Will Whitey retaliate by voting an all Republican ticket in ALL local and national elections?

It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?

The whiteys I know are NOT voting for trump or ANY REPUBLICAN who still supports him.

MOST of them WOULD vote for a decent republican......like Romney or Mccain....

but not for any fascist piece of human garbage

so don't bother running for office.....

Romney is a whishy washy white trash turd, who was walked all over by Obama, while McCain who botched his Presidential run once already, is dead and buried. You forget the Keating five incident, he wasn't so decent at all.

I am sure your whitey friends are up to date these days.


add them all up and they are 1/10 as bad as trump...

surely you realize that if you bring up one or 2 or even 3 examples of mccains' questionable behavior then a rational person can point to HUNDREDS of examples of trump behaving like a piece of crap

mccain did 3 bad things!

trump does 3 bad things before breakfast!

better stick to "but the economy was better!"

I have been following the many lies and distortion the media makes about what Trump says and does.

It was YOU Leftists turs and the Media who claims he says drink go Clorox bleach, a lie you people pushed for weeks on end. It was the media and Biden who claims was a racist when he closed the border to the Chinese, then later attack him for not doing enough to stop the Chinese from coming in..

The lies about Russia Collusion, The lies about Flynn, and on and on and on I can go.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?

I plan to vote for Trump, in part because of current leftist madness and their barrage of lies over the last 3 plus years.

You have just described the Republican party the last 3 years. The Republican party is a party of right wing fascists who are not afraid to kill. Trump may retire the record books because he has told so many lies.
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
More lies from your "media". Remember tRump revoking press credentials of folks who reported unfavorably on him? How about him speculating on revoking licenses from media outlets he didn't like?

The only person endangering free speech is tRump.

Jim Acosta got his White House press pass pulled for a few days after he put hands on a female intern. Trump is a bad man. :lol:

I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
More lies from your "media". Remember tRump revoking press credentials of folks who reported unfavorably on him? How about him speculating on revoking licenses from media outlets he didn't like?

The only person endangering free speech is tRump.

Jim Acosta got his White House press pass pulled for a few days after he put hands on a female intern. Trump is a bad man. :lol:

Democrats give pervs a pass and even nominate one to be president. Democrats see biden sniffing little girls and groping women and totally ignore it.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?

I'd say you are using stronger drugs. You are the ignorant one. Suburban voters, especially women, are going to vote against the Trump GOP. Trump supporters are the uncivilized filth. Reality is going to hit you people.

30 states and 2,623 counties in 2016 elected a game show host with no experience in government and no track record...He has done nothing but execute and deliver for those 30 states and 2,623 counties while Democrats have done nothing but obstruct his presidency with underhanded bullshit every step of the way...Now you throw a frail, almost dead, barely coherent candidate to the wolves.....I’m sorry Gustavo but there really is no pathway to a loss for your President Trump.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?
Probably not. Repubs already turning on Drumpf.

So Repubs are turning on him and Blacks are backing him?

What percentage of Blacks do you believe are backing Drumpf?

All of them that are apparently not "black enough" to vote for Biden.

Youre dodging the question. How many of those that are not "black enough"?

All of them that feel Biden is stupid enough.

Trump is the stupidest one we have ever had.
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
More lies from your "media". Remember tRump revoking press credentials of folks who reported unfavorably on him? How about him speculating on revoking licenses from media outlets he didn't like?

The only person endangering free speech is tRump.
90% of the coverage is negative. What is he revoking? You cannot even call him "Trump". You're as bad as the racists here who call BHO "Kenyan".

You are just on the different side of the hateful and divisive coin.
90% is negative because 90% of his active n are negative.

I'll stop with the taunts when tRump does.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?

I plan to vote for Trump, in part because of current leftist madness and their barrage of lies over the last 3 plus years.

You have just described the Republican party the last 3 years. The Republican party is a party of right wing fascists who are not afraid to kill. Trump may retire the record books because he has told so many lies.

No the attacks on him EVERY SINGLE day, are real, their lies are what YOU ignore,
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
"When you take away free speech -"

why do all conservatives believe ALL the same lies?

and then call everyone ELSE "MINDLESS SHEEP"?!
Republican brainwashing techniques are highly effective on weaker-minded individualz.
You know who has been real quiet recently? The All Lives Matter people.

Do any of your right-wing sources show them doing anything active lately? Just curious.
This white ain't voting for the anti social security, anti Medicare, and anti laborer party. No way no how. It's pure 3rd party. My patriotic duty does not involve catering to what some wealthy corporatist wants. That would be anti american.
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
More lies from your "media". Remember tRump revoking press credentials of folks who reported unfavorably on him? How about him speculating on revoking licenses from media outlets he didn't like?

The only person endangering free speech is tRump.
90% of the coverage is negative. What is he revoking? You cannot even call him "Trump". You're as bad as the racists here who call BHO "Kenyan".

You are just on the different side of the hateful and divisive coin.
90% is negative because 90% of his active n are negative.

I'll stop with the taunts when tRump does.
It was also negative vs. Kavanaugh. What did he do? Leftist media is biased and awful. One way conversations don't work.
We are in times where leaders of households...MEN...should lay the hammer down...I’ve made it very clear to everyone I know, vote Democrat, FUCK OFF you are cut off....PERIOD

Hammer my ass. My vote, is my vote. Cut that off......
Trump ~2020 Because I can make up my own mind. :slap:
ndependent voter's don't like criminal mobs. They will vote Trump.
Delusional right wing nut spends a bit too much time in his bubble....

"The survey conducted on Monday and Tuesday found 64% of American adults were "sympathetic to people who are out protesting right now," while 27% said they were not and 9% were unsure."

Nobody legitimate responds to polls. Pieces of shit have time for polls...pieces of shit hate Trump and anything he stands for. Weird huh?

"pieces of shit hate Trump and anything he stands for."

I hate everything YOU AND TRUMP stand for;

lies, fear, bullying, stealing, cheating, insults, personal attacks, MORE bullying, threats.....


and I am PROUD to detest both of you

PROUD to stand firmly AGAINST both of you!
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?
Probably not. Repubs already turning on Drumpf.

So Repubs are turning on him and Blacks are backing him?

What percentage of Blacks do you believe are backing Drumpf?

All of them that are apparently not "black enough" to vote for Biden.

Youre dodging the question. How many of those that are not "black enough"?

All of them that feel Biden is stupid enough.

Biden is the alternative to Drumpf. Personally I would vote for the local dog catcher over Drumpf.

That's what you will be doing.

What i will be doing is voting for Biden over Drumpf. Then I will be laughing at you as you claw your eyes out in frustration. :)

Biden has already lost. Independent voter's don't like criminal mobs rioting and looting. They will vote for law and order Trump.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?
No. Trump is losing support among his base, not gaining. Pay attention.
Independent voter's don't like criminal mobs. They will vote Trump.

I am an Independent and I will NOT vote for Trump

at this point anyone who doesn't see that trump is completely unfit for the presidency is an idiot or a....worse.

Please detail the ways he is "unfit". Documented, please.

He's an indecisive, uneducated, liar with a deep streak of racism and no knowledge of the American form of government.

Your self-analysis is most interesting, but I was asking about Trump.
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
"When you take away free speech -"

why do all conservatives believe ALL the same lies?

and then call everyone ELSE "MINDLESS SHEEP"?!
Republican brainwashing techniques are highly effective on weaker-minded individualz.

I don't support UH. I don't believe boys should be able to identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. I am pro Israel. I like smaller gov't and lower corporate taxes. I support the 2nd amendment. I am pro choice (both genders), I am pro separation of church and state. What exactly about my views are radical? Do tell.
It’s completely plausible and I’d say likely.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized filth. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. Your thoughts?
It might not just be whitey this time

she didnt matter.jpg
I wonder how police officers will vote?

I so hope Democrats defund and disband the police in blue cities and states.

Democrats are smart to think of ideas like this

I imagine decent people in LESS conservative/fascist/deranged-piece-of-shit areas will RIGHTFULLY demand that the POLICE that they PAY FOR with their taxes be DECENT and HONORABLE people who take an OATH to SERVE and PROTECT ALL of the citizens.

If I hire a butler to attend my needs at home I expect him to DO HIS JOB and NOT beat me with a club or tear gas me simply because I am NOT a piece of shit.
No black mother should ever have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a crime.
Committing crimes is dangerous.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Cliven bundy committed crimes......

and is now a hero to conservatives everywhere!
Ted Bundy did too, and he was a staunch republican that served on several.election campaigns.

View attachment 346577

You guys had Stalin and Mao. You win by about 40,000,000 deaths. Congratulations. :(
Sorry lady, they were communists. Not Democrats.

I know you don't know the difference, they aren't ours no matter how stupid you choose to be.
Lines have been blurred.
Only by your so called "media".
When you take away free speech --- see Drew Brees --- it is what it is. Zero to do with the media.
"When you take away free speech -"

why do all conservatives believe ALL the same lies?

and then call everyone ELSE "MINDLESS SHEEP"?!
Republican brainwashing techniques are highly effective on weaker-minded individualz.

I don't support UH. I don't believe boys should be able to identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. I am pro Israel. I like smaller gov't and lower corporate taxes. I support the 2nd amendment. I am pro choice (both genders), I am pro separation of church and state. What exactly about my views are radical? Do tell.
Your racist views are radical.

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