Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Yes, because the really rich get tax write offs for donating. It's actually stupid for them not to donate. Not little tax breaks like your broke ass gets. We're talking thousands of dollars.

I work with a book called Tax Economics of Charitable Giving. It "unlocks" all the tax saving secrets that the rich get when they donate. Maybe you should buy it if your broke ass can afford $250 for the book. Oh that's right. It's only for people who give LARGE amounts to charity. In other words, they get tax breaks that you don't get no matter how generous you are.

That doesn't explain why the REALLY rich Obama gave less than me in charitable giving on his $1.x million dollar income. Or, why Biden gave a similarly trivial amount.

You are saying they are either stingy rich people or stupid rich people because they weren't smart enough to take advantage of the tax breaks they could get by helping the disadvantaged people they claim to support.

Or maybe you want to try to put a little Biden spin on it and say they were "Just being Patriotic" by paying the most taxes they could. Which is crap because they could just stroke a check to the Treasury if they thought that.
That doesn't explain why the REALLY rich Obama gave less than me in charitable giving on his $1.x million dollar income. Or, why Biden gave a similarly trivial amount.

You are saying they are either stingy rich people or stupid rich people because they weren't smart enough to take advantage of the tax breaks they could get by helping the disadvantaged people they claim to support.

Or maybe you want to try to put a little Biden spin on it and say they were "Just being Patriotic" by paying the most taxes they could. Which is crap because they could just stroke a check to the Treasury if they thought that.

How much did Obama and Biden give again?
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Of course your source doesn't count US private donations; it is therefore bullshit.

Why would a thread about Government foreign aid spending....include corporate donations?

Facts are Facts.. the US government just doesnt do International Development. It is happy to spend trillions on fake wars...but spends nothing on soft power...much more effective power...and much more influential.

US military power doesnt work (however let me tell you..those in power have no interest in it working... they just want the trillions of tax dollars from the average scared fear and hating jesus freak american).....so expect alot more fake wars and fake enemies in the future.
"Nobody." Seems to me that wool might be in YOUR eyes, not mine.

Let's see ... you sit in NZ and bitch about conservative America but what has it done to YOU? Nothing. What has the US done to any of you stagnant, socialist remnants of European society and colonialism in the final throes of democrcy dying? Nothing.

You need to get your history in perspective. We're following right down the shitter with you. As the youngest Euro-baby, we're just the furthest behind. We're well on our way to catching up to y'all's existence in mediocrity.

Even y'all had balls once upon a time. Don't blame us because all of us haven't lost ours yet.
Check out this link folks, it talks about Obamas possible unconstitutional campaign contributions read on The Corner on National Review Online
If this guy gets in the WH folks we're in for one hell of ride, mark it down.........And this link tags Obama with the ACORN, finanace debacle O'S DANGEROUS PALS - New York Post

As I have stated before, Obama would have to be worse than the drunk, coke-snorting, "failed at everything I have ever done", bailed on the National Guard loser you have in the WH at the moment. Obama doesn't even come close. You right-wing whackjobs can only win by smearing....
Assuming Obama wins, no the world isn't going to like us more. If he returns the US to the "all give no take" policy we had before, the "world" might make a little less noise, but that's about it.

The world has been villifying and blaming everything on the US since it no longer needed us to protect it from communist aggression. It hasn't mattered who was President at the time.

This is merely another bunch of junk laid on Bush by the left that started way before him.

As far as Obama goes, he's from one of the most corrupt political systems in this nation and the people around him are crooks or kooks. It doesn't even matter if the lobbies own his ass because they own Congress.

Why do people think that America is a saint? That we do no wrong. That we, as citizens, have no right to look at our entity objectively and point out why possibly, other people might not like us. Why is that so unhealthy? It's the same as a person looking at him or herself, and asking, how do other people REALLY see me? Not just: How do I see myself? It's like, any dose of honesty is considered unpatriotic. There is plenty of reason to be mad at our own country, kind of like when someone is mad at themselves, at their own being, at their own entity, perhaps for choices they mad in the past and the way they behaved. Some people never look at themselves straight, and continue to be an asshole that everybody dislikes, and never is able to see how their behavior affects other. Someone who is delusional. Others though, eventually look in the mirror and decide to see what's really going on. That's what we need to do. To take in the good with the bad. All the bullshit we talk about. All the rhetoric. The idea of America is great, and I love America for that, but in practice, it is not what it should be, because of PEOPLE who try to portray their own idea of America, instead of just letting it be, and expressing itself naturally as the great country that it really is. To me, it's the same with Religion, where something beautiful is turned into something ugly, and it's the same people who are doing it.
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As I have stated before, Obama would have to be worse than the drunk, coke-snorting, "failed at everything I have ever done", bailed on the National Guard loser you have in the WH at the moment. Obama doesn't even come close. You right-wing whackjobs can only win by smearing....

If Obamas voted in, he'll make that, impeached, dope toking, womenizing, lying, purgery commiting, treasonist look like a picknic walk in the park, that you leftist socialist nutjobs love so much...Why do you think McCains backing off in certian states??? he knows the stage is set, and OBAMA was just a pwned pawn, nobody in their right minds wouldve ever taken OBAMA seriously, well, except for the offspring of the brain dead shroom juice dreamers of the late 60's, so it's "TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE PARTY'S OOOVER!!!":eusa_boohoo:

Not to mention Pastor Mannings many videos of Obama on this website, look on the lower righthand side of main video opening for other videos http://www.veoh.com/videos/v15818172wdwsNWAX?source=embed
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Its hard to imagine anyone liking us any less.

Of course, the same could be same about McCain. Whether its McCain or Obama, the world will be more willing to work with America.

Never in my life when I've traveled outside of this country have I found the standing of America to be as low as it is now.

McCain calls all asians gooks, tried to start a war with Russia and said bomb bomb bomb Iran, plus he said we send them lots of cigarettes as a way to kill them.

No, McCain is no improvement. He won't talk to countries the republicans consider "our enemies" because those countries won't go along with the GOP's goal of total world domination. Like Chavez. He says screw Bush.

I refuse to go along with their plans either. Because when they buy up the world, WE are a part of that world. Then they'll own us too. Or do you have delusions that they represent you or that you are one of them? HA!!!:cuckoo:
The world will like us better simply because Obama has an interest in making our condition one of likibility, unlike McCain and Bush, who just want to be "Mavericks," saying "screw everyone else. We can do what we want, because we are so great." Merely by Obama's attitude will this happen, merely by the way he speaks, by how the world will percieve him when he does speak on the international platform... as someone who is receptive, mature, and willing to work with others... That's a big difference. Sure, there are those countries that will always hate us, but who cares. This may seem superficial, but he will be projecting our image and speaking for us all by HOW he speaks and what he says. Also, by his actions and choices, which will be characterized by inclusiveness and a desire to work together. He is not fake. It is a desire within him, through and through, to pull this country together, and send a more pure message to the world. You can tell he sees the importance of this. He is not merely trying to win an election. Yes, he is a politician, and wants to win, but you can tell he really sees the urgency of the situation we are in as a world, and as a country, and he knows he has the ability to effect change. That's powerful, and that's why it's working. Why people are following him. He has to play that game to some extent, everyone does in life, but then there are people that, aside from the B.S., have something of real substance, and this cat does..
The world will like us better simply because Obama has an interest in making our condition one of likibility, unlike McCain and Bush, who just want to be "Mavericks," saying "screw everyone else. We can do what we want, because we are so great." Merely by Obama's attitude will this happen, merely by the way he speaks, by how the world will percieve him when he does speak on the international platform... as someone who is receptive, mature, and willing to work with others... That's a big difference. Sure, there are those countries that will always hate us, but who cares. This may seem superficial, but he will be projecting our image and speaking for us all by HOW he speaks and what he says. Also, by his actions and choices, which will be characterized by inclusiveness and a desire to work together. He is not fake. It is a desire within him, through and through, to pull this country together, and send a more pure message to the world. You can tell he sees the importance of this. He is not merely trying to win an election. Yes, he is a politician, and wants to win, but you can tell he really sees the urgency of the situation we are in as a world, and as a country, and he knows he has the ability to effect change. That's powerful, and that's why it's working. Why people are following him. He has to play that game to some extent, everyone does in life, but then there are people that, aside from the B.S., have something of real substance, and this cat does..

The people on the right will be skeptical of what you are saying because they are jealous and they know this is not true with their picks. Why anyone would want Palin/McCain leading this country is beyond me. Other than god gays and guns, and racism.

The only people I don't bash are rich people. Of course they don't want Obama to take back the money Bush stole from us to put it back in our pockets.

I know a lot of you don't realize it, but the super rich have collapsed our economy many times in the past and profitted from it. And I know you don't believe they started the Iraq war for profit ONLY, but it is all true.

So if you want a war with Iran, vote McCain. You see how they lied and said Iraq would pay for itself? So much for the media being liberal, because I don't hear anyone bitching about the $100 billion Iraq has sitting in their bank while American tax payers are paying $20 billion a month for the occupation.

And the same assholes defending the Iraq war don't even know what's going on over there. The oil companies are making a fortune. ZERO cost to them too because our dumb asses are paying EVERYTHING.

Chaney will walk out of the VP spot a BILLIONAIRE. Just like the Lehman Brothers CEO who ruined that company walked away with millions for failing.
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