I wonder how many wind turbines and solar panels are working under 40 inches of snow. Yeah, you heard right, 3ft 4 inches of snow.

here, find a 4th grader and have them explain this part to you. I do not get paid to educate you.

If the blades of the windmills are frozen or caked with snow, and the solar panels cant see the light of day under all that snow, how many people are without power, thanks to the Joe Biden admin's push for renewable(non working) energy in this snowmaggedon?
You perhaps dig ditches or shovel cow shit. But you sure had no cause to ask him about wind turbines. Is your claim now that Biden did not push for renewable energy? I would not pay you for anything at all. Far too ignorant to waste much time on.
You perhaps dig ditches or shovel cow shit. But you sure had no cause to ask him about wind turbines. Is your claim now that Biden did not push for renewable energy? I would not pay you for anything at all. Far too ignorant to waste much time on.

His claim was that people were freezing due to said mandate. In order for this to be true then there would have to have been wind turbines and solar panels added due to said mandate.

How stupid can you be? Are you even an adult?
His claim was that people were freezing due to said mandate. In order for this to be true then there would have to have been wind turbines and solar panels added due to said mandate.

How stupid can you be? Are you even an adult?
Why can't you quote the man?
You talk precisely as a teenager talks.
Here is my contention. The same deadly storms predicted by the Democrats will damage tens of thousands of solar panels.

Say, when the wind turbines got damaged in TX, how long did it take to restore service there?

When it snows, how well do panels work?

Renewable energy is really based on mother nature (Solar, wind and even water).

If you alluding to that renewable energy is depends on mother nature, then that is known and obvious to anyone

I assuming that your talking about the situation in 2021

Fact one - Solar and Wind still only provide a small amount of energy as compared to traditional sources

two - Solar and wind depends on the availability of it where it will be installed. So areas that do not get the minimal amount needed for Solar or wind power to be feasible do not use it.

For example in homes, The house must have a certain amount of sun light that hits the roof for them to even install it. If you have trees then they may need to be cut

Three - Renewable energy is still pretty new and not an established source that has been around for decades. The point technology will improve it over time

The Texas JOutage

generally renewable energy is just about 25% and the rest is the more traditional sources

The storms that hit Texas took out power in both renewable and traditional sources

In Texas, the center of a wave of outages across the Southern and central parts of the U.S., the primary electric grid suffered a one-two punch wrought by the deep freeze: off-the-charts demand for power as Texans tried to heat their homes and power plants that simply failed to produce power when people needed it the most.

Wind and solar, still fairly small slices of the state's energy mix, played only a minimal role in the sudden power shortage, utility officials said

Conservative interpretation is that it was just renewables energy that was affected. Traditional sources also were effected. Also because people panic, then they contribute to the increase in demand which was also a factor. The stress on traditional sources failed also. They do provide about 75% of power for the state and failed due to the storm and panic
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Renewable energy is really based on mother nature (Solar, wind and even water).

If you alluding to that renewable energy is depends on mother nature, then that is known and obvious to anyone

I assuming that your talking about the situation in 2021

Fact one - Solar and Wind still only provide a small amount of energy as compared to traditional sources

two - Solar and wind depends on the availability of it where it will be installed. So areas that do not get the minimal amount needed for Solar or wind power to be feasible do not use it.

For example in homes, The house must have a certain amount of sun light that hits the roof for them to even install it. If you have trees then they may need to be cut

Three - Renewable energy is still pretty new and not an established source that has been around for decades. The point technology will improve it over time

The Texas JOutage

generally renewable energy is just about 25% and the rest is the more traditional sources

The storms that hit Texas took out power in both renewable and traditional sources

In Texas, the center of a wave of outages across the Southern and central parts of the U.S., the primary electric grid suffered a one-two punch wrought by the deep freeze: off-the-charts demand for power as Texans tried to heat their homes and power plants that simply failed to produce power when people needed it the most.

Wind and solar, still fairly small slices of the state's energy mix, played only a minimal role in the sudden power shortage, utility officials said

Conservative interpretation is that it was just renewables energy that was affected. Traditional sources also were effected. Also because people panic, then they contribute to the increase in demand which was also a factor. The stress on traditional sources failed also. They do provide about 70% of power for the state.
Fact one - Solar and Wind still only provide a small amount of energy as compared to traditional sources

two - Solar and wind depends on the availability of it where it will be installed. So areas that do not get the minimal amount needed for Solar or wind power to be feasible do not use it.

For example in homes, The house must have a certain amount of sun light that hits the roof for them to even install it. If you have trees then they may need to be cut

Three - Renewable energy is still pretty new and not an established source that has been around for decades. The point technology will improve it over time

The Texas JOutage

generally renewable energy is just about 25% and the rest is the more traditional sources
That matches what I know of this topic. A very good book to read is called Energy for presidents by professor Muller at University of California.
, how many people are without power, thanks to the Joe Biden admin's push for renewable
Since you know it all, what is your answer to his actual question? (form it as an answer and not a defense of Biden) FACT (Biden has pushed for renewable.)
Since you know it all, what is your answer to his actual question? (form it as a question and not a defense of Biden) FACT (Biden has pushed for renewable.)

I cannot possible know that until he tells us how many wind turbines and solar panels have been added as a result of the push for renewable energy.

It is his claim that the push has made this situation worse, I will wait for him to support it, I am done toying with you.
The storms that hit Texas took out power in both renewable and traditional sources

In Texas, the center of a wave of outages across the Southern and central parts of the U.S., the primary electric grid suffered a one-two punch wrought by the deep freeze: off-the-charts demand for power as Texans tried to heat their homes and power plants that simply failed to produce power when people needed it the most.

Wind and solar, still fairly small slices of the state's energy mix, played only a minimal role in the sudden power shortage, utility officials said

Conservative interpretation is that it was just renewables energy that was affected. Traditional sources also were effected. Also because people panic, then they contribute to the increase in demand which was also a factor. The stress on traditional sources failed also. They do provide about 70% of power for the state.
What traditional power sources failed TX?
I cannot possible know that until he tells us how many wind turbines and solar panels have been added as a result of the push for renewable energy.

It is his claim that the push has made this situation worse, I will wait for him to support it, I am done toying with you.
Actually you define toying as filth. How many humans call filth toying?

Let me stop toying with you and talk about you for a change. So you cannot know until the other poster informs you? What if he gives you actual numbers? Do you truly only see windmills as the sole renewable energy?
Here is my contention. The same deadly storms predicted by the Democrats will damage tens of thousands of solar panels.

Say, when the wind turbines got damaged in TX, how long did it take to restore service there?

When it snows, how well do panels work?
zero!!!! output
What traditional power sources failed TX?
Gas and coal

Demand also is a factor and panic

I remember one year that toilet paper disappeared off the shelves because people panicked and the early birds purchased huge amounts until it was exhausted in all the local stores. If you were to late then it was "cave man" time.

Another benefit of renewable energy is to the land owner.

Farmers and ranchers who own multiple acres of land can lease some of the land. to wind or solar farm operators.

Land that is not being used can become a source of income. They can still farm part of the land and the rest can be used to generate additional income. They don't have to do anything.

They are building the largest solar farm in Indiana

The downside is workers gaining access to the land. If you have cattle , then the owner is usually complaining that the workers are not closing the damn gates
zero!!!! output
rain and snow are not going to damage solar panels. I guess that why they place them at an angel and not vertical . Also they are weather resistant.

Hail would be more of a problem but they will just replace them

Just like if your roof got damaged from hail. You replace it

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MSN If the blades of the windmills are frozen or caked with snow, and the solar panels cant see the light of day under all that snow, how many people are without power, thanks to the Joe Biden admin's push for renewable(non working) energy in this snowmaggedon? Can your EV handle all that cold and wind, while you not only have your car on, but the heater, lights and wipers all using up that precious electricity, that is now limiting your range, but hope you dont end up in a snowbank where you are stuck for hours. Might see some of that when the bitter cold(Not globull warming) is over.....
The number that will be working is the same number of brain cells alarmists have, zero.
Gas and coal

Demand also is a factor and panic

I remember one year that toilet paper disappeared off the shelves because people panicked and the early birds purchased huge amounts until it was exhausted in all the local stores. If you were to late then it was "cave man" time.
Will you honor us with proof? About just gas and coal failing.
MSN If the blades of the windmills are frozen or caked with snow, and the solar panels cant see the light of day under all that snow, how many people are without power, thanks to the Joe Biden admin's push for renewable(non working) energy in this snowmaggedon? Can your EV handle all that cold and wind, while you not only have your car on, but the heater, lights and wipers all using up that precious electricity, that is now limiting your range, but hope you dont end up in a snowbank where you are stuck for hours. Might see some of that when the bitter cold(Not globull warming) is over.....
Report from Texas.

Frozen wind turbines hamper Texas power output, state's electric grid operator says

Brandon Mulder
Austin American-Statesman
How can all of you people be against progress and not for saving the planet???

Will you honor us with proof? About just gas and coal failing.
So are you saying in the years prior to renewable energy, that there never been a power outage. Do you really need proof of that?

Gee the proof is in the Texas example

If renewables only provide 25 % of the mix then it is obvious that gas and coal are providing the other 75 percent of energy

So if the grid fails then it also fails for traditional sources of energy. Common sense is always pretty obvious.

The grid has parts that function as a whole

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