Will Trump throw Donald Jr. under the Bus? Take one for the old man (with the tiny hands)


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, Jarrod and Manafort said Junior didn't tell them what the meeting was about. They have plausible deniability.

As long as Trump is president, I suspect he will pardon Junior.
Pardon? First you have to convicted of a crime, R-Derp!

Still chasing that flashlight beam around the floor like a dopey house cat...aren't you?
Pardon? First you have to convicted of a crime, R-Derp!

Still chasing that flashlight beam around the floor like a dopey house cat...aren't you?

One minor point. You can be Pardoned even without a conviction. See President Ford pardoning Nixon.
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Pardon? First you have to convicted of a crime, R-Derp!

Still chasing that flashlight beam around the floor like a dopey house cat...aren't you?
First you have to convicted of a crime,

Like treason?
Pardon? First you have to convicted of a crime, R-Derp!

Still chasing that flashlight beam around the floor like a dopey house cat...aren't you?

One minor point. You can be Pardoned even without a conviction. See President Ford pardoning Nixon.
Oh, yea. How'd that work out?

Well since Nixon was not tried and did not go to jail. Pretty good for him. However I offered it as a proof that you did not need a conviction before being pardoned.
I'm curious...is there a single one of you snowflakes that is willing to state that you believe Hillary Clinton wouldn't have used hacked emails against an opponent if it meant winning the White House? That Barack Obama's campaign wouldn't have done so as well? Be honest. You know damn well they would have.
I'm curious...is there a single one of you snowflakes that is willing to state that you believe Hillary Clinton wouldn't have used hacked emails against an opponent if it meant winning the White House? That Barack Obama's campaign wouldn't have done so as well? Be honest. You know damn well they would have.
No they wouldn't. Maybe a superpack, but those two are much too smart to get involved in something so obvious.

If Hillary is guilty of something, the GOP must be the most inept people in the world to not find it after 30 years and unlimited Taxpayer money looking for it.
I'm curious...is there a single one of you snowflakes that is willing to state that you believe Hillary Clinton wouldn't have used hacked emails against an opponent if it meant winning the White House? That Barack Obama's campaign wouldn't have done so as well? Be honest. You know damn well they would have.
No they wouldn't. Maybe a superpack, but those two are much too smart to get involved in something so obvious.

If Hillary is guilty of something, the GOP must be the most inept people in the world to not find it after 30 years and unlimited Taxpayer money looking for it.

Oh, so what you're saying is that Hillary would use someone else to do her dirty work for her...but that's somehow better than doing it herself? You progressives have to do moral "contortions" to pretend Clinton's not just as bad if not far worse than Trump could EVER be...don't you, R-Derp!

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