Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Actually, remember the GOP split in two over illegals? That's because half of you, the true conservatives, don't like illegals. But the other half love to hire illegals. That's why your party was split on this issue.

Why was my party split? Because we have the bleeding heart liberals that want to give everyone amnesty.

ok, who are you and what have you done with the REAL bobo


Both parties also want to win the hispanic vote, so both parties kissed their asses
it has nothing to do with Hispanics, it has to do with violation of our laws
got a clue for ya, before the media made it into a racial thing, most legal hispanics opposed the illegals too
little clue for you, before the recent past, the majority of illegals were NOT hispanic
most were white european
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and high time too I would say. When have any of those countries we have been so generous to ever expressed gratitude? No, they take the money then turn around and bite us.

Why do americans want gratitude?? do you see any of the 30 countries above the US.. in the aid giving table ..asking for gratitude??? Americans are weird and so out of touch with reality. The amounts are so miniscule anyway...we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

And who are these countries that turn around and bite you?

Please list...thanks.

Full of fear, hatred and mostly ignorance.... no wonder retards like Bush can win elections there...just by making up terrorism fears and threats.
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hey! yer Universities suck! :lol:

YEah you are right...Harvard and Yale are so superior to Oxford and Cambridge....


We laugh at US students..because they are so far behind us... take a Harvard graduate coming over here for postgrad... it is nothing short of embarassing.
yes as a matter of fact they are, Did ya read the Guardian? how come the black police officers are threatening a boycott? Racism in the UK?
yes as a matter of fact they are, Did ya read the Guardian? how come the black police officers are threatening a boycott? Racism in the UK?

Your lack of world travel is deeply revealing WT.

Get out there and see... people are people all over the world.... nothing to be scared of...

Now stop hiding under your bed... no one is trying to hurt you.
read yer newpapers, I do. :lol: American Universities outrank snooty old British Universities.
Not as far as I know. We declared war on them first back in '39 (when WWII actually started, not '41 like a lot of you Johnny-Come-Lately's think it did)

on one hand ya bitch cause we step in, now yer bitchin cause we came late.. Say thanks to the Japanese whyconcha?
LOL Yeh Willow, Putins got Georgia and has pretty extensive plans for some of the Baltic states return as well. The Bear(Russia) is on the prowl and the UK's looking like a stake dinner lol
you mean steak, right ;)
on one hand ya bitch cause we step in, now yer bitchin cause we came late.. Say thanks to the Japanese whyconcha?
Right On, Willow, our Men and Women in uniform of WWII saved their asses and all they can do is bellyache. We came late because them dumbass(UKs) claimed they had a handle on things, when in all actuality the Germans had their British asses in a sling lol...Infact Germany got tired of toying with Europe and went after the big fish Russia lol...
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Right On, Willow, our Men and Women in uniform of WWII saved their asses and all they can do is bellyache. We came late because them dumbass(UKs) claimed they had a handle on things, when in all actuality the Germans had their British asses in a sling lol...Infact Germany got tired of toying with Europe and went after the big fish Russia lol...

The Russians inflicted 75% of the German casualties in WWII.

The Russians won the war in Europe.
read yer newpapers, I do. :lol: American Universities outrank snooty old British Universities.

I dont have to rely upon reading newspapers.. i work and travel all over the world..and i see the world and i dont fear it.

You should try it some time. Save up your paltry US salary ... and perhaps in 10 years you can afford to travel?

It was fun laughing at you..



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