Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Dr Grump are you an idiot??? By the way your condescending the word YANKs, tells me that your of English decent(Britian, New Zealand or Australia). Well let me tell you something, first off there were no fabrications for Bush to wage war 3,500 OF OUR PEOPLE AND SOME OF YOURS DIED ON 9/11 IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER and PENTAGON ATTACKS!!! your freakin lucky Bush didnt start a NUCLEAR war, i bet you understand NUCLEAR DONT YOU asshole.
If Ronald Reagan wouldve been president we'd be cutting glass tiles out of the sands of the mid east to put in our kitchen floors by now. Dont come in here calling our dignitaries and leaders gangsters, if it wasnt for USA your freakin ass would probably be speaking German or Russian long before now. Bush was the only one that had the guts to spend the money to try and protect your self righteous asses..We havent had a attack since 9/11 and we're not fighting ragheads on our streets(i here yall are tho). And Obama will do nothing more than what CLinton did in the first 1993 WTC attacks, setting US up for another wave of terrorist attacks or worse mark it down. Also al qaeda may try to attack again in light of the up coming USA elections, but i doubt it will be on our soil, will it be on yours COWARD...Its highly unpopular to take a stand, especially when you have so much to lose...

Are you nuts? Who waged war on 3,500 of our people?

If you're talking about the trade center, 3, 023 people died. But who attacked? Wasn't Iraq....

But nice rant....
Jillian your taking my shit way out context you asshole, "al qaeda" attacked us with jets at the WTC and Iraq was harboring them, where were you under a rock smokin crack??? omg i mentioned who & where several times in the post, are you A.D.D. lol. By the way dont use quoted connotations be original and use your own idiot.....
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Jillian your taking my shit out context you asshole, "al qaeda" attacked us with jets at the WTC and Iraq was harboring them, where were you under a rock smokin crack??? omg i mentioned who & where several times in the post you must be ADD lol.

Let me know when you come down off of whatever you're smoking...b/c Iraq wasn't harboring al queda...or the taliban.

I think you'll find that was Afghanistan.... but any arab country will do, eh, genius?
Dr Grump are you an idiot??? By the way your condescending the word YANKs, tells me that your of English decent(Britian, New Zealand or Australia). Well let me tell you something, first off there were no fabrications for Bush to wage war 3,500 OF OUR PEOPLE AND SOME OF YOURS DIED ON 9/11 IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER and PENTAGON ATTACKS!!! your freakin lucky Bush didnt start a NUCLEAR war, i bet you understand NUCLEAR DONT YOU asshole.
If Ronald Reagan wouldve been president we'd be cutting glass tiles out of the sands of the mid east to put in our kitchen floors by now. Dont come in here calling our dignitaries and leaders gangsters, if it wasnt for USA your freakin ass would probably be speaking German or Russian long before now. Bush was the only one that had the guts to spend the money to try and protect your self righteous asses..We havent had a attack since 9/11 and we're not fighting ragheads on our streets(i here yall are tho). And Obama will do nothing more than what CLinton did in the first 1993 WTC attacks, setting US up for another wave of terrorist attacks or worse mark it down. Also al qaeda may try to attack again in light of the up coming USA elections, but i doubt it will be on our soil, will it be on yours COWARD...Its highly unpopular to take a stand, especially when you have so much to lose...

And the scary thing is, dumb shits like you get to vote. Still say there should be some sort of intelligence test Stateside... You wouldn't even be allowed to vote for class president, let alone a Mayor of a place like WhatsYaMaCallIt, Alaska. Fucking Trailer Trash polluting this board - get the fuck out of here Wimp...
Yeah sure. When Sharia Law kicks in, lets us know how it goes. :badgrin:

and Putin, don't forget Putin

It's gonna suck to be Obama, if he makes President, we will already be so overtaxed he won't be able to suck anymore out to kiss up to his "world" buddies... hhheeee heeee poetic justice.
Let me know when you come down off of whatever you're smoking...b/c Iraq wasn't harboring al queda...or the taliban.

I think you'll find that was Afghanistan.... but any arab country will do, eh, genius?

Jillian good god, I know you are smarter than this. Why do you and your side insist on playing at being insipid dumb-asses when it comes to this argument?

You know damned good and well that the stupid, blundering Taliban is barely responsible for wiping their own asses let alone 9/11. Their culpability was in not turning over bin Laden et al. and allowing their country to be used by him. It could just as easily been any other country.

No Iraq was not harboring AQ (in any meaningful way that we know about). However, as MUST be obvious even to those of you who insist on being mindless about this, AQ is not the only bad actor in this terrorist ridden shit soup called the middle east. Iraq was meant to deal with the lot of them.

I don't agree with how it was done, but I do agree with the place (Iraq) and some of the reasons. (No, not the WMD. The real reasons.) I disagree with the neo-cons that flipping Iraq from totalitarian to a Democracy will be a paradigm shifter and change the middle east. I think that is over reaching and naive.

So come on Jillian, you can have a real discussion about this topic without resorting to cheap partisan rhetoric. Neither you nor your side is that dumb.
Jillian good god, I know you are smarter than this. Why do you and your side insist on playing at being insipid dumb-asses when it comes to this argument?

You know damned good and well that the stupid, blundering Taliban is barely responsible for wiping their own asses let alone 9/11. Their culpability was in not turning over bin Laden et al. and allowing their country to be used by him. It could just as easily been any other country.

No Iraq was not harboring AQ (in any meaningful way that we know about). However, as MUST be obvious even to those of you who insist on being mindless about this, AQ is not the only bad actor in this terrorist ridden shit soup called the middle east. Iraq was meant to deal with the lot of them.

I don't agree with how it was done, but I do agree with the place (Iraq) and some of the reasons. (No, not the WMD. The real reasons.) I disagree with the neo-cons that flipping Iraq from totalitarian to a Democracy will be a paradigm shifter and change the middle east. I think that is over reaching and naive.

So come on Jillian, you can have a real discussion about this topic without resorting to cheap partisan rhetoric. Neither you nor your side is that dumb.

First off, I don't believe it was partisan rhetoric... That said, I was responding to someone really, really stupid, so tried to speak with him at a level he'd understand. ;)

I will never say Saddam was a good guy... but there were about a thousand better ways of dealing with that than deposing him, creating a power vacuum that Iran was able to walk into, and wasting the lives of our service people and billions of dollars of our wealth that could have been used to far better purpose.

And in reading your post, I suspect we aren't very far apart on our feelings about it.
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.

Grump, please, your better than this partisan BS.

Obama will be the puppet of the left, and kowtow to whatever the left has on the menu today, to think otherwise is to be completely naive.:confused:
Obama will be nothing more than a version of super Clinton, more big government, higher taxes, more environmental BS, more appeasing terrorist, more reparations handouts and sooner or later another terrorist attack. Who do you expect will pay for it all, including the Bush and Clinton leftovers?? Obama has no excutive experience, little congressional experience, no congressional voting substance, and surely no foreign experience to say the least. If social communism is yo game then indeed Obama is yo main.
Jillian good god, I know you are smarter than this. Why do you and your side insist on playing at being insipid dumb-asses when it comes to this argument?

You know damned good and well that the stupid, blundering Taliban is barely responsible for wiping their own asses let alone 9/11. Their culpability was in not turning over bin Laden et al. and allowing their country to be used by him. It could just as easily been any other country.

No Iraq was not harboring AQ (in any meaningful way that we know about). However, as MUST be obvious even to those of you who insist on being mindless about this, AQ is not the only bad actor in this terrorist ridden shit soup called the middle east. Iraq was meant to deal with the lot of them.

I don't agree with how it was done, but I do agree with the place (Iraq) and some of the reasons. (No, not the WMD. The real reasons.) I disagree with the neo-cons that flipping Iraq from totalitarian to a Democracy will be a paradigm shifter and change the middle east. I think that is over reaching and naive.

So come on Jillian, you can have a real discussion about this topic without resorting to cheap partisan rhetoric. Neither you nor your side is that dumb.

Dont count on it
I will never say Saddam was a good guy... but there were about a thousand better ways of dealing with that than deposing him, creating a power vacuum that Iran was able to walk into, and wasting the lives of our service people and billions of dollars of our wealth that could have been used to far better purpose.


Saddam was a POS but there is no denying that women's rights have taken a step backwards in Iraq since he was deposed. BushCo fucked this endeavor up in the worst possible way.
How do we fix the problem?
Cali if your referring to the Wall Street debacle, it would require a major undertaking and millions of dollars to investigate an narrow it down to its approximate source. More than likely a private outside firm. Now you couldnt reverse the effect, but you could learn from the evidence and go from there. As it is the whole govenment is playing the blame game with no real solutions in site. However Obamas plan in the link i posted earlier would prove to be disasterous, as he is only making political rantings to further his true colors. McCains plan alittle better but not by much...
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Obama will be nothing more than a version of super Clinton, more big government, higher taxes, more environmental BS, more appeasing terrorist, more reparations handouts and sooner or later another terrorist attack. Who do you expect will pay for it all, including the Bush and Clinton leftovers?? Obama has no excutive experience, little congressional experience, no congressional voting substance, and surely no foreign experience to say the least. If social communism is yo game then indeed Obama is yo main.

Funny, Clinton did a great job... your guy messed up for 8 years... and you're concerned about Super Clinton but not about Bush Lite...

I think I'll go with the successful president.

oh...and psssssssst... he never appeased terrorists... try to stay away from the BS.
Obama will be nothing more than a version of super Clinton, more big government, higher taxes, more environmental BS, more appeasing terrorist, more reparations handouts and sooner or later another terrorist attack. Who do you expect will pay for it all, including the Bush and Clinton leftovers?? Obama has no excutive experience, little congressional experience, no congressional voting substance, and surely no foreign experience to say the least. If social communism is yo game then indeed Obama is yo main.

Your "dead on" but your not going to get Kudo's from the resident liberals on this board. Their man is the "messiah", and he's gonna save the U.S.A., and the world in one handbasket.

The world loves him therefore Americans should love him.......but for some reason we Americans don't seem to be 100% engrossed with this "community organizer" and "do nothing Senator". I guess Americans are stupid and the rest of the world is high I.Q.'d with tons of knowledge and wisdom "to boot".:eusa_shifty:

Obama's hands are dirty, along with his party. They pushed to regulate the lending industry to allow super-dangerous credit allowances for mortgage borrowers..etc...

I used to scratch my head, how these young gen x, Y, z's first time home buyers were getting "no down" or minimal % down loans during back just a short time ago. Some of our son's friends got into these No-Down home buys just a couple years ago, right at the top if the boom and now their living with terrible negative equities in their homes. Hopefully the prices will come back in time before many of these first time buyers lose jobs or ability to continue their payments and would have to sell.

Low and behold, I found out that Charlie Rangle had blocked GWB's new money lending regulations that would keep the industry from being killed by shady brokers on the street level giving a pass to marginal credit home buyers. These banks were scooping up borerline/credit borrower loans by the billions of dollars. There is room to point a few fingers at these banks and their upper management folks too.

This was a direct affect or action pushed by the liberals to get all Americans into a home of their own, regardless of their credit or budgetary ratios of income versus debits.

All Americans can't or shouldn't own a home. They don't have the credit to do it. They will have to rent, and that is not a hellish position versus home ownership. Many who rent do save and save up well so they can place a good "down" on a home, and then they aren't stuck with a monstrous negative equity. Down turn in home prices will drive many people to panic-sell, but you can place firmly in the lap of the Democrats their pushing and policy making that lowered credit limits for the Mortgage industry.

Obama next to Sen. Doud is the second biggest recipient of campaign or lobbying monies from Fannie Mae, and Mac.

How Obama's followers can still vote for him with this ironic or hypocritical position he maintains as he blames the current administration, that did everything possible to increase the credity standards of the industry, is beyond me.

I think the epitome of insanity happened a few weeks ago, when Obama's Community Organizer skills were likened to Jesus' lifestyle..........and Gov. Sarah Palin's gubenatorial experience was likened to Ponteaus Pilate's role.

Naturally, folks are supposed to see "Community Organizer" as holier'n thou, and being a governor as akin to "wicked-evil".

It just shows or proves to me, as a biblical Christian, that the leaders in the Demo party don't know true biblical Christianity from a "hole in the ground", or think that the average Joe or Jane American is an atheistic, Christian hating bunch of idiots, and will sop-up this stupid campaign rhetoric hook, line and sinker.

For the last several years the Democrats have been using these tactics.........as the mainstream media doesn't "call them" on their lies, subderfuges, and misdirected ploys to influence people to vote for their candidate for President of the United States.

Whoopie Goldberg on the "View" tells Sen. McCain to his face that his policies are going to put her back in "slavery".

Since when was Whoopie a slave.......? Can't recall the Emancipation Proclamation being ennacted a few months ago, but actually happened in the 1860's........?

Anyone seen or witnessed recently, an African American being enslaved here in the U.S.A.?

Did the mainstream media pickup on Whoopie's outlandish "dish" of a very brave Sen McCain and wife for going on the View?
Dr Grump are you an idiot??? By the way your condescending the word YANKs, tells me that your of English decent(Britian, New Zealand or Australia). Well let me tell you something, first off there were no fabrications for Bush to wage war 3,500 OF OUR PEOPLE AND SOME OF YOURS DIED ON 9/11 IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER and PENTAGON ATTACKS!!! your freakin lucky Bush didnt start a NUCLEAR war, i bet you understand NUCLEAR DONT YOU asshole.
If Ronald Reagan wouldve been president we'd be cutting glass tiles out of the sands of the mid east to put in our kitchen floors by now. Dont come in here calling our dignitaries and leaders gangsters, if it wasnt for USA your freakin ass would probably be speaking German or Russian long before now. Bush was the only one that had the guts to spend the money to try and protect your self righteous asses..We havent had a attack since 9/11 and we're not fighting ragheads on our streets(i here yall are tho). And Obama will do nothing more than what CLinton did in the first 1993 WTC attacks, setting US up for another wave of terrorist attacks or worse mark it down. Also al qaeda may try to attack again in light of the up coming USA elections, but i doubt it will be on our soil, will it be on yours COWARD...Its highly unpopular to take a stand, especially when you have so much to lose...

Until you actually read posts like this....you really fail to believe that there are actually people who fell for the BUSHTEAM war on terror propaganda.

This is what you get ...when you dumb down a population like the states...make them too poor to travel...and brainwash them with extreme religion.

Hillbilly redneck jesus freaks who will believe anything if it involves fear and hatred of foreigners.

The rest of the world has moved on... but the US big interest groups...established in ww2 and cold war (also massively exaggerated)...remain in defence/military.

The US NEEDS an enemy....ALWAYS.

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