Wind Turbines destroys millions of trees in Scotland


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Somehow, all across the World, Heavy Industry through Government dictated policies are getting rich destroying the environment installing Wind Turbines (some calculate the cost over $46 Trillion).

In Scotland I have learned they have cut down millions of trees to install Wind Turbines.

5 million Scottish trees felled for wind farms - The Scotsman

Forestry Commission statistics reveal that about five million trees – almost one for every person in Scotland – have been cut down to clear space for turbines in the past six years but less than a third of them have been replaced.

Of the 2,510 hectares stripped of woodland to make way for turbines since 2007, just 792 hectares were reforested after construction was completed.

The Scottish Conservatives, who obtained the figures through a Freedom of Information request, claimed the figures are evidence that the Scottish Government is “destroying nature” in a bid to meet its own climate targets, which aim for all the country’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2020.

MSP Murdo Fraser, energy spokesman for the party, said: “The SNP is so blindly obsessed with renewable energy that it doesn’t mind destroying another important environmental attribute to make way for it.

“It’s quite astonishing to see almost as many trees have been destroyed as there are people in Scotland.”

Will it lower my energy costs? If so more power to them.
It raises the cost of running your house, the electricity is more expensive.

It also destroys industry, unreliable and expensive, hence you will not have a job or many others will not, this results in more imports which raises costs.

In California the expense is passed onto the Nation through higher costs for food. Stuff that is dependent on pumping water, water pumping in California is dependent on 80% of our Electricity.

So it will not lower your costs, from food to electricity.
Will it lower my energy costs? If so more power to them.
It raises the cost of running your house, the electricity is more expensive.

It also destroys industry, unreliable and expensive, hence you will not have a job or many others will not, this results in more imports which raises costs.

In California the expense is passed onto the Nation through higher costs for food. Stuff that is dependent on pumping water, water pumping in California is dependent on 80% of our Electricity.

So it will not lower your costs, from food to electricity.
I don't care what it destroys. If it does not lower my costs I am against it. If it does I am for it.
...and in the U.S. 58 million acres of what was once forest, prairie, wetlands, and grasslands is now dedicated to growing corn for our gas tanks. :lol:
can you get rid of that disgusting picture in your signature? every time I see it I want to retch.
Unintended and negative consequences are the trail always left behind Liberal governance.
For democrats and liberals, destruction of the environment is what they want. Democrats want to increase CO2, demorars seek to use all the oil, the demorats hate people, they want us to suffer and die.

The consequences are not unintended. Use all the oil, spend all the money, kill all the wildlife, leave no land to grow food, waste all the water, then blame everyone else and look down at us with glee and disdain, while we suffer and die.

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