Wind Turbine Explodes Closing New England Beaches


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
We are yet again given another glaring example of the Democrats poor attempt atbusing, "science" to solve the problems theybmake up.

Non-biodegradable shards of fiberglass, micro plastics, have now polluted New England beaches from a wind turbine somehow blew apart.

Yes, the science desiegned to harness the wind can not withstand the wind.

Fish are literally eating the toxic micro plastics scattered forever in the ocean.

Okay, let’s do a quick rundown of the implications of this event, to illustrate how disastrous this failure really is.

We’ve got shards of composite material made of glass and petroleum-based resin polluting the water—what’s this going to do to marine life? And the progressive leftists who think they’re the eco-conscious ones worry about plastic straws or some plastic bags? Imagine all the creatures that will be swallowing a synthetic glass! And, since the shards are washing up on shore, now people can’t even enjoy walking barefoot on the sand lest they get sliced up by razor sharp detritus, and they certainly can’t enjoy a swim or frolic in the water.

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