps you should care.... seems extremely cowardly not to care.

Why wouldnt you want to be liked.... it would suggest that you were decent and worthy of respect... the opposite would suggest that you were an asshole?

Wanting to be liked also suggests you would lie, cheat and steal so all your buddies will like you. You're just not worth it.
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and how would you know what clues I have??? I have a clue as to what roughly 50% of Americans think. They think they have something to be proud of here and the keyboard krazies who are always on the internet bashing America should know we don't give a flying fcuk what they think. I don't know so much about liberals..

Another one who thinks that only black and white exist I see.
Perhaps you should care.... seems extremely cowardly not to care.

Why wouldnt you want to be liked.... it would suggest that you were decent and worthy of respect... the opposite would suggest that you were an asshole?

I don't like you, you spout shit, I don't care to be your neighbor, you suck as a neighbor, therefore I don't give a shit what you think.
That avatar of Sarah Palin, Invayne is shameless and very tasteless, this woman is being persecuted by the socialist leftist propaganda machines because she's a Christian plain and simple(you think ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN is going to tell you this??). In all actualilty Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama, Obama has no executive experience with only a few years of congressional experience, no voting record of any real substance, and no foreign policy experience whatsoever...Obama is just a Red Doper Diaper Baby ( Urban Dictionary: red diaper doper baby ) .. and you want this guy to run the country omg we've all gone off the deep end... Check out what this guys says about Sarah Palin and her daughter and those that seek to persecute them ATLAH Daily Webcast - Manning Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin listen all the way through it if you got the guts???

WTF are you talking about? That's not Sarah Palin! Jeez...don't group me in with those fucking leftist loonies! I like Palin...don't care for McCain, but Palin's cool in my book.

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