Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Please explain.

To me, it sems like free trade capitalism is what screwed us up.

Isn't it funny the gop forced the democrats to vote on invading iraq right before the 02 midterms and now we have to give them $700 billion before this election or else.

And here you are still crying about liberals and socialists, when your leader is king socialist!

You do realize the gop emptied the treasury for 7 yrs, right? And do you think bush wouldn't be blaming the dems if it were true?

You need to start watching msnbc and listen to nova m/ air america radio because you are full of poppicock!

Your exsposing your stupidity ya God Dam Liberal Socialist, if ya dont like America dont come here and you can goto Russia or China i hear their labors cheap and so is their way of life...no more crying???
I wasn't addressing that post you think I was. For a start, he assumes I am British, which I am not. And that's just the start.

I don't like ANY country bullying other countries or riding rough shod over them. Want to use any more generalisations or do you not have any other way to get your point across? Using your analogy, all Americans hate the rest of the world (going by the right-wing nutjobs on this board)..

OMG?? Dr Grump are an IDIOT in the least sense of the word... The USA has given out billions of hard earned USA tax dollars to scum ass countries that hate us, for what?? you asshole id like to know?? Then when we, (USA) rise from the ashes of 9/11 to defend ourselves, they say its either a inside conspiracy or we're flat out wrong?? wtf kinda thinking is that?? huh tell me?? USA's a bully??, so i suppose you and your leftest mental jobs think we shouldve just took it as we did when Clinton was in Office during the first WTC attacks in 1993?? look where the fuck that got US!!! You are a crazy, and in desperate need of some serious psycho drugs...
You guys continue to run around with the wool over your eyes. Nobody likes conservative America. They are from a time long gone past. The rest of the world has moved on. And to be honest, most of us non-Americans wouldn't give two hoots if your arses wanted to stay conservative, as long as it didn't affect the rest of us. Unfortuntely, that isn't the case.

Gunny, we bitch and moan about the US for good reason (mostly). Doing good in the past, doesn't give you guys the right to act like the rest of us owe you and we should do your bidding. You guys hate it when the likes of Chavez and Castro stamp their feet making demands, what makes you thing the rest of us want to kowtow to you guys?

Obama will heal rifts...you wait and see...

I'm just curious, how do American Conservatives affect you. How is it that you kow tow to us?
OMG?? Dr Grump are an IDIOT in the least sense of the word... The USA has given out billions of hard earned USA tax dollars to scum ass countries that hate us, for what?? you asshole id like to know?? Then when we, (USA) rise from the ashes of 9/11 to defend ourselves, they say its either a inside conspiracy or we're flat out wrong?? wtf kinda thinking is that?? huh tell me?? USA's a bully??, so i suppose you and your leftest mental jobs think we shouldve just took it as we did when Clinton was in Office during the first WTC attacks in 1993?? look where the fuck that got US!!! You are a crazy, and in desperate need of some serious psycho drugs...

That's exactly it, then when the pansies need something we are the first ones they look to for help.
OMG?? Dr Grump are an IDIOT in the least sense of the word... The USA has given out billions of hard earned USA tax dollars to scum ass countries that hate us, for what?? you asshole id like to know?? Then when we, (USA) rise from the ashes of 9/11 to defend ourselves, they say its either a inside conspiracy or we're flat out wrong?? wtf kinda thinking is that?? huh tell me?? USA's a bully??, so i suppose you and your leftest mental jobs think we shouldve just took it as we did when Clinton was in Office during the first WTC attacks in 1993?? look where the fuck that got US!!! You are a crazy, and in desperate need of some serious psycho drugs...

Amazing how you live in your fantasy world.

Yes most countries hate you....why wouldnt they? You commit acts of gross terrorism against innocent women and children for profit... not your profit of course..you are too stupid to realise this however.

Also the US is consistently bottom of the foreign aid table.... the least generous nation in the western world.

So you bomb innocent people and you dont give to those countries in need of help. Hardly surprising that you are disliked how is it?

A nation with far to many HATING jesus freaks... who prefer to inflict pain than appease suffering.
Not the whole world. Here's a short list of countries that will like us if Obama becomes President:

1. Kenya
2. Palestine
3. Libya
4. North Korea
5. Iran
Amazing how you live in your fantasy world.

Yes most countries hate you....why wouldnt they? You commit acts of gross terrorism against innocent women and children for profit... not your profit of course..you are too stupid to realise this however.

Also the US is consistently bottom of the foreign aid table.... the least generous nation in the western world.

So you bomb innocent people and you dont give to those countries in need of help. Hardly surprising that you are disliked how is it?

A nation with far to many HATING jesus freaks... who prefer to inflict pain than appease suffering.
talking out of your ass again, i see

Percentage of GDP... is of course the ONLY way of measuring aid..

As you yourself agreed on Defence spending!

US is a pitiful bottom in aid.

well good, then we can stop with the aid since it dosen't meet your standars. I'm all for that.
Foreign Aid Numbers in Charts and Graphs
The OECD provides a graph showing trends in the last few years, and projections for a few more. A recent rise was almost entirely due to debt write off for a handful of countries (such as Iraq), with an expected fall after that. There is supposed to be an increase in further years, based on what governments have promised in the past.

However, the promised increase is still way below the agreed 0.7% target, and only aims for half that originally agreed target:

Source: OECD, April 2008

The charts and data below are reproduced from the OECD (using their latest data, at time of writing. It will be updated when new data becomes available).

Aid as % of GNIAid in dollarsRaw data since 2004More chartsAid as % of GNINet ODA in 2007 as percent of GNI Country Aid amount by GNI
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

If you are viewing this table on another site, please see US and Foreign Aid Assistance ? Global Issues for further details.

Norway 0.95
Sweden 0.93
Luxembourg 0.9
Denmark 0.81
Netherlands 0.81
Ireland 0.54
Austria 0.49
Belgium 0.43
Spain 0.41
Finland 0.4
France 0.39
Germany 0.37
Switzerland 0.37
UK 0.36
Australia 0.3
Canada 0.28
New Zealand 0.27
Italy 0.19
Portugal 0.19
Japan 0.17
Greece 0.16
USA 0.16

The US ... officially the LEAST generous nation on earth.

SHAME on the US jesus freaks ... fear and hatred of others.

amazing that the ONLY religious nation in the first world... is the least generous.... real christian of you!

Warped version of christianity .. in which you spend $300 billion a year on fake wars... and a pitiful $12 billion in foreign aid! SHAME SHAME SHAME
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talking out of your ass again, i see


Is it a coincidence that this map is a pretty good rendition of where Western Civilization ended up after the brutal planetary conquest undertaken by the Europeans for the last 500+ years?

Guilt? Enlightened compassion? Something else?

Foreign Aid Numbers in Charts and Graphs
The OECD provides a graph showing trends in the last few years, and projections for a few more. A recent rise was almost entirely due to debt write off for a handful of countries (such as Iraq), with an expected fall after that. There is supposed to be an increase in further years, based on what governments have promised in the past.

However, the promised increase is still way below the agreed 0.7% target, and only aims for half that originally agreed target:

Source: OECD, April 2008

The charts and data below are reproduced from the OECD (using their latest data, at time of writing. It will be updated when new data becomes available).

Aid as % of GNIAid in dollarsRaw data since 2004More chartsAid as % of GNINet ODA in 2007 as percent of GNI Country Aid amount by GNI
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

If you are viewing this table on another site, please see US and Foreign Aid Assistance ? Global Issues for further details.

Norway 0.95
Sweden 0.93
Luxembourg 0.9
Denmark 0.81
Netherlands 0.81
Ireland 0.54
Austria 0.49
Belgium 0.43
Spain 0.41
Finland 0.4
France 0.39
Germany 0.37
Switzerland 0.37
UK 0.36
Australia 0.3
Canada 0.28
New Zealand 0.27
Italy 0.19
Portugal 0.19
Japan 0.17
Greece 0.16
USA 0.16

hey asswipe I told you we would stop with the aid any time you would like for us to.. ain't that good enough for ya? I bet you leave skidmarks in yer underwear doncha?

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