Will ‘Trayvon Martin’ Ignite Race Wars?

The liberal elite won't be happy if you stray from the Section 8 Plantation they built and interupt their lattes.
In the case of the raging inferno prophesied to devour America’s biggest cities before Christ’s return, could the shooting death of Trayvon Martin be the spark that leads to chaos and anarchy on the streets of America?

theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Today America, tomorrow Israel.

Rapture baby, rapture.

I appreciate you linking The Trumpet, Faulty, usually an informing source. But, can't agree here.

1. No race war for the same reason that Marxism didn't take hold here as it did in other nations.
Even Karl Marx accepted the image of America as a land of boundless opportunity, citing this as an explanation for the lack of class consciousness in the U.S. "The position of wage laborer," he wrote in 1865, "is for a very large part of the American people but a probational state, which they are sure to leave within a longer or shorter term."

Read more: As rich-poor gap widens in U.S., class mobility stalls

2. There have been many crimes of violence, and this is just one more, except that it is useful to a political agenda.
This is the take-away in the article:
"The epidemic is truly black-on-black crime,” says C.L. Bryant, former leader of the naacp. Bryant said Trayvon’s family should be outraged that liberal politicians and black leaders are using the Florida shooting to inflame racial passions."

3.The real aim is to mobilize the base for the Left, to say 'see, we have to make sure the black man remains in the White House."

4. Zora Neale Hurston was right, “All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!”

Hurston was a Republican who was generally sympathetic to the Old Right and a fan of Booker T. Washington's self-help politics. She disagreed with the philosophies (including Communism and the New Deal) supported by many of her colleagues in the Harlem Renaissance.
Trayvon won't. You and those fucking assholes who think 'justice' is prime time tv might.... the Spike Lees, the NBPs, the ranting hordes of Sharpton Shitheads.... those people might ignite a race war. I feel sorry for them.... it must be hard to be so full of hate.
Trayvon won't. You and those fucking assholes who think 'justice' is prime time tv might.... the Spike Lees, the NBPs, the ranting hordes of Sharpton Shitheads.... those people might ignite a race war. I feel sorry for them.... it must be hard to be so full of hate.

Hard? It seems to come easy to those hypocrites.. vewy easy.

Everyone understands things are so much better now..but it still has a long way to go.

50 years ago no one would have cared about Trayvon Martin.
Dangerous notion, huh. Imagine some troublemaker intentionally going out into the streets doing this kind of stalking and assassination and then proclaiming they WERE profiling someone dressed in gangster cloths ... hell, they could ignite a civil war that would put all this other commie bullshit on hold indefinitely, maybe forever if we end up divided or destroyed. Hum. I need two volunteers, please.

Everyone understands things are so much better now..but it still has a long way to go.

50 years ago no one would have cared about Trayvon Martin.

no one would care about Trayvon Martin today if the shooter had been black,,

You are right. Blacks don't care about black lives unless they are killed by a white or a white Hispanic. Never does the black community speak about black on black crime. We have to wait for white conservatives to bring it up.
Who cares?

we know you don't just yell Rawanda.. that was an all time record almost a million in three months.. way to fucking go.

I'm sure the greatest country in the history of civilization can beat that tenfold.

Remember this attempt....

Helter Skelter:

"The murders perpetrated by members of Charles Manson's "Family" were inspired in part by Manson's prediction of Helter Skelter, an apocalyptic war he believed would arise from tension over racial relations between blacks and whites."

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