Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Your "dead on" but your not going to get Kudo's from the resident liberals on this board. Their man is the "messiah", and he's gonna save the U.S.A., and the world in one handbasket.

The world loves him therefore Americans should love him.......but for some reason we Americans don't seem to be 100% engrossed with this "community organizer" and "do nothing Senator". I guess Americans are stupid and the rest of the world is high I.Q.'d with tons of knowledge and wisdom "to boot".:eusa_shifty:

Obama's hands are dirty, along with his party. They pushed to regulate the lending industry to allow super-dangerous credit allowances for mortgage borrowers..etc...

I used to scratch my head, how these young gen x, Y, z's first time home buyers were getting "no down" or minimal % down loans during back just a short time ago. Some of our son's friends got into these No-Down home buys just a couple years ago, right at the top if the boom and now their living with terrible negative equities in their homes. Hopefully the prices will come back in time before many of these first time buyers lose jobs or ability to continue their payments and would have to sell.

Low and behold, I found out that Charlie Rangle had blocked GWB's new money lending regulations that would keep the industry from being killed by shady brokers on the street level giving a pass to marginal credit home buyers. These banks were scooping up borerline/credit borrower loans by the billions of dollars. There is room to point a few fingers at these banks and their upper management folks too.

This was a direct affect or action pushed by the liberals to get all Americans into a home of their own, regardless of their credit or budgetary ratios of income versus debits.

All Americans can't or shouldn't own a home. They don't have the credit to do it. They will have to rent, and that is not a hellish position versus home ownership. Many who rent do save and save up well so they can place a good "down" on a home, and then they aren't stuck with a monstrous negative equity. Down turn in home prices will drive many people to panic-sell, but you can place firmly in the lap of the Democrats their pushing and policy making that lowered credit limits for the Mortgage industry.

Obama next to Sen. Doud is the second biggest recipient of campaign or lobbying monies from Fannie Mae, and Mac.

How Obama's followers can still vote for him with this ironic or hypocritical position he maintains as he blames the current administration, that did everything possible to increase the credity standards of the industry, is beyond me.

I think the epitome of insanity happened a few weeks ago, when Obama's Community Organizer skills were likened to Jesus' lifestyle..........and Gov. Sarah Palin's gubenatorial experience was likened to Ponteaus Pilate's role.

Naturally, folks are supposed to see "Community Organizer" as holier'n thou, and being a governor as akin to "wicked-evil".

It just shows or proves to me, as a biblical Christian, that the leaders in the Demo party don't know true biblical Christianity from a "hole in the ground", or think that the average Joe or Jane American is an atheistic, Christian hating bunch of idiots, and will sop-up this stupid campaign rhetoric hook, line and sinker.

For the last several years the Democrats have been using these tactics.........as the mainstream media doesn't "call them" on their lies, subderfuges, and misdirected ploys to influence people to vote for their candidate for President of the United States.

Whoopie Goldberg on the "View" tells Sen. McCain to his face that his policies are going to put her back in "slavery".

Since when was Whoopie a slave.......? Can't recall the Emancipation Proclamation being ennacted a few months ago, but actually happened in the 1860's........?

Anyone seen or witnessed recently, an African American being enslaved here in the U.S.A.?

Did the mainstream media pickup on Whoopie's outlandish "dish" of a very brave Sen McCain and wife for going on the View?

Thanx amany Eightball, however if im not getting their negitive kudos(those little red things in the top right hand corner of post) then as a stanch Conservative(in the sense of William F. Buckley) i've not done my job here and have failed miserably(as anyone can go with flow)...

Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775 Give me Liberty or GIVE ME DEATH!!!

Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples' money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people's freedom and security.”
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Thanx amany Eightball, however if im not getting their negitive kudos(those little red things in the top right hand corner of post) then as a stanch Conservative(in the sense of William F. Buckley) i've not done my job here and have failed miserably(as anyone can go with flow)...

Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775 Give me Liberty or GIVE ME DEATH!!!

Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples' money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people's freedom and security.”
William F. Buckley, Jr.

Succinctly, well-said White Lion. :)
I live in London...

I suspect that you havent left your tiny little nation....am i right? Certainly you have never been to London...QUOTE]

Who the hell wants to go there......your all a bunch of stuck up pricks.....you're weather sucks ball's....and you're food tastes like cat shit.

Stupid Londoner

Great Avatar Necritan!

Since I've seen the Youtube video of this poor guy shooting his leg, I did find it humorous, but at the same time I really felt sorry for the guy. He was seriously trying to teach the class safety. No doubt he gets a lot of ribbing from his fellow officers for this mishap.

Fortunately, he didn't end up killing himself or accidently shooting a student.

Never the less, I'm a 2nd Amendment advocate, and gun mishaps will happen........as they have ever since the firearm was invented.

Sadly, there's an element in this country and abroad that think that guns have a mind of their own, and our somehow "evil".

It reminds me of the news articles of the past that would say, "SUV Plows Through Crowd And Kills Many!". In that title it is inferred that SUV's are in some dangerous entities, that like to kill people.

Well, it's the mindset that vandalizes Hummer dealerships, cause the Hummer is somehow the enemy of fuel conservation, and worth of death, and attack from these enviro-wacko's out to save the world for us.

Guns/gun owners, Hummers/SUV's, Biblical Christians, "The American Flag", Constitutionalists, are all on the "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters of the Liberal Left.

Why? Cause the liberal is brainwashed by the mainstream media into thinking that all these people and entities, are dangerous, and un-peaceful in our very advanced, high-I.Q.'d society.

The average liberal wants or dreams of a utopian world. It hasn't happened and will never happen until basic "evil" is done-away-with.

As much as the average liberal claims to be the empathetic one's, they do just the opposite, and indulge in "self first" endeavors uppermost. Magazines like "US" and "Self" are their "rags" of learning and politics. They have the attitude that they know what's best, because they have a Poli-Sci degree from who knows where. Their mushy little brains have been filled with liberal crap from the out-of-touch professors of these archaic out-of-touch institutions of singular/Marxist/socialist learning. They think themselves free thinkers, yet their paradym of thought is very limited to subjective/emotional whims......following false "messiahs" or parriahs in most cases.

Most liberals are so out of touch with average Joe and Jane America, yet they want to "help" you to understand your situation better. They want to convince you that your a "victim" of rich, corporate, biggots, who feed off the sweat of your middle class backs.

The Democratic party is not the party of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is an out and out, Socialist Party.

Don't get me wrong. I think empathy for other's plight is good, and biblical in everyway, but there's a definite line between "helping", and "enabling" those less fortunate.

We as a nation have endured the onslaught of multitudes of immigrants from Europe/Asia/Mexico at various time periods. Those that have prospered have been those that thought, "language/borders" as uppermost in assimillating into American culture. The others have come here to reap from our bountiful nations, and not give anything back in return. In most cases those have been the ones that desire to live in enclaves that keep them from assimillating into our culture.

Never in our history, with the great onslaught of European immigrants in the late 1800's and early 1900's was their ever a concern to have multi-lingual ballots......I.E. Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish/German/Italian...etc. language ballots.

These immigrants fought cultural bigotry, yet they strived to assimmilate and become bonafide, and identifiable Americans. They made their children learn the native language of "English". The parents often self taught themselves to speak, read, and write English. These were not Poli-Sci majors.........These were often folks with but only grade school experience from their European homelands. Yet, they possessed something the average liberal, self proclaimed intellectual, didn't understand or possess themselves.........Wisdom, or the ability to take what knowledge you have and use it to better one's self.

We as a nation are being programmed every second, every day, to accept an outright lie, that we are "victims" of an evil upper class. It is the only "cause" that holds the Democratic party together. If they can't make victims or convince people that they are victims, they are an "empty suit" of a party.

They are a party that doesn't offer hope, but instead offers unhealthy enabling of the masses via widespread propaganda that promotes class envy, jealousy, via wealth redistribution.

Necritan/White Lion.........You are not alone, as this forum is not representative the myriads of Americans that think as you do. :)

Dialogue is good, and B.O. wants to promote that in diplomacy. Yet he is a neophyte when it comes to when dialogue is appropriate, and Teddy Roosevelt's, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick.", makes more sense.

British Prime Minister Chamberlain believed he saved the world from Nazi domination and million of future casulties via dialogue with Hitler. He proclaimed, "Peace in our time!",.........Hitler said "Thank you" with his digits crossed behind his back and proceeded to gooble-up the rest of Europe.

Liberals miss a fundamental understanding of humanity, because they threw out biblical Christianity as a foundational principle that drove our nation for years, and replaced it with human intellectualism of a Voltaireian style, that turned France into a country of empty churches to this day. Humanity is flawed, without a moral compass. The liberals have thrown out the ethical, moral compass, and replaced it with a manmade substitute that lacks respect for a Creator, and worships at the alter of Utopian Man. :(
Pardon 8-ball, but labeling the American Democrats as Socialists is not correct. They would be on the center right spectrum in most European countries.

Democrats come in many shapes, sizes, fashions etc etc., just as Republicans. However its the seditious constitutional sellouts that Democrats harbor the majority of socialist, that are literally ruining our country as we speak. And besides europe has sold its self down the river already, your european spectrum is irrelevant here...rrrrrrrrRROOOOOARE!!! says the WhiteLion

Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
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Pardon 8-ball, but labeling the American Democrats as Socialists is not correct. They would be on the center right spectrum in most European countries.

That maybe true if we compared the American Democratic party to "most European" Socialist partys, but we Americans define Socialism in respect to our own party systems, values, ethics, and national culture, and don't use European politics as a barometer.
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I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again.

I'm sure the rest of the world is in love with the guy.

Whether or not the rest of the world loves us has never been a big concern of mine though.
What is this liberal thing about our country needing to be "liked" by the whole world?

To be liked is often to "cater too", or basically bend over and take in the "you know where".

During the Cold war, we were liked and despised, and seemed to co-exist in the world community.

You liberals just keep saying the same old "pipe dream"......."We need to be liked". Have you libs got an identity problem or some kind of insecurity.

Chamberlain dialogued with Hitler, and thought he got the Germans to like Great Britain..........See what that got you Europeans.

I like diplomacy from the foundation of strength, not boot licking, compromise. Obama wants to neuter are military........and that's a fact. He's a closet Marxist/socialist in my book. He's also got a "Messiah complex", and that doesn't even throw up red flags with the media or his blinded disciples.

The Islamic world does not want to co-exist with us. They want us to all turn East and get on our knees and pull out the old prayer rugs. It's their way or no friendship.

You libs will be the first to lose your heads if our country was over-taken by Islamo-fascists. The rest of us would have our firearms, and put up a fight. ;)
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Funny, Clinton did a great job... your guy messed up for 8 years... and you're concerned about Super Clinton but not about Bush Lite...

I think I'll go with the successful president.

oh...and psssssssst... he never appeased terrorists... try to stay away from the BS.

Bullshit. This has been coming since the 70s. Clinton just bandaided like everyone else before and after.

Try again.
The ONLY solution to terrorists:

Covert and unannounced elimination of their leaders. Terrorist crave attention but they have to be stopped. Problem is, the far right wants to use them as a political ploy and the far left want to ignore them completely. Also, the far left don't like covert operations even when they are needed. Debating their impact on out country is actually what they want, to divide us. The only reason they lay low so much lately is because we ARE divided too much already, they won, and both sides of the argument are to blame, one for giving them the attention they so crave and the other for attacking the first side.
The ONLY solution to terrorists:

Covert and unannounced elimination of their leaders. Terrorist crave attention but they have to be stopped. Problem is, the far right wants to use them as a political ploy and the far left want to ignore them completely. Also, the far left don't like covert operations even when they are needed. Debating their impact on out country is actually what they want, to divide us. The only reason they lay low so much lately is because we ARE divided too much already, they won, and both sides of the argument are to blame, one for giving them the attention they so crave and the other for attacking the first side.

IS there a similar solution to american terrorists such as Cheney?
However its the seditious constitutional sellouts that Democrats harbor the majority of socialist, that are literally ruining our country as we speak. .

Please explain.

To me, it sems like free trade capitalism is what screwed us up.

Isn't it funny the gop forced the democrats to vote on invading iraq right before the 02 midterms and now we have to give them $700 billion before this election or else.

And here you are still crying about liberals and socialists, when your leader is king socialist!

You do realize the gop emptied the treasury for 7 yrs, right? And do you think bush wouldn't be blaming the dems if it were true?

You need to start watching msnbc and listen to nova m/ air america radio because you are full of poppicock!

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