Willard will show Americans same respect he showed the moderator


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.

Is that the best you got? Romney was a big meanie to Leher?

Your man lost, deal with it.
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.

Only one problem with your analysis, Ed...Barack Obama spoke for a full three minutes more than Mitt Romney last night, droning on about topics to the point where Romney had to interject to get a rebuttal in. If he HADN'T then the disparity would have been even more pronounced.

Romney simply stood his ground against someone who was doing his best to monopolize the time available.
The complete lack of respect for the moderator visible only to democrats.

What democrats really wanted was for Lehrer to step in and tell Romney "Stop being mean to obama, you're making him look bad".
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.

I'm sure you can spin this as Obama doing an amazing job in the debate, edtheliar...
the lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the american people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the american people will be treated and listened to if willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.

The real "lesson" of this debate is that for the first time Barack Obama had to stand on the same stage as Romney to defend his record and he didn't do well. The President looked annoyed that someone was questioning him and kept retreating to the same talking points he's been using on the stump for the past year even though Romney was talking about other things. Romney on the other hand looked happy to be there having that discussion. He simply called the President on his failings and Obama really didn't have a come back for that.
I think he was reading a book or something the amount of time he spent looking down instead of at his opponent.

Debate 101 FAIL.
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.

This is pretty lame....even for you.

then he rambled on about fair this and fair that. Then Romney told the audience that the free market needs regulation. :lmao:
The real "lesson" of this debate is that for the first time Barack Obama had to stand on the same stage as Romney to defend his record and he didn't do well. The President looked annoyed that someone was questioning him and kept retreating to the same talking points he's been using on the stump for the past year even though Romney was talking about other things. Romney on the other hand looked happy to be there having that discussion. He simply called the President on his failings and Obama really didn't have a come back for that.

He actually needed factual, honest answers...he had none and failed miserably.

Dear Leader doesn't like having his feet held to the fire.
The lesson of the debate is the complete disrespect and lack of regard Willard had for the moderator, who he said he liked.

Just substitute the American people, 47% of whom he does not even like, for the moderator and you will get a taste of how the American people will be treated and listened to if Willard is elected. No matter how much the moderator tried to assert himself, Willard ignored him and ran roughshod over him time after time after time.
Funny. What I saw was a Moderator that was going to let Obama run away with the Debate. If Romney did not step in, Obama would probably still talking and stammering away. I though Mitt was respectful, yet forceful, in defending his right to be there, and his equal time. It was a pleasant surprise. True, he stepped on Obama a little, I think the lack of moderation did catch him by surprise, it did me. Had he not stepped in, Obama would have used up all of the time. Obama got the lion's share of the talking time as it was. You not seeing the unfairness of that, is no wonder.
I think he was reading a book or something the amount of time he spent looking down instead of at his opponent.

Debate 101 FAIL.

Texting/begging his staff to conjure up an emergency requiring him to come back to the WH immediately.
Romney did exactly what a President SHOULD do... took charge.

Exactly. Unlike Bush, rather than ignore false allegation, he took it head on. That, and his ability to work with both sides of the Aisle in conflict resolution, will make him a successful President. I bet he gets a Budget past his first year, too.

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