The Impossibility of the Democrat Fantasy Electric World

We actually "store" zero electricity in the grid,
Sorry, you don’t have a clue do you ? It’s hilarious how dumb you guys are. Because electricity is so fungible and travels at the speed of light, you‘re still stuck in fossil fuel mentality. Electricity is stored by traditional batteries by both users and power companies. Transformers on poles, . Changes the value of the electricity INSTEAD of actual traditional storage. Power stations contain huge capacitors which DO store electricity to delay their use for rerouting purposes. Electricity also tranfers out side the grid of the local provider and is stored mechanically ( look it up) and use systemic storage where a user in one town actually sells and gets credit within the larger system for surplus electricity which they then “buy back “ from other providers during their off hours for their nighttime or maintenance use.

You’re totally uninformed post doesnt take into account that all fossil fuel electricity providers do the same shit during maintenance and accidents and bad weather needs.

Get a life . We store electricity…always have and will continue. It’s way over your head. You’re still a fossil fuel mentality.
Dams convert FALLING water, NOT "pumped" water. Pumps require electricity or fossil fuel to pump water vertically or horizontally. Please don't waste any more time responding to the giggling troll. He never adds information to any discussion. If you were to put him into a vacuum chamber, it would become emptier.
The last thing we need to due is listen to this fraud. Just go on line and look it up yourself.
We actually "store" zero electricity in the grid, power is used as it is generated.
No it is not. We have transformers on poles that insure the electricity ISN‘T used as it is generated. Good grief man. do some research.
We actually "store" zero electricity in the grid, power is used as it is generated. This shows you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Any storage has to be in the form of capacitors, batteries, or potential energy from sources like water pumped from one elevation to another.
Really ?
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Of course I can...but you will ignore it, since it does not agree with your religious beliefs.
Sorry, you don’t have a clue do you ? It’s hilarious how dumb you guys are. Because electricity is so fungible and travels at the speed of light, you‘re still stuck in fossil fuel mentality. Electricity is stored by traditional batteries by both users and power companies. Transformers on poles, . Changes the value of the electricity INSTEAD of actual traditional storage. Power stations contain huge capacitors which DO store electricity to delay their use for rerouting purposes. Electricity also tranfers out side the grid of the local provider and is stored mechanically ( look it up) and use systemic storage where a user in one town actually sells and gets credit within the larger system for surplus electricity which they then “buy back “ from other providers during their off hours for their nighttime or maintenance use.

You’re totally uninformed post doesnt take into account that all fossil fuel electricity providers do the same shit during maintenance and accidents and bad weather needs.

Get a life . We store electricity…always have and will continue. It’s way over your head. You’re still a fossil fuel mentality.

Once it's in a battery it's stored chemically, not as electricity. Changing the voltage does nothing to store anything.

Capacitors store electricity for seconds, maybe minutes, to handle fluctuations in the power load, not actual storage for later use.

All of that is not storing electricity, except for the capacitors, and those are just for smoothing.

What is your degree in, Arrowwak Lesbian Basket weaving?
Dams convert FALLING water, NOT "pumped" water. Pumps require electricity or fossil fuel to pump water vertically or horizontally. Please don't waste any more time responding to the giggling troll. He never adds information to any discussion. If you were to put him into a vacuum chamber, it would become emptier.

I am talking about the proposed schemes of using excess renewable energy when it is available to pump water to a higher elevation and to use that water later when the renewables are offline to provide replacement power.
Dams convert FALLING water, NOT "pumped" water. Pumps require electricity or fossil fuel to pump water vertically or horizontally. Please don't waste any more time responding to the giggling troll. He never adds information to any discussion. If you were to put him into a vacuum chamber, it would become emptier

Water enters the forebay by tunnels from the Niagara River controlled by the International Control Dam upstream of the natural falls. Water in the forebay can be either pumped up into the upper reservoir for later use or immediately sent down over the escarpment downstream of the natural falls through the Robert Moses Power Station turbines.

Pumping water to a higher elevation turns electrical energy to potential energy that can be turned back into electrical energy.
That is, it stores the energy for future use.
Once it's in a battery it's stored chemically, not as electricity. Changing the voltage does nothing to store anything.

Capacitors store electricity for seconds, maybe minutes, to handle fluctuations in the power load, not actual storage for later use.

All of that is not storing electricity, except for the capacitors, and those are just for smoothing.

What is your degree in, Arrowwak Lesbian Basket weaving?
A lot of babble with nothing to say. Do you really need help on how electricity is stored in a battery ? Seems like it. And guess what, regardless of the the storage modality, it comes out as electricity stupid. So you dismiss batteries ? They can’t store electricity ?

There are also 43 hydro storage capacities alone in the three main national grids dufus. You going to pretend they don’t exist ?

How long have we been storing energy and used as electricity ? Try well over a hundred years.
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“According to GTM Research’s “U.S. Energy Storage Monitor 2017 Year in Review,” more than 5,500 energy storage systems are installed in the U.S., in the residential and commercial sectors with over 95% connected to PV in the residential sector at the end of 2017, which amounts to about 4,700 systems.”
“According to GTM Research’s “U.S. Energy Storage Monitor 2017 Year in Review,” more than 5,500 energy storage systems are installed in the U.S., in the residential and commercial sectors with over 95% connected to PV in the residential sector at the end of 2017, which amounts to about 4,700 systems.”

This is what they're describing >>>




although this may fit as well>>>>


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