Will Trump win by a landslide in 2020? Nationalists vs Globalists

Will Trump win by a landslide in 2020?

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The more negative press Trump is subjected to by the globalist lame stream media, the more of a hero he becomes in the eyes of the silent majority.

On the even of the 2016 election, the media predicted a 97% chance of a Hillary landslide. Globalist broadcasters around the world engaged in an open international conspiracy to demoralize and chastise supporters of our great Nationalist (opposite of globalist) President, Donald Trump.

The American people stood up (the legal citizens), and by the Divine Grace of the Electoral College (fun fact: Mormons believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired document!), an ingenious device invented by our Founders to protect our nation from misguided or hijacked (illegal immigrants) popular vote, Donald Trump became the next President of the United States, and managed to hold the Senate and Courts in the midterms.

The more vicious the globalist lame stream media has become since has only solidified support for our great nationalist President, Donald Trump, contrary to their continued touting of their false polls (The Election of 2016 proved that all of their globalist "scientific polls" are manufactured garbage to demoralize the nationalists).

While the globalists hide behind the racism card on the Border issue, real legal Americans know it's simply the globalists throwing a tantrum that the Nationalists are winning.

Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

I'm not sure how you can call 1/3 of the electorate the majority. How does that work?
Here is how it works

Yep... the idiot Dems snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory alright.

Nevertheless... that was 2016... before America understood just how truly unfit Trump is for the job... 2020 will be different.

Trump is so despised that the Ghost of Richard Nixon could materialize, and have a shot at it...
The more negative press Trump is subjected to by the globalist lame stream media, the more of a hero he becomes in the eyes of the silent majority.

On the even of the 2016 election, the media predicted a 97% chance of a Hillary landslide. Globalist broadcasters around the world engaged in an open international conspiracy to demoralize and chastise supporters of our great Nationalist (opposite of globalist) President, Donald Trump.

The American people stood up (the legal citizens), and by the Divine Grace of the Electoral College (fun fact: Mormons believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired document!), an ingenious device invented by our Founders to protect our nation from misguided or hijacked (illegal immigrants) popular vote, Donald Trump became the next President of the United States, and managed to hold the Senate and Courts in the midterms.

The more vicious the globalist lame stream media has become since has only solidified support for our great nationalist President, Donald Trump, contrary to their continued touting of their false polls (The Election of 2016 proved that all of their globalist "scientific polls" are manufactured garbage to demoralize the nationalists).

While the globalists hide behind the racism card on the Border issue, real legal Americans know it's simply the globalists throwing a tantrum that the Nationalists are winning.

Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

I'm not sure how you can call 1/3 of the electorate the majority. How does that work?
Here is how it works

I'm always amazed that crazy right wingers think the perfect storm of Comey, Russian help, and Trump breaking campaign law was not a one in a million fluke, and you expect it to be repeated.
The more negative press Trump is subjected to by the globalist lame stream media, the more of a hero he becomes in the eyes of the silent majority.

On the even of the 2016 election, the media predicted a 97% chance of a Hillary landslide. Globalist broadcasters around the world engaged in an open international conspiracy to demoralize and chastise supporters of our great Nationalist (opposite of globalist) President, Donald Trump.

The American people stood up (the legal citizens), and by the Divine Grace of the Electoral College (fun fact: Mormons believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired document!), an ingenious device invented by our Founders to protect our nation from misguided or hijacked (illegal immigrants) popular vote, Donald Trump became the next President of the United States, and managed to hold the Senate and Courts in the midterms.

The more vicious the globalist lame stream media has become since has only solidified support for our great nationalist President, Donald Trump, contrary to their continued touting of their false polls (The Election of 2016 proved that all of their globalist "scientific polls" are manufactured garbage to demoralize the nationalists).

While the globalists hide behind the racism card on the Border issue, real legal Americans know it's simply the globalists throwing a tantrum that the Nationalists are winning.

Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

I'm not sure how you can call 1/3 of the electorate the majority. How does that work?
Here is how it works

Yep... the idiot Dems snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory alright.

Nevertheless... that was 2016... before America understood just how truly unfit Trump is for the job... 2020 will be different.

Trump is so despised that the Ghost of Richard Nixon could materialize, and have a shot at it...

Don't count your chikins. The MSM will be de-fanged after the Mueller reportm is issued. Either it will clear Trump or get him impeached. Either way he won't be removed. Then the MSM will focus on all of the dems running for 2020. Trump will just let them chop each other up, like CNN said Tulsi Gabbard went to meet with Assad, which disqualifies her somehow?! (I think the female CNN anchor was just jealous of her youthful good looks)
Gabbard says she met with Assad on Syria trip - CNNPolitics

Trump will finally understand the job, and his last two years will be a lot smoother unless NK or Iran require military action. Then again, Chuck and Nancy may require military action <g>. So the voters will see who they agree with.
I think Trump will win in 2020. He's done more for the country in three years than Obama did in 8.

He's kept most of the campaign promises he made. Something unheard of.

The economy is rolling and UE is lower than its been since 69. People watch and you can believe they will remember in 2020 especially if he economy is still in good shape.

Oh yeah. If he runs Trump will win in 2020. The Dems don't have anyone except a bunch of retreads.
Pretty sure President Trump will win Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, because Obama and Clinton won't be able to collude with Russia and use Russian Propaganda to influence our elections. I expect a treason trial to be going on by then.

Also, I predict by 2020 that Voter Fraud will have been reduced somewhat, and voter fraud is what Democrats rely on to get elected.
Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.
I appreciate you giving the blame for the shutdown to Trump.

As for "globalist commie scum", we have a REPUBLICAN President who can't stop fellating a KGB thug and who last week said the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan.

If that didn't wake you tards up as to who the real traitor is, nothing will.
Pretty sure President Trump will win Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, because Obama and Clinton won't be able to collude with Russia and use Russian Propaganda to influence our elections. I expect a treason trial to be going on by then.

Also, I predict by 2020 that Voter Fraud will have been reduced somewhat, and voter fraud is what Democrats rely on to get elected.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are essentially BLUE states and have been since the 1992 election. It was a FLUKE they went for Trump in 2016. In Wisconsin, Trump got less votes than Romney in 2012 and Romney lost Wisconsin in 2012. What that tells you is that Trump did not win Wisconsin, the Democrats lost it by not getting out the vote in 2016 for Wisconsin. Hillary Clinton never visited the state. The margin of victory was only 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, 10,000 in Michigan and 40,000 in Pennsylvania. These are tiny margins that won't be repeated because unlike 2016, the Democrats will be targeting these states with most of their campaign money and time.

Without Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, Trump cannot win in 2020. It was fluke that those 3 states BARLEY went for Trump in 2016. It won't happen in 2020. Finally, Trump won't be winning any states that he lost in 2016. Its essentially over for him if he stays in office long enough to make it to election night 2020.

Trumps average approval rating over the past two years is 40%, the worst of any President in United States history. You can't win re-election when most people disapprove of the job your doing as President.
The more negative press Trump is subjected to by the globalist lame stream media, the more of a hero he becomes in the eyes of the silent majority.

On the even of the 2016 election, the media predicted a 97% chance of a Hillary landslide. Globalist broadcasters around the world engaged in an open international conspiracy to demoralize and chastise supporters of our great Nationalist (opposite of globalist) President, Donald Trump.

The American people stood up (the legal citizens), and by the Divine Grace of the Electoral College (fun fact: Mormons believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired document!), an ingenious device invented by our Founders to protect our nation from misguided or hijacked (illegal immigrants) popular vote, Donald Trump became the next President of the United States, and managed to hold the Senate and Courts in the midterms.

The more vicious the globalist lame stream media has become since has only solidified support for our great nationalist President, Donald Trump, contrary to their continued touting of their false polls (The Election of 2016 proved that all of their globalist "scientific polls" are manufactured garbage to demoralize the nationalists).

While the globalists hide behind the racism card on the Border issue, real legal Americans know it's simply the globalists throwing a tantrum that the Nationalists are winning.

Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

With a 35% approval rating, Trump is going to be primaried by Republicans and will not be the nominee in 2020 There are millions of people who voted for Trump in 2016 that have absolutely no intention of doing so again.

That is if he makes it to 2020? Pelosi has lined up subpeona's and first up to bat will be Michael Cohen on February 6 and this will be an open, public hearing and testimony. After a few of those, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that Senate Republicans will start begging Pelosi to start impeachment proceedings.

No one will vote for an old pervert kid toucher and hair sniffer...and no one wants another member of a minority that the GOP will be afraid of criticizing like this Mayor Pete dude...and no one wants a fake Injun or a whore from San Fransickco....... its Trump in a landslide....guaranteed....
The betting odds on 2020 show that Trump is the clear 4:1 favorite, with Biden fading:

Donald Trump +130
Bernie Sanders +600
Beto O’Rourke +800
Kamala Harris +900
Joe Biden +1000
Pete Buttgieg +1000
It will be a landslide until the dems break out their absentee ballot treasure chest......then the slow count and chants for counting every vote will begin....

Well since it's been said the military is majority republican voter's wouldn't you want all the absentee ballots counted? I am sure they would want their votes counted.
The more negative press Trump is subjected to by the globalist lame stream media, the more of a hero he becomes in the eyes of the silent majority.

On the even of the 2016 election, the media predicted a 97% chance of a Hillary landslide. Globalist broadcasters around the world engaged in an open international conspiracy to demoralize and chastise supporters of our great Nationalist (opposite of globalist) President, Donald Trump.

The American people stood up (the legal citizens), and by the Divine Grace of the Electoral College (fun fact: Mormons believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired document!), an ingenious device invented by our Founders to protect our nation from misguided or hijacked (illegal immigrants) popular vote, Donald Trump became the next President of the United States, and managed to hold the Senate and Courts in the midterms.

The more vicious the globalist lame stream media has become since has only solidified support for our great nationalist President, Donald Trump, contrary to their continued touting of their false polls (The Election of 2016 proved that all of their globalist "scientific polls" are manufactured garbage to demoralize the nationalists).

While the globalists hide behind the racism card on the Border issue, real legal Americans know it's simply the globalists throwing a tantrum that the Nationalists are winning.

Even now, the government shutdown, bravely initiated and maintained by Trump, is a show of political force and courage against the globalist commie scum.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

He will LOSE the popular vote
He will WIN the EC
and conservatives WILL call it a "landslide"
I just know Democrats have NO business winning because they're the most ANTI-American party in American HISTORY!

Democrats actually HATE America so that's why they're trying to RADICALLY change the country! We CANNOT let them DESTROY America!!

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