Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

ok so...

300 million americans give $12 billion

55 million brits give $5 billion

can you do the maths?

SHAME SHAME SHAME on the miser americans.
ok, asshole, if your going to round up the UK giving, shouldnt you also round up the US giving, or would that be a little too fair to the US
ok, asshole, if your going to round up the UK giving, shouldnt you also round up the US giving, or would that be a little too fair to the US

No i am not looking at your 2003 figures.

Why cant you just look at the facts...and admit..that the US is the least generous nation on earth????

Are you too small to admit it?
No i am not looking at your 2003 figures.

Why cant you just look at the facts...and admit..that the US is the least generous nation on earth????

Are you too small to admit it?

I hear them calling you on the ward, your straight jacket is clean and pressed. slip it on.
No i am not looking at your 2003 figures.

Why cant you just look at the facts...and admit..that the US is the least generous nation on earth????

Are you too small to admit it?
we already give more than we should
why should we give anything to assholes like you
we already give more than we should
why should we give anything to assholes like you

Ok you dont quite get this do you?

1. Foreign aid is to developing countries...so you dont give to me.

2. You dont give anywhere near what you should... you give 0.16%..the lowest of any western nation.

you really are the stereotypical hillbilly
Ok you dont quite get this do you?

1. Foreign aid is to developing countries...so you dont give to me.

2. You dont give anywhere near what you should... you give 0.16%..the lowest of any western nation.

you really are the stereotypical hillbilly

We don't have to give anything. It is a gift..
No you dont have to.... well done.

However... you claimed that you did give foreign aid.... I was exposing your lies.


you are a beggar with skid marks,, shame on you. get up off your fat ass and go to work so you can give more. whydoncha?
you are a beggar with skid marks,, shame on you. get up off your fat ass and go to work so you can give more. whydoncha?

I rest my case.

I appreciate that 50% of americans are extremely poor .... unlike in the western world... maybe that is why you give so little compared to us?
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I rest my case.

I appreciate that 50% of americans are extremely poor .... unlike in the western world... maybe that is why you give so little compared to us?

could be, could be that we just don't like you, not even a little bit, you have shit for brains and all you do is cry like the whiny assed liberal you are. now get off your fat ass and go earn some money so you can give more.
could be, could be that we just don't like you, not even a little bit, you have shit for brains and all you do is cry like the whiny assed liberal you are. now get off your fat ass and go earn some money so you can give more.

Again what has giving money to starving people ..got to do with liking me?

Or are all foreign countries the same to hillbillies?

lmao... never left the US!!!!
Ok you dont quite get this do you?

1. Foreign aid is to developing countries...so you dont give to me.

2. You dont give anywhere near what you should... you give 0.16%..the lowest of any western nation.

you really are the stereotypical hillbilly
you dont even know what one is

OMG?? Dr Grump are an IDIOT in the least sense of the word...

You call a person a plural and I'm the idiot?

The USA has given out billions of hard earned USA tax dollars to scum ass countries that hate us, for what?? you asshole id like to know??

That's my problem because...??

Then when we, (USA) rise from the ashes of 9/11 to defend ourselves, they say its either a inside conspiracy or we're flat out wrong?? wtf kinda thinking is that??

No dipshit, most right-thinking and educated people know whose fault 11/9 was. They are ijits..

USA's a bully??, so i suppose you and your leftest mental jobs think we shouldve just took it as we did when Clinton was in Office during the first WTC attacks in 1993??

Going after the right people would have been a good start. What rabid right-wing whackjob racists fools like yourself don't do is analyse. You lash out and exacerbate the problem, not help solve it.

You are a crazy, and in desperate need of some serious psycho drugs...

And you're as dumb as a post. No drugs will be able to do anything for you....

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