Will Trump even get 200 electoral college votes?

Yes, all predictions that Trump would go down in flames have been wrong, again and again. The Republicans did all they could, and pulled out all the stops to defeat Trump and could not do it. Why do Democrats think they can do it? Their candidate is far less compelling than any of the Republican candidates Trump has already defeated.

Tuesday, August 9
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC News/SM Clinton 51, Trump 41 Clinton +10
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein NBC News/SM Clinton 44, Trump 38, Johnson 10, Stein 4 Clinton +6
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Susquehanna Clinton 47, Trump 37 Clinton +10
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Susquehanna Clinton 46, Trump 37, Johnson 7, Stein 3 Clinton +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton PPP (D) Clinton 47, Trump 46 Clinton +1
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein PPP (D) Clinton 43, Trump 41, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +2

keep believing, gnat. the polls had Romney winning too. remember my vote cancels yours so you might as well stay home.
Trump isn't an attractive candidate to the majority of this country. That's why his polling numbers are in the toilet. Hillary isn't a strong candidate but Trump is the worst.
Hillary is totally corrupt and incompetent to boot. She got four men killed in Benghazi, including an ambassador, and she got a nuclear scientist killed as well, through her carelessness and stupidity.
See, this is why everyone thinks Republicans are crazy.
Well, are you going to deny it? You can't.

Mr. Rook, if what you said was absolutely, positively true then the Republican congress would have found a way to prosecute her and she wouldn't even be in the race. But as it stands, the 11 hour hearing conducted by Mr. Gowdy turned up nothing that could be used in a court of law. Mr. Comey understands they she knew how to manipulate her electronic mail in such a way that she could not be prosecuted, as well. Very frustrating, I understand, as I do not like Mrs. Clinton either. But wild-eyed claims such as yours are just that.

Comey documented her guilt and lying. But politics took precedence over the rule of law. That sets a terrible precedent for our country. Are we becoming a banana republic?

No, he did not say she lied, sir. You are wrong. He said she did not lie to the FBI and that he could not comment on her testimony to other authorities who questioned her. Stick with the facts.
Mr. Rook, if what you said was absolutely, positively true then the Republican congress would have found a way to prosecute her and she wouldn't even be in the race. But as it stands, the 11 hour hearing conducted by Mr. Gowdy turned up nothing that could be used in a court of law. Mr. Comey understands that she knew how to manipulate her electronic mail in such a way that she could not be prosecuted, as well. Very frustrating, I understand, as I do not like Mrs. Clinton either. But wild-eyed claims such as yours are just that.

Right wingers will respond to you with something like, "It's all because we have RINOs".....Poor, poor babies.
keep believing, gnat. the polls had Romney winning too. remember my vote cancels yours so you might as well stay home.

No, NO....I'll be voting with my 4 dead grandparents......LOL
Yes, all predictions that Trump would go down in flames have been wrong, again and again. The Republicans did all they could, and pulled out all the stops to defeat Trump and could not do it. Why do Democrats think they can do it? Their candidate is far less compelling than any of the Republican candidates Trump has already defeated.

Tuesday, August 9
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC News/SM Clinton 51, Trump 41 Clinton +10
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein NBC News/SM Clinton 44, Trump 38, Johnson 10, Stein 4 Clinton +6
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Susquehanna Clinton 47, Trump 37 Clinton +10
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Susquehanna Clinton 46, Trump 37, Johnson 7, Stein 3 Clinton +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton PPP (D) Clinton 47, Trump 46 Clinton +1
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein PPP (D) Clinton 43, Trump 41, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +2

keep believing, gnat. the polls had Romney winning too. remember my vote cancels yours so you might as well stay home.

I recall, Mr. Redfish, that Mr. Romney was doing quite well until a waiter at a private event in which Mr. Romney was speaking secretly recorded his disparaging remarks about 47% of the American public. That was his undoing. Mr. Trump is unraveling his campaign as well, with so many Republicans publicly disowning his filthy, psychopathic, lying @ss.
Comey documented her guilt and lying. But politics took precedence over the rule of law. That sets a terrible precedent for our country. Are we becoming a banana republic?

Comey is a
Why do you fuckers keep wanting to replace him?

I thought you wanted an easy win, and according to you Trump is finally toast.

Oh, you're absolutely correct.....DO KEEP TRUMP in there !!!!
The point is.....it matters not who we run.....they all get the same dishonest treatment from the media....
So we might as well run somebody that pisses you little shitforbrains off.
The point is.....it matters not who we run.....they all get the same dishonest treatment from the media....

Thank you for openly admitting that Fox News is NO media....just a propaganda outlet like the old Pravda.....Nice of you to be honest about it..
Hillary is totally corrupt and incompetent to boot. She got four men killed in Benghazi, including an ambassador, and she got a nuclear scientist killed as well, through her carelessness and stupidity.
See, this is why everyone thinks Republicans are crazy.
Well, are you going to deny it? You can't.

Mr. Rook, if what you said was absolutely, positively true then the Republican congress would have found a way to prosecute her and she wouldn't even be in the race. But as it stands, the 11 hour hearing conducted by Mr. Gowdy turned up nothing that could be used in a court of law. Mr. Comey understands they she knew how to manipulate her electronic mail in such a way that she could not be prosecuted, as well. Very frustrating, I understand, as I do not like Mrs. Clinton either. But wild-eyed claims such as yours are just that.

Comey documented her guilt and lying. But politics took precedence over the rule of law. That sets a terrible precedent for our country. Are we becoming a banana republic?

No, he did not say she lied, sir. You are wrong. He said she did not lie to the FBI and that he could not comment on her testimony to other authorities who questioned her. Stick with the facts.

since her private testimony to the FBI has not been released, we have no choice but to believe Comey, however Comey did without a doubt prove that she lied to the American people, the families of the dead americans, and under oath to congress. Those are the facts, m'am. just the facts. now, deal with them.
Why do you fuckers keep wanting to replace him?

I thought you wanted an easy win, and according to you Trump is finally toast.

Oh, you're absolutely correct.....DO KEEP TRUMP in there !!!!
The point is.....it matters not who we run.....they all get the same dishonest treatment from the media....
So we might as well run somebody that pisses you little shitforbrains off.

What a fucking crybaby. Man up for chrissakes, foreigner.
Yes, all predictions that Trump would go down in flames have been wrong, again and again. The Republicans did all they could, and pulled out all the stops to defeat Trump and could not do it. Why do Democrats think they can do it? Their candidate is far less compelling than any of the Republican candidates Trump has already defeated.

Tuesday, August 9
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC News/SM Clinton 51, Trump 41 Clinton +10
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein NBC News/SM Clinton 44, Trump 38, Johnson 10, Stein 4 Clinton +6
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Susquehanna Clinton 47, Trump 37 Clinton +10
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Susquehanna Clinton 46, Trump 37, Johnson 7, Stein 3 Clinton +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton PPP (D) Clinton 47, Trump 46 Clinton +1
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein PPP (D) Clinton 43, Trump 41, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +2

keep believing, gnat. the polls had Romney winning too. remember my vote cancels yours so you might as well stay home.

I recall, Mr. Redfish, that Mr. Romney was doing quite well until a waiter at a private event in which Mr. Romney was speaking secretly recorded his disparaging remarks about 47% of the American public. That was his undoing. Mr. Trump is unraveling his campaign as well, with so many Republicans publicly disowning his filthy, psychopathic, lying @ss.

filthy psychopathic lying ass------------perfect description of Hillary Clinton. Thanks for providing it.
since her private testimony to the FBI has not been released, we have no choice but to believe Comey, however Comey did without a doubt prove that she lied to the American people, the families of the dead americans, and under oath to congress

Must piss you off royally, right Mr, Tuna????
these are the same people who said he wouldn't win any primaries.
Yes, all predictions that Trump would go down in flames have been wrong, again and again. The Republicans did all they could, and pulled out all the stops to defeat Trump and could not do it. Why do Democrats think they can do it? Their candidate is far less compelling than any of the Republican candidates Trump has already defeated.
The only people he has voting for him is idiots like you.
Who says I'm voting for him? I've started as many anti-Trump threads as anyone around here. Pay attention to your surroundings, dipshit.
since her private testimony to the FBI has not been released, we have no choice but to believe Comey, however Comey did without a doubt prove that she lied to the American people, the families of the dead americans, and under oath to congress

Must piss you off royally, right Mr, Tuna????

yes, getting away with lying under oath does piss me off. having a corrupt justice dept pisses me off even more.

I had top secret and SAP clearances for many years, if I did what she did I would be in Leavenworth prison right now.

Why do you think the Clintons should be exempt from the laws that apply to me and you?
So, back to the original question.......Who among you right wingers on here will openly state that Trump will get 200 ECV ???

(and don't change your screen name in November.)
Yes, all predictions that Trump would go down in flames have been wrong, again and again. The Republicans did all they could, and pulled out all the stops to defeat Trump and could not do it. Why do Democrats think they can do it? Their candidate is far less compelling than any of the Republican candidates Trump has already defeated.
Trump isn't an attractive candidate to the majority of this country. That's why his polling numbers are in the toilet. Hillary isn't a strong candidate but Trump is the worst.
Hillary is totally corrupt and incompetent to boot. She got four men killed in Benghazi, including an ambassador, and she got a nuclear scientist killed as well, through her carelessness and stupidity.
See, this is why everyone thinks Republicans are crazy.
Well, are you going to deny it? You can't.

Mr. Rook, if what you said was absolutely, positively true then the Republican congress would have found a way to prosecute her and she wouldn't even be in the race. But as it stands, the 11 hour hearing conducted by Mr. Gowdy turned up nothing that could be used in a court of law. Mr. Comey understands that she knew how to manipulate her electronic mail in such a way that she could not be prosecuted, as well. Very frustrating, I understand, as I do not like Mrs. Clinton either. But wild-eyed claims such as yours are just that.
Read a Constitution, dipshit. CONGRESS HAS NO POWER TO PROSECUTE CRIMES. That is an executive branch function. If Obama's FBI refuses to recommend charges against Hillary, and Obama's Justice Department refuses to prosecute her, then the Republicans in Congress CAN DO NOTHING. Again, dipshit, read the United States fucking Constitution before mouthing off your liberal bullshit.
Why do you think the Clintons should be exempt from the laws that apply to me and you?

Rhetorical and fucked up question based on a fucked up premise....Are you into lynchings?
So, back to the original question.......Who among you right wingers on here will openly state that Trump will get 200 ECV ???

(and don't change your screen name in November.)

here's a deal for you gnat. If Trump wins you leave this message board forever, if Hillary wins I leave. Deal?

Or if that scares you too much. If Trump wins you put I love Trump in your sig line and if clitton wins I put Hillary sucks in mine.

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