Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Sorry dude. Go find the first time you made this baseless claim and provided the facts that prove you are nothing but trying to perpetuate a lie. I'm not going to look it up again since obviously facts and the truth don't interest you.

I Worked in International Development for many years...and the US was consistently bottom in donations.

It is currently 0.15% .. when the millenium goals required 0.7%. Most western nations are well on the way to achieving this... the US is just going further back and back.

Funny how all the jesus freaks demanded that % GDP be used to measure US defence spending (still made it the biggest spender in the western world by miles)... but suddenly want the base figure when it comes to development.

The ONLY way that spending is EVER measured..is by % GDP... or do you expect Iceland with a population of 0.24million people to give the same as the US with 300 million?
Sorry dude. Go find the first time you made this baseless claim and provided the facts that prove you are nothing but trying to perpetuate a lie. I'm not going to look it up again since obviously facts and the truth don't interest you.

Silly that i have to even engage in an argument..when every educated person in the world knows that the US doesnt do foreign aid.

Aid as % of GNI
Net ODA in 2007 as percent of GNI Country Aid amount by GNI
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

If you are viewing this table on another site, please see US and Foreign Aid Assistance ? Global Issues for further details.

Norway 0.95
Sweden 0.93
Luxembourg 0.9
Denmark 0.81
Netherlands 0.81
Ireland 0.54
Austria 0.49
Belgium 0.43
Spain 0.41
Finland 0.4
France 0.39
Germany 0.37
Switzerland 0.37
UK 0.36
Australia 0.3
Canada 0.28
New Zealand 0.27
Italy 0.19
Portugal 0.19
Japan 0.17
Greece 0.16
USA 0.16

Aid in dollars
Net ODA in 2007 as US dollar amounts (millions) Country Aid amount by dollars
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

Note: The U.N. ODA agreed target is 0.7 percent of GNI. Most nations do not meet that target.
I Worked in International Development for many years...and the US was consistently bottom in donations.

It is currently 0.15% .. when the millenium goals required 0.7%. Most western nations are well on the way to achieving this... the US is just going further back and back.

Funny how all the jesus freaks demanded that % GDP be used to measure US defence spending (still made it the biggest spender in the western world by miles)... but suddenly want the base figure when it comes to development.

The ONLY way that spending is EVER measured..is by % GDP... or do you expect Iceland with a population of 0.24million people to give the same as the US with 300 million?

Silly that i have to even engage in an argument..when every educated person in the world knows that the US doesnt do foreign aid.

Aid as % of GNI
Net ODA in 2007 as percent of GNI Country Aid amount by GNI
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

If you are viewing this table on another site, please see US and Foreign Aid Assistance ? Global Issues for further details.

Norway 0.95
Sweden 0.93
Luxembourg 0.9
Denmark 0.81
Netherlands 0.81
Ireland 0.54
Austria 0.49
Belgium 0.43
Spain 0.41
Finland 0.4
France 0.39
Germany 0.37
Switzerland 0.37
UK 0.36
Australia 0.3
Canada 0.28
New Zealand 0.27
Italy 0.19
Portugal 0.19
Japan 0.17
Greece 0.16
USA 0.16

Aid in dollars
Net ODA in 2007 as US dollar amounts (millions) Country Aid amount by dollars
Source: OECD Development Statistics Online last accessed Sunday, April 27, 2008

Note: The U.N. ODA agreed target is 0.7 percent of GNI. Most nations do not meet that target.

Sorry dude, sell that smoke and mirrors act somewhere else. Cherrypicking your info based on this percentage or that percentage .... try total amounts. The total amount is what counts. That percentage crap only counts for people like you trying to make a dishonest argument.
Sorry dude, sell that smoke and mirrors act somewhere else. Cherrypicking your info based on this percentage or that percentage .... try total amounts. The total amount is what counts. That percentage crap only counts for people like you trying to make a dishonest argument.

So you want to talk US defence spending as a total figure? or as a % of GDP?

You must also expect ICeland to spend as much as the US on foreign aid..is that what you are saying?

Once again you are revealing your deep lack of education.
So you want to talk US defence spending as a total figure? or as a % of GDP?

You must also expect ICeland to spend as much as the US on foreign aid..is that what you are saying?

Once again you are revealing your deep lack of education.

Dream on dude. My education is just fine. I don't have to twist and turn numbers to suit myself to make a bullshit argument. But YOU do.

I don't care what Iceland spends. The total dollar amount is what counts because the total dollar amount is what buys. Your percentages to buy more or less of a damned thing.

End of story for you.
Dream on dude. My education is just fine. I don't have to twist and turn numbers to suit myself to make a bullshit argument. But YOU do.

I don't care what Iceland spends. The total dollar amount is what counts because the total dollar amount is what buys. Your percentages to buy more or less of a damned thing.

End of story for you.

I am not twisting anything. %GDP is the commonly used method to compare nation's spending. How else do you suggest that you compare a country with 300 million to one of 50 million to one of 10 million to one of 0.24 million?

It is the only sane way to compare and is used by all economists and analysts.... its not me twisting figures..as you well know.

Apology accepted... just accept that the US is the least generous nation on earth.
...because you cant hide from FACTS.
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Thank you... hahahahahha... you rest my case!

the Netherlands with 10 million people contributes 35% of the US with 300 million....

the US is last again in this table....as usual.

However it is the total development table which is so deeply revealing.

0.16% of US GDP on foreign aid... when the agreed target is 0.7%.

oh fuck you asshole
its in total not some fucking average
oh fuck you asshole
its in total not some fucking average

So you expect Iceland to contribute as much as the US?

With a population and GDP of 0.05% ... they should give 100% of the US total?

This is fun... we dont have retards like this in Europe.

Education Education Education.

Its funny also that you were arguing against using the actual figure of US defence spending ...and you demanded that we use the % GDP.

Are you a hypocrite or just retarded?
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So you expect Iceland to contribute as much as the US?

With a population and GDP of 0.05% ... they should give 100% of the US total?

This is fun... we dont have retards like this in Europe.

Education Education Education.

Its funny also that you were arguing against using the actual figure of US defence spending ...and you demanded that we use the % GDP.

Are you a hypocrite or just retarded?
again fuck you asshole
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem.

No it doesn't. The MSM potrays us as that but anyone just north of Paris Hilton's IQ knows it's more full of shit than a Michael Moore movie. Sure we have our enemies but what country doesn't? We spread peace and hope to the world and are the most generous fucking country on the planet (too generous if you ask me). You can take that libbie, PC, rhetoric, party-lined crap and shove it up your pie-hole.

Dr Grump said:
Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

The terrorists would love a Comrade Obama presidency. Shit, they'd be giggling like a couple of schoolgirls in gym class if that blunderfuck took office.

As for America? Shit no we wouldn't like it! Call me crazy but putting a lying, inexperienced, terrorist-loving, ass-clown in office is not my idea of progress, fellas.

Sure, he's good looking and has a great smile but after that he's as ill-qualified to take office as Rosie O'Donnel is to teach an aerobics class.

And don't get me started on Biden. Has anyone determined if he's even human? I think he's a robot. He's like the Al Gore of politics where they could bore a meth-head to sleep.
ahhaha.. that was too easy.. .sorry.

You are just not up to it.

I will not respond to you again...its really not a fair match.
you are a fucking moron and not worth the time it takes to make a legit debate response
you have proven that over and over

so, once again, fuck off
No it doesn't. The MSM potrays us as that but anyone just north of Paris Hilton's IQ knows it's more full of shit than a Michael Moore movie. Sure we have our enemies but what country doesn't? We spread peace and hope to the world and are the most generous fucking country on the planet (too generous if you ask me). You can take that libbie, PC, rhetoric, party-lined crap and shove it up your pie-hole.

The terrorists would love a Comrade Obama presidency. Shit, they'd be giggling like a couple of schoolgirls in gym class if that blunderfuck took office.

As for America? Shit no we wouldn't like it! Call me crazy but putting a lying, inexperienced, terrorist-loving, ass-clown in office is not my idea of progress, fellas.

Sure, he's good looking and has a great smile but after that he's as ill-qualified to take office as Rosie O'Donnel is to teach an aerobics class.

And don't get me started on Biden. Has anyone determined if he's even human? I think he's a robot. He's like the Al Gore of politics where they could bore a meth-head to sleep.

What planet are you on??? How exactly do you spread peace and hope...by cowardly bombing iraqi women and children...so that a handful of americans can make billions from mug tax payers like yourself??? is that how?

As for being the most generous country .... what part of last place in % GDP to foreign aid dont you get?

Currently 0.16% ... a pitiful LAST place in the western world.

You are an untravelled fox news watching retard... who hasnt got a clue about reality.

The US does not do aid.... it does terrorism very well though.
List of most charitable countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the US leads the world in private charitable donations with 1.67% of GDP nearly twice the private contributions of the UK.

add that to the official or government sponsored aid of .18% GDP and you'll see that the US trumps every other country in the world for total charitable giving.

People in the US don't need their government to tell them to give to charity like the rest of the world seems to.
So you expect Iceland to contribute as much as the US?

With a population and GDP of 0.05% ... they should give 100% of the US total?

This is fun... we dont have retards like this in Europe.

Education Education Education.

Its funny also that you were arguing against using the actual figure of US defence spending ...and you demanded that we use the % GDP.

Are you a hypocrite or just retarded?

Well, we don't sit around like beggars figuring out what Iceland contributes. I am sure they contribuate what they can and am grateful for it. Now you on the other hand spend your days and nights on some imagineary hate of a country you don't belong to. Why is that? Don't you have a life? Firstly it is none of your business what the US contributes, and secondly it is a contribution not an obligation. If it's not enough for you we will be glad to withdraw it.
List of most charitable countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the US leads the world in private charitable donations with 1.67% of GDP nearly twice the private contributions of the UK.

add that to the official or government sponsored aid of .18% GDP and you'll see that the US trumps every other country in the world for total charitable giving.

People in the US don't need their government to tell them to give to charity like the rest of the world seems to.

Add in what we pay for the UN plus land and infrastructure plus lost tax revenue plus security. Then add in what we spend on Military operations around the globe that protects foreign asses.

Limey MikeCollins would be speaking German if it weren't for us.
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"The thought of McCain being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me." –GOP Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, who has known McCain for 35 years.

- "Look, is this guy, Bin Laden, really the bad guy that's depicted? Most of us have never heard of him before." McCain in 1998, after Clinton shot missiles at Osama

- "Craps is addictive. ... This is a very, very supersitious game." -- John McCain

- "You know why Chelsea Clinton's so ugly? Because her dad is Janet Reno." -- McCain
Michael's point is valid enough.

Compared to our GDP our real donations to poor nation is fairly low compared to some other nations.

In terms of actual dollars, we might seem fairly generous.

But if we exclude the "aid" we give in the form of weapons, USA aid is truly small given our GDP.

We USED to be the most generous nation on earth when it comes to giving aid, but times have changed.

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