Will you just suck it up and scream Orange Man Bad?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Mitch McConnel and Chuck Schumer have been in Congress for a combined 58 years. Why is that important? Well, someone set the table for the fact that after the Chinese communists committed crimes against humanity by weaving genetic stands of DNA into harmless cold viruses, no one can hold them responsible for releasing a worldwide plague.

The Chicoms will never pay a price for a contemporary holocaust because Congress sold us out by allowing a deadly enemy to capture our manufacturing infrastructure and economic engines. They did not do it to make the world better, they did it for personal wealth and power. Our president cannot bring any meaningful reprisals against the Chicoms because US political leaders both republican and democrat, handed them control of the mass-production of essential drugs Americans need to keep breathing.

The Chinese have been spreading money around Washington for decades and it’s no secret that they own US politicians. Americans have been enjoying cheap flat screen TV’s, camera phones and inexpensive computers made with Chinese slave labor and now they are coming to grips with the sad reality that American leaders purchased this arrangement by selling out our middle class and were well underway to transforming America into a third world country.

This kind of sedition by US aristocrats should not go unpunished. Mussolini’s body was hung upside down in a public square for doing less damage to his country than our Congress has. The world should be massing armies on China’s borders and issuing ultimatums for its surrender. That’s not going to happen because the real culprits are in league with the Chinese for a one world government.

The Chinese had long standing issues with Taiwan and Hong Kong and then Trump came along preaching for a return of domestic manufacturing. American fellow travelers of the Chinese on both sides of the aisle launched inquisitions against Trump, but he prevailed and got elected. All signs were pointing to his easy re-election. That was apparently the last straw-enter a plague.

If Trump loses pick out a Chinese name for yourself. Get ready to ration meat protein like they do in Venezuela. Toilet paper could become the new national currency. Oh, and don’t be surprised if pharmacies run out or your blood pressure and diabetes drugs.

Or you can just suck it up and a scream Orange Man Bad!
Mitch McConnel and Chuck Schumer have been in Congress for a combined 58 years. Why is that important? Well, someone set the table for the fact that after the Chinese communists committed crimes against humanity by weaving genetic stands of DNA into harmless cold viruses, no one can hold them responsible for releasing a worldwide plague.

The Chicoms will never pay a price for a contemporary holocaust because Congress sold us out by allowing a deadly enemy to capture our manufacturing infrastructure and economic engines. They did not do it to make the world better, they did it for personal wealth and power. Our president cannot bring any meaningful reprisals against the Chicoms because US political leaders both republican and democrat, handed them control of the mass-production of essential drugs Americans need to keep breathing.

The Chinese have been spreading money around Washington for decades and it’s no secret that they own US politicians. Americans have been enjoying cheap flat screen TV’s, camera phones and inexpensive computers made with Chinese slave labor and now they are coming to grips with the sad reality that American leaders purchased this arrangement by selling out our middle class and were well underway to transforming America into a third world country.

This kind of sedition by US aristocrats should not go unpunished. Mussolini’s body was hung upside down in a public square for doing less damage to his country than our Congress has. The world should be massing armies on China’s borders and issuing ultimatums for its surrender. That’s not going to happen because the real culprits are in league with the Chinese for a one world government.

The Chinese had long standing issues with Taiwan and Hong Kong and then Trump came along preaching for a return of domestic manufacturing. American fellow travelers of the Chinese on both sides of the aisle launched inquisitions against Trump, but he prevailed and got elected. All signs were pointing to his easy re-election. That was apparently the last straw-enter a plague.

If Trump loses pick out a Chinese name for yourself. Get ready to ration meat protein like they do in Venezuela. Toilet paper could become the new national currency. Oh, and don’t be surprised if pharmacies run out or your blood pressure and diabetes drugs.

Or you can just suck it up and a scream Orange Man Bad!
Fantastic post, Ray. Thank you.
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There is little doubt that the world was attacked by China in 2019 using a biowarfare agent causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands and counting. The human engineered pathogen fabricated by weaving genetic material into a run-of-the mill cold virus may be the most contagious weapon ever unleashed on the human race. Each and every death is a crime against humanity but there will almost certainly be no Nuremberg trials against the Chinese Communist Party.

The reason is that unlike Germany in WW 2 that tried to wipe out an inconvenient Jewish race and achieve world domination through military might, China patiently laid the groundwork for it’s master attack by infiltrating its global targets using greed as a motivator for sedition. By the time the Chinese launched their biological surprise attack they already owned bribed sympathizers on the inside-see the US Congress.

The United States has the most powerful military in history, but its president has no power to execute any meaningful reprisals against the Chinese because politicians in America sold out the people to China decades ago. China is a de facto “owner” of the United States and the people actually witnessed public propaganda treachery when famous basketball player, Lebron James, chided NBA supporters of Hong Kong by calling them “uneducated” as he stuffed his pockets with lucrative product endorsements.

Lebron James is only a bit player compared to long tenured American politicians that handed the Chinese control of all the essential life-saving drugs Americans need to stay alive. When President Trump was elected on a platform of a return to domestic industry, the only Nuremberg like tribunals enacted were against him for upsetting the Chinese easy-money benefactors.

The Chinese saw a clear and present threat to a one world order with them calling the shots when Trump appeared to be sailing to a second term. They were backed into a corner and they needed to take Trump down by any means necessary because the world was watching. Attempts to scuttle Trump with a corrupted FBI and DOJ inquisition had failed and the Chinese saw no other choice.

As our nursing homes and long-term care facilities become the Chinese death camps of the 21st century, Americans must act to keep Trump in office. We need to save our republic not just from the Chinese but from ourselves.

We can do it. Keep the faith.
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Ok, I was lazy. Is this better?

When Alexander Fleming, a Scottish researcher along with Ernst Chain and Howard Florey, first discovered and isolated antibiotics they got a Nobel Prize but gifted the life-saving discovery to the world without becoming billionaires from patented ownership. When Jonas Salk used a vaccine to save us all from the Polio virus, he did not patent the drug; he gave it to the people without cashing in on a billion-dollar opportunity. That was the past.

Now we come the present. In the midst of what certainly appears to be a human-science-engineered pandemic we turn on our TV’s and every other ad is a professionally produced pharmaceutical masterpiece pushing a new patented drug. There are Everest-sized piles of treasure to be harvested by drug corporations treating the deadly ailments that saddle the sick and old.

There is no need to trifle with human conscience when that kind of money is at stake. The new way of dealing with diseases is to do an end run around doctors and go right into the living rooms of the stricken with slick advertising. It’s a massive Madison Avenue racket and it shakes the foundations of the Hippocratic Oath.

Now we come to a tale of two experts: Dr. Anthony Fauci and whistle blower, Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Fauci has become the face of scientific professionalism, issuing confusing and conflicting directives about steps to take to avoid exposure to the new virus. Mikovits is an award-winning Ph.D. researcher sounding alarm bells that science has become more about money and profits and less about human benefit.

As the pandemic rages, Fauci is front and center while Mikovits has been scrubbed from You Tube and is described on Stasi-influenced Wikipedia with code words like “discredited” and “conspiracy theorist”. Her home was invaded like Roger Stone’s and she was arrested and jailed for not genuflecting to the status quo. She was jeopardizing profits.

While Americans are subjected to censorship of information, they may want to consider the wisdom of ceding control of our pharmaceutical industry to the Chinese Communist party. They may also want to examine attacks on our constitution. It gives us the right to hear all sides and make up our own minds.

There is little doubt that something has gone terribly wrong in what appears to be mad science. Maybe we need to listen to real whistle blowers this time. It may be our last chance.
Trump has decided that if he yells and screams about China enough, his moron fans will conclude that Democrats just love China.

The thing that is missing, however, is action. Trump has done nothing to sanction China for the horrible things that his campaign is telling us that they have done.

The OP is now telling us that we have to vote for Trump because he will DEFINITELY hold China accountable STARTING AFTER THE ELECTION.

Trump has decided that if he yells and screams about China enough, his moron fans will conclude that Democrats just love China.

The thing that is missing, however, is action. Trump has done nothing to sanction China for the horrible things that his campaign is telling us that they have done.

The OP is now telling us that we have to vote for Trump because he will DEFINITELY hold China accountable STARTING AFTER THE ELECTION.


The president recognizes the disadvantageous position we are in with China. This is what economic sanctions are all about especially with respect to tariffs. He had nothing to do with granting China control of Big Pharma's ingredients.
Seventy-five years after the “Greatest Generation” came home from WWII, our not so great generation of Baby Boomers — having grown up on Woodstock, R&R, drugs and “Give Peace a Chance” — now are mostly fat, suffer high blood pressure and diabetes, worry about running out of toilet paper, and from their air-conditioned homes cry out about treason and call for war and death:

“The world should be massing armies on China’s borders and issuing ultimatums for its surrender. That’s not going to happen because the real culprits are in league with the Chinese for a one world government.”

The ravings of old men is a sad thing for the young to have to listen to.
But when old men with power start to rave ...
Trump has decided that if he yells and screams about China enough, his moron fans will conclude that Democrats just love China.

The thing that is missing, however, is action. Trump has done nothing to sanction China for the horrible things that his campaign is telling us that they have done.

The OP is now telling us that we have to vote for Trump because he will DEFINITELY hold China accountable STARTING AFTER THE ELECTION.


The president recognizes the disadvantageous position we are in with China. This is what economic sanctions are all about especially with respect to tariffs. He had nothing to do with granting China control of Big Pharma's ingredients.

The president lacks the knowledge required to understand international trade issues. He’s done nothing but toss red meat to morons.
Trump has decided that if he yells and screams about China enough, his moron fans will conclude that Democrats just love China.

The thing that is missing, however, is action. Trump has done nothing to sanction China for the horrible things that his campaign is telling us that they have done.

The OP is now telling us that we have to vote for Trump because he will DEFINITELY hold China accountable STARTING AFTER THE ELECTION.


The president recognizes the disadvantageous position we are in with China. This is what economic sanctions are all about especially with respect to tariffs. He had nothing to do with granting China control of Big Pharma's ingredients.

The president lacks the knowledge required to understand international trade issues. He’s done nothing but toss red meat to morons.

That's a broad brush. I started running in 1973 after I watched Frank shorter win the Olympic Marathon. By 1985 I was running 10k's in 30 minutes and winning races. Being a forefoot striker I ran into issues with stress fractures and because I was already racing bicycles in triathlons I went exclusively to bicycle racing.

I've retired two doctors and now have a nurse practitioner who saw me for the first time when I was 70. She told me I looked about 50. My blood pressure this morning was 108/63. My resting heartrate, 49 and oxygen level 99%.

I was still bicycle racing in 2016 but crashes and concussions were becoming a concern. I just ride 50 miles a day now by myself. That picture I put on the site is Eric Hoffer-look him up.
President Trump is a dangerous demagogue. He and his supporters who spout off grand conspiracy theories and make idiotic partisan proposals are both products of deeper forces in our society. Their delusions grow out of shared bipartisan thinking about our place in the world, the dangers we face as a society, what our country can and should be. It does not seem to me that the mainstream Democrats who run the DNC, despite their talk about more “competent” and “professional” leadership, are up to the task of confronting our own illusions and repairing our economy, let alone “fixing” China and Russia. Here is a thoughtful take on those bipartisan illusions I’m getting at: Remembering V-E Day, 75 Years Later — A “Greatest Generation” We Are Not
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President Trump is a dangerous demagogue. He and his supporters who spout off grand conspiracy theories and make idiotic partisan proposals are both products of deeper forces in our society. Their delusions grow out of shared bipartisan thinking about our place in the world, the dangers we face as a society, what our country can and should be. It is not clear to me that the mainstream Democrats who run the DNC, despite their talk about more “competent” and “professional” leadership, are up to the task of confronting our own illusions and repairing our economy, let alone “fixing” China and Russia. Here is a thoughtful take on those bipartisan illusions I’m getting at: Remembering V-E Day, 75 Years Later — A “Greatest Generation” We Are Not

You need to stop being afraid of the monster.

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