Will ‘Trayvon Martin’ Ignite Race Wars?

Dangerous notion, huh. Imagine some troublemaker intentionally going out into the streets doing this kind of stalking and assassination and then proclaiming they WERE profiling someone dressed in gangster cloths ... hell, they could ignite a civil war that would put all this other commie bullshit on hold indefinitely, maybe forever if we end up divided or destroyed. Hum. I need two volunteers, please.

The United States will never become communist. Quite the opposite. Every communist country will probably become a free market democracy in one form or another.

Do I detect a hint of disappointment in those lines? :badgrin:

Another Trayvon thread?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC75aU47GRk]Sad Trombone Sound Effect - YouTube[/ame]
Do I think the Trayvon Martin case will lead to a race war?

No, just as Rodney King did not lead to a race war, neither will this case. In a few days, they will arrest Zimmerman and everyone will go home.

On the other hand, I do think there could very well be riots tonight in Sanford... depending on how much drinking went on during the rally. I'm damned glad I don't live there tonight.

Dangerous notion, huh. Imagine some troublemaker intentionally going out into the streets doing this kind of stalking and assassination and then proclaiming they WERE profiling someone dressed in gangster cloths ... hell, they could ignite a civil war that would put all this other commie bullshit on hold indefinitely, maybe forever if we end up divided or destroyed. Hum. I need two volunteers, please.

The United States will never become communist. Quite the opposite. Every communist country will probably become a free market democracy in one form or another.

Do I detect a hint of disappointment in those lines? :badgrin:


You miss the nazis? :badgrin:
Even he'd beat Obama.

Well..I am sure he'd lock up the Conservative vote.

So....you'd argue that Manson was a conservative?

Republican perhaps?

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Manson conservative? Well lets see..he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do..

In any case..it was "you" that thought Manson could beat Obama in a general election. No liberal would ever vote for that fruit basket.

Well..I am sure he'd lock up the Conservative vote.

So....you'd argue that Manson was a conservative?

Republican perhaps?

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Manson conservative? Well lets see..he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do..

In any case..it was "you" that thought Manson could beat Obama in a general election. No liberal would ever vote for that fruit basket.


1. "...he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do.."

Can you document, link or support the above slander?
Well, then, that leaves you as a slobbering, knuckle-dragging prevaricator, doesn't it?

2. "He also hated the government."
You left out the "big," as in "big government". That would be required if you wished to apply it to conservatives.
Strike two.

3. Perhaps you could identify which of the following you found most associated with conservative values, would that be the use of drugs, or free-love commune life?

Strike three.


And did you include 'Next' out of force of habit left over from your high-pressure job at McDonald's?

Note: If you had considered veracity, the argument that you attempted to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

Manson, et al, is clearly on your side of the political spectrum. But I understand your embarrassment.
Try to remember that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.
Well we have the usual cast of people who are available
to inflame the situation in order to justify their careers.
So something will probably happen.
We have a group of people raising money for a bounty
and are advertising a wanted dead or alive instruction.
We have celebrities aiding in that effort.
This thing will explode like Crown
Heights Brooklyn pretty soon.
Last edited:
I do think Manson is probably more honest than the President.

And his opposition.


What stands out as one of Romney's lies ?

"I will repeal Obamacare" for one.

He can't do that. It will take an action of the Supreme Court.

Now, maybe he can offer states exemptions as he has also said, but that is not repealing Obamacare.

"I will cut spending", for another.

The mission to restore America to health begins with reducing the size of the federal government and getting our fiscal house in order. President Obama has put our nation on an unsustainable course. Spending is out of control. Yearly deficits are massive. And unless we curb Washington’s appetite for spending, the national debt will only continue to grow.

Smaller, Smarter, Simpler Government | Mitt Romney for President

Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

Jobs and Economic Growth | Mitt Romney for President

As much as I wish he could do this, he simply can't do that on his own. It will take Congress to do that. It is nothing but campaign promise bullshit which equals lies.

He's lying and people like you seem to believe him in everything he says.

Jobs while at Bain Capital:

"100,000 new jobs." Romney has repeatedly claimed that during his tenure at Bain Capital, "net-net, we created over 100,000 jobs." His campaign defends the figure by tallying the current employment totals of some companies Bain aided. That's a stretch in and of itself, but it's also not a net figure. It lacks the balancing context of how many jobs were destroyed by Bain. As the Los Angeles Times reported in December, while Bain helped some companies grow, "Romney and his team also maximized returns by firing workers, seeking government subsidies, and flipping companies quickly for large profits. Sometimes Bain investors gained even when companies slid into bankruptcy."

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal looked closely at Bain's record under Romney and found that 22 percent "either filed for bankruptcy or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses." Which is not really terribly surprising: Bain's raison d'etre is not job creation but wealth creation for its investors. As Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler noted in an article Monday calling Romney's "100,000 jobs" figure "untenable," Romney and Bain "never could have raised money from investors if the prospectus seeking $1-million investments from the super wealthy had said it would focus on creating jobs."

Mitt Romney's Lies - US News and World Report

Note, that is opinion, if you feel you can correct that opinion, be my guess.

More opinion... have at it.

Whopper #1: Romney claimed that Romneycare doesn’t cover abortions at $50 each and that the supreme court put it into place and that he had no choice but to sign a healthcare bill into law that covered elective surgical abortions for $50 each.

Fact: This is a flat out lie! Romney is doing what he is famous for. Twisting and contorting the facts and hoping nobody will be able to follow his deceptive talk track.

Whopper #2: Romney claimed that he “fought to protect marriage between one man and one woman in Massachusetts.”

Fact: Mitt Romney, and Mitt Romney alone, unilaterally, illegally and unconstitutionally authorized the alterations to and issuance of marriage licenses to same sex couples in Massachusetts in violation of at least 8 article of the oldest functioning constitution in the world, the Massachusetts Constitution authored by John Adams. Proof Here.

Two Huge Romney Lies at CNN Debate Debunked | Steve Deace

Links at site.

I'm done... enjoy.

Face it OODA, he is a politician. When he speaks, he is lying.

So....you'd argue that Manson was a conservative?

Republican perhaps?

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Manson conservative? Well lets see..he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do..

In any case..it was "you" that thought Manson could beat Obama in a general election. No liberal would ever vote for that fruit basket.


1. "...he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do.."

Can you document, link or support the above slander?
Well, then, that leaves you as a slobbering, knuckle-dragging prevaricator, doesn't it?

2. "He also hated the government."
You left out the "big," as in "big government". That would be required if you wished to apply it to conservatives.
Strike two.

3. Perhaps you could identify which of the following you found most associated with conservative values, would that be the use of drugs, or free-love commune life?

Strike three.


And did you include 'Next' out of force of habit left over from your high-pressure job at McDonald's?

Note: If you had considered veracity, the argument that you attempted to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

Manson, et al, is clearly on your side of the political spectrum. But I understand your embarrassment.
Try to remember that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Well it was you that brought up Manson..and it was you that thought he could win the election.

And as for jobs..hows the "massage therapy" gig going..clients leaving "happy" are they?
Manson conservative? Well lets see..he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do..

In any case..it was "you" that thought Manson could beat Obama in a general election. No liberal would ever vote for that fruit basket.


1. "...he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do.."

Can you document, link or support the above slander?
Well, then, that leaves you as a slobbering, knuckle-dragging prevaricator, doesn't it?

2. "He also hated the government."
You left out the "big," as in "big government". That would be required if you wished to apply it to conservatives.
Strike two.

3. Perhaps you could identify which of the following you found most associated with conservative values, would that be the use of drugs, or free-love commune life?

Strike three.


And did you include 'Next' out of force of habit left over from your high-pressure job at McDonald's?

Note: If you had considered veracity, the argument that you attempted to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

Manson, et al, is clearly on your side of the political spectrum. But I understand your embarrassment.
Try to remember that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Well it was you that brought up Manson..and it was you that thought he could win the election.

And as for jobs..hows the "massage therapy" gig going..clients leaving "happy" are they?

"Well it was you that brought up Manson..and it was you that thought he could win the election."
One would have imagined that you knew that he was in prison for life...which would probably obviate any chance of his running.....
But, it's good to know that you are a family man…the Manson Family.

That other jobs thing was a pretty good comeback.....
....but it lets everyone know where you've been hangin' out.

....don't forget what happened to Moe Green.....
In the case of the raging inferno prophesied to devour America’s biggest cities before Christ’s return, could the shooting death of Trayvon Martin be the spark that leads to chaos and anarchy on the streets of America?

theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Today America, tomorrow Israel.

Rapture baby, rapture.

So excited, Faulty....
...can't wait for your thread on Michael Oher!

Everyone understands things are so much better now..but it still has a long way to go.

50 years ago no one would have cared about Trayvon Martin.

no one would care about Trayvon Martin today if the shooter had been black,,

You are right. Blacks don't care about black lives unless they are killed by a white or a white Hispanic. Never does the black community speak about black on black crime. We have to wait for white conservatives to bring it up.

More the shame. One death, each death a tragedy.
In the case of the raging inferno prophesied to devour America’s biggest cities before Christ’s return, could the shooting death of Trayvon Martin be the spark that leads to chaos and anarchy on the streets of America?

theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Today America, tomorrow Israel.

Rapture baby, rapture.

Christ's return?

He would be on the side of the poor, the infirm and children like Trayvon Martin.

Most Republicans he would send to the land of "let him die", traditionally known as "Hell".
In the case of the raging inferno prophesied to devour America’s biggest cities before Christ’s return, could the shooting death of Trayvon Martin be the spark that leads to chaos and anarchy on the streets of America?

theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Today America, tomorrow Israel.

Rapture baby, rapture.

We'll know if we see cowards like you pretending to incite it one minute and then pissing yourself the next.
Remember this attempt....

Helter Skelter:

"The murders perpetrated by members of Charles Manson's "Family" were inspired in part by Manson's prediction of Helter Skelter, an apocalyptic war he believed would arise from tension over racial relations between blacks and whites."

There's still time for the GOP to run Manson.


Even he'd beat Obama.

Meaning a lot of you would vote for him.
Trayvon Martin is not important enough to spark a war. What a silly suggestion!

Now, if one of them decided to take out one of my children or my grandchild he would do well to remember that my days are aready numbered in the low numbers and I have nothing to lose. It would be instant death penalty for someone!
1. "...he wanted to go back to a nation where blacks served whites. He also hated the government.

Which..it seems..is pretty much what a good amount of conservatives want and do.."

Can you document, link or support the above slander?
Well, then, that leaves you as a slobbering, knuckle-dragging prevaricator, doesn't it?

2. "He also hated the government."
You left out the "big," as in "big government". That would be required if you wished to apply it to conservatives.
Strike two.

3. Perhaps you could identify which of the following you found most associated with conservative values, would that be the use of drugs, or free-love commune life?

Strike three.


And did you include 'Next' out of force of habit left over from your high-pressure job at McDonald's?

Note: If you had considered veracity, the argument that you attempted to advance would fail before it started, instead of starting before it failed.

Manson, et al, is clearly on your side of the political spectrum. But I understand your embarrassment.
Try to remember that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Well it was you that brought up Manson..and it was you that thought he could win the election.

And as for jobs..hows the "massage therapy" gig going..clients leaving "happy" are they?

"Well it was you that brought up Manson..and it was you that thought he could win the election."
One would have imagined that you knew that he was in prison for life...which would probably obviate any chance of his running.....
But, it's good to know that you are a family man…the Manson Family.

I thought it was an off hand remark at Obama's campaign, not meant seriously.

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