Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

If Obama thinks he can buy the admiration of the rest of the world he's gotta nother think coming. We've saved Frances bacon three times. And they look down their high brows at us..
If Obama thinks he can buy the admiration of the rest of the world he's gotta nother think coming. We've saved Frances bacon three times. And they look down their high brows at us..

I'll give you this. It was 1998 and I was in Greece. We went to this island and they were having an anti American rally with a picture of Clinton with a ghost busters NO sign around his face.

I turned to my cousins and said, "if they don't like America now, they better hope this Bush guy doesn't get into office".

Greece doesn't like us because we deal with Turkey. Turkey is better logistically for us so we favor Turkey.

Sorry Greece, we are the superpower and we can't make everyone happy.

But Bush sure proved we can piss everyone off, huh? :lol:
I'll give you this. It was 1998 and I was in Greece. We went to this island and they were having an anti American rally with a picture of Clinton with a ghost busters NO sign around his face.

I turned to my cousins and said, "if they don't like America now, they better hope this Bush guy doesn't get into office".

Greece doesn't like us because we deal with Turkey. Turkey is better logistically for us so we favor Turkey.

Sorry Greece, we are the superpower and we can't make everyone happy.

But Bush sure proved we can piss everyone off, huh? :lol:

He probably helped. But most of the world loved us until the end of the USSR.Or so they said. he hee. They needed us to keep them safe from Soviet aggression. Remember when the USSR went down and the Russian economy failed. They were literally starving to death. (we saved their asses too.)Then the world turned on the US and got a very snooty attitude cause they didn't need us anymore. Well, that little worm has turned again and it will be interesting to see how much of an army Europe can raise to save themselves from Russian aggression. I sure as heck hope we don't send one single soldier. I'm reading an O'Reilly book now and he was telling the story of how pissed off Lyndon Johnson got at the French because of their anti-Americanism. He threatend to dig up every single soldier's body from the French cemeteries and have them sent home. So, this shit didn't start with Bush. It won't end with Bush either.
I don't need to. Anyone with and IQ over 90 knows that the US is the most generous nation on earth. :cuckoo:
maybe we should stop giving anything
since we give so little, the world wouldnt miss it
maybe the isolationists were right, maybe we should just pull back and let them all fend for themselves
for a change
I'll be the first one to sign up. :D

if these morons only knew how they help the isolationist movement in this country
look at how the germans cried about us moving one small base from there to Poland
yeah, they'd love it if we left
till the MONEY stopped flowing
The US is the least generous nation on earth ..by quite some distance.

Can an american explain why they dont do foreign aid to poor developing nations?

The US is the least generous nation on earth ..by quite some distance.

Can an american explain why they dont do foreign aid to poor developing nations?


did you get off yer fat ass today and go make some foreign aid money? who did ya send it to?
did you get off yer fat ass today and go make some foreign aid money? who did ya send it to?

Yes... my government pays 3 times more than yours on foreign aid.

Your taxes all go to the huge defence industry... who piss on you and laugh at you...whilst they create fear and hatred..and therefore you support fake wars because you have never been overseas...you are too poor.
Yes... my government pays 3 times more than yours on foreign aid.

Your taxes all go to the huge defence industry... who piss on you and laugh at you...whilst they create fear and hatred..and therefore you support fake wars because you have never been overseas...you are too poor.
wrong again
your goverment pays 1/3rd what mine does
The US is the least generous nation on earth ..by quite some distance.

Can an american explain why they dont do foreign aid to poor developing nations?


They don't have oil or any other strategic resource we need, nor do they sit in an important strategic military location. Nothing else matters to us.
Yes... my government pays 3 times more than yours on foreign aid.

Your taxes all go to the huge defence industry... who piss on you and laugh at you...whilst they create fear and hatred..and therefore you support fake wars because you have never been overseas...you are too poor.

Mike, you are right on the money. Isn't it amazing these republicans and their fiscal responsibility refuse to understand half of defense spending is waste, fraud, buddy no bit sweetheart deals.

And this industry is funded by taxpayer dollars. What do they call that? Socialism? But they screwed the auto industry that isn't tax payer funded. amazing.

But notice they never care about this fraud, but pretend to be conservative when it comes to our tax dollars.

Anyways, the gop has a split personality. Are you socialists or not? Fiscally responsibe or not?
The US is the least generous nation on earth ..by quite some distance.

Can an american explain why they dont do foreign aid to poor developing nations?


Sorry dude. Go find the first time you made this baseless claim and provided the facts that prove you are nothing but trying to perpetuate a lie. I'm not going to look it up again since obviously facts and the truth don't interest you.

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