Wind Turbine's CO2 Emissions increasing and largest new source of CO2

I have, given numbers and sources. Crick, you either forget or refuse to look when I post those numbers with links.
You have never done the math to demonstrate the validity of your claim. NEVER.
Common Sense. How come you can not use common sense, crick?
Because, unlike you, I am not trying to cover up my failures and lies.
I am not trying to flame of troll.
Given your refusal to support your own claims, that is dubious.
A simple honest question. Why can you not apply common sense to what you, we, can physically see.
Because, unlike you, I am not being forced to attempt to validate a point everyone here knows is utter nonsense. Unlike you, I am not a liar.
You have never done the math to demonstrate the validity of your claim. NEVER.

Because, unlike you, I am not trying to cover up my failures and lies.

Given your refusal to support your own claims, that is dubious.

Because, unlike you, I am not being forced to attempt to validate a point everyone here knows is utter nonsense. Unlike you, I am not a liar.
Common sense, crick, there are many things in life that require common sense.

Nothing being built for electricity production is larger than solar and wind, while at the same time producing the least amount of electricity.

There is much common sense that can be used while evaluating that statement. I dont even need a link, or proof in this forum. All people responding are familiar with the topic and recognize the size of this. .
You have never done the math to demonstrate the validity of your claim. NEVER.
Is there anything being built today, that is larger or more numerous than solar power and wind power?

No links, use common sense.
Is there anything being built today, that is larger or more numerous than solar power and wind power?

No links, use common sense.
Stop wasting our time and show us the numbers and the math that demonstrate your claim.

EVERYONE here knows a call to common sense is just a ploy to get around unpleasant facts.
Is there anything being built today, that is larger or more numerous than solar power and wind power?
No links, use common sense.
Stop wasting our time and show us the numbers and the math that demonstrate your claim.
EVERYONE here knows a call to common sense is just a ploy to get around unpleasant facts.
Is there anything being built to produce electricity that as big and more numerous than wind and solar power.

Crick will not answer because the answer proves crick has no argument, no facts, and does not wish to admit that wind and solar have no place in a modern society.
Is there anything being built to produce electricity that as big and more numerous than wind and solar power.

Crick will not answer because the answer proves crick has no argument, no facts, and does not wish to admit that wind and solar have no place in a modern society.
I have twice now clearly demonstrated that wind turbines compensate for the CO2 produced during their construction in a matter of days and that the fossil fuel technology YOU would choose, produces orders of magnitude more. That would make your statement here another willful lie.

If you want to support your claim, show us the total amount of CO2 produced constructing wind turbines worldwide last year and bounce that against the CO2 produced by all the motor vehicles, electrical generation and concrete production on the planet. All those numbers are easily available on the web. We'll see who wins. All we have to do is follow the evidence. WA-A-A-A-A-Y better than "common sense".
I have twice now clearly demonstrated that wind turbines compensate for the CO2 produced during their construction in a matter of days and that the fossil fuel technology YOU would choose, produces orders of magnitude more. That would make your statement here another willful lie.

If you want to support your claim, show us the total amount of CO2 produced constructing wind turbines worldwide last year and bounce that against the CO2 produced by all the motor vehicles, electrical generation and concrete production on the planet. All those numbers are easily available on the web. We'll see who wins. All we have to do is follow the evidence. WA-A-A-A-A-Y better than "common sense".
It is a simple question, what is the largest thing being built to make electricity.
It is a simple question, what is the largest thing being built to make electricity.
I keep asking you for actual numbers and actual math and you keep coming back with big, Big, BIG, BIG BIG BIG BIG as if it meant ANYTHING other than you doing you damnedest to avoid admitting you've been wrong all along. If you think a single person on this board isn't fully aware of that, you're even more stupid than you look. Give it the fuck up.
Hoover Dam?
No, Hoover dam is not being built today. Wind turbines are.

It will take 92,000 wind turbines to equal the Hover dam. The Biden administration plans to build a million wind turbines
The hoover dam is 726 ft high

The Democrats are building wind turbines, 852 ft tall

14,845 miles high, will be the wind turbine equal to the hoover dam
Chatting with you is like chatting with a fourth grader. Hoover Dam weighs more than 6,600,000 tons, almost all of which is concrete which absolutely spewed CO2 as it was being made.

What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you to just drop out and it looked for a few days as if you had. Did anyone comment? No. Did I make a point of it? No. But then you got drunk or something and decided to come back. Well, bad decisions have consequences.
No. But then you got drunk or something and decided to come back. Well, bad decisions have consequences.
You brought up the hoover dam. Now you threaten me with consequences?

A wind turbine that would equal the Hoover dam would be 18,485 miles high.

Democrats and the rich are building that wind turbine.
You brought up the hoover dam.
You asked me what was the largest thing built to produce electricity. I didn't bring it up, you did.
Now you threaten me with consequences?
It's not a threat, it's a statement of fact.
A wind turbine that would equal the Hoover dam would be 18,485 miles high.
So wind turbines are a tiny thing to make electricity
Democrats and the rich are building that wind turbine.
Which wind turbine?

Any chance you're ever going to show us some actual numbers and some actual math to support your claims that wind turbines are the "largest new source of CO2"
You asked me what was the largest thing built to produce electricity. I didn't bring it up, you did.

It's not a threat, it's a statement of fact.

So wind turbines are a tiny thing to make electricity

Which wind turbine?

Any chance you're ever going to show us some actual numbers and some actual math to support your claims that wind turbines are the "largest new source of CO2"
I repeatedly have shown the absurdity of your ideas.

Replacing the Hoover dam with a wind turbine will require the wind turbine to be 14,485 miles high. Yet, even at that height a wind turbine can not equal the output of Hoover dam.
I repeatedly have shown the absurdity of your ideas.
You've done no such thing. You've repeatedly shown that you are unable to actually support your contentions with anything other than "this is really, really big".
Replacing the Hoover dam with a wind turbine will require the wind turbine to be 14,485 miles high. Yet, even at that height a wind turbine can not equal the output of Hoover dam.
You aren't this fucking stupid. YOU asked ME for something bigger than a wind turbine built to generate electricity. I gave you a fucking answer. Now don't be such an ignorant ass and move on.

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