Will you miss Trump ?

He very well could win. 50/50. But I certainly won't miss him, whether it's in five months or five years.

I just hope we've hit rock bottom. Maybe he'll serve a positive purpose in that way. A cautionary tale.
I just hope we've hit rock bottom.

we won't be leaving 'rock bottom' for at least 4 more years.
and if biden wins we are still at rock bottom,so that saying will still be good....
I have to be honest here and say that I will. He is the most amazing political figure on the planet and I get up each day to see what dumb arse thing he has done while I have been catching some zzzs.

Its easy for me to say that. Johnson is a total wanker but I dont view him in that same light. I just despise him and the mediocrities that surround him. It must be different living in trumps America and my heart goes out to my friends on this board who labour under his amoral regime.

What is clear is that your constitution was not built for someone like Trump. His impeachment being a prime example of that. The nepotism, the patronage all the corruption has been allowed to fester unchallenged. You need to take a look at that so that future leaders do not repeat all of this shit.

If you do not then Pres Don Jnr will drive a coach and horses through America and pretty much destroy everything that Senior has left standing.
The only way I can miss him is if an even worse US leader, but with more brains, comes to rule. Like someone who doesn't need to say stupid things,or line his own pockets, but secretly do the things like the kids in cages and secret police and election fraud. Not necessarily those things, but that type of thing.

Someone more credible would be much more dangerous. Not that it's not bad enough now.
The only way I can miss him is if an even worse US leader, but with more brains, comes to rule. Like someone who doesn't need to say stupid things,or line his own pockets, but secretly do the things like the kids in cages and secret police and election fraud. Not necessarily those things, but that type of thing.

Someone more credible would be much more dangerous. Not that it's not bad enough now.

Obama built those cages to hold an overflow of migrant children that accumulated because of his lax border security. At the time they were called 'facilities' when Trump used them they were called 'cages.'
I have to be honest here and say that I will. He is the most amazing political figure on the planet and I get up each day to see what dumb arse thing he has done while I have been catching some zzzs.

Its easy for me to say that. Johnson is a total wanker but I dont view him in that same light. I just despise him and the mediocrities that surround him. It must be different living in trumps America and my heart goes out to my friends on this board who labour under his amoral regime.

What is clear is that your constitution was not built for someone like Trump. His impeachment being a prime example of that. The nepotism, the patronage all the corruption has been allowed to fester unchallenged. You need to take a look at that so that future leaders do not repeat all of this shit.

If you do not then Pres Don Jnr will drive a coach and horses through America and pretty much destroy everything that Senior has left standing.
Put me down for a ..HELL NO!!
I have to be honest here and say that I will. He is the most amazing political figure on the planet and I get up each day to see what dumb arse thing he has done while I have been catching some zzzs.

Its easy for me to say that. Johnson is a total wanker but I dont view him in that same light. I just despise him and the mediocrities that surround him. It must be different living in trumps America and my heart goes out to my friends on this board who labour under his amoral regime.

What is clear is that your constitution was not built for someone like Trump. His impeachment being a prime example of that. The nepotism, the patronage all the corruption has been allowed to fester unchallenged. You need to take a look at that so that future leaders do not repeat all of this shit.

If you do not then Pres Don Jnr will drive a coach and horses through America and pretty much destroy everything that Senior has left standing.
Hard to say...a lot can happen in his second term. Ask me again in 2023.
I have to be honest here and say that I will. He is the most amazing political figure on the planet and I get up each day to see what dumb arse thing he has done while I have been catching some zzzs.

Its easy for me to say that. Johnson is a total wanker but I dont view him in that same light. I just despise him and the mediocrities that surround him. It must be different living in trumps America and my heart goes out to my friends on this board who labour under his amoral regime.

What is clear is that your constitution was not built for someone like Trump. His impeachment being a prime example of that. The nepotism, the patronage all the corruption has been allowed to fester unchallenged. You need to take a look at that so that future leaders do not repeat all of this shit.

If you do not then Pres Don Jnr will drive a coach and horses through America and pretty much destroy everything that Senior has left standing.

And you post that as joe biden has used his public office to enrich his family...with hunter making a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the communist Chinese while flying on Air Force 2 with his dad........as obama used the agencies of the federal government as his personal gestapo, and the clintons sold China classified technology for campaign cash...and that technology is now being used to threaten the U.S. and our allies.......

You really are a stupid human being.
Yep, I’m sure I’ll miss Trump after his second term, but I’m concerned how the lefty shitbags will occupy their time after eight years of constantly trying and failing to even lay a glove on him.

Ah, the joyous days of Russia!...Russia!...Russia! Day after day, year after year...

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