Winning: Canada to Rejoin NAFTA Talks

If that is winning, then NK telling America 'no' on de-nuclearization is losing.
Still looking for Crooked Donnie to negotiate a better deal

Errr, she always says positive things about NAFTA and Canadas willingness to negotiate, none of it is true. She's a politician and a untrustworthy one at that (maintaining the Canadian reputation around the world). Canada has no desire or intention of moving on anything in NAFTA, I guarantee it. This entire approach was to delay and delay, probably the advice Obama gave Trudeau when they met, I called it before Trump even tried to renegotiate, and its all come to fruition as I suggested. So much so that the U.S and now even Mexico have expressed disinterest in dealing with Canada.

Just yesterday in fact, the Mexican negotiator suggested there was no need for Canada to get back involved in NAFTA, and even went further and suggested a bilateral deal with the U.S either yesterday or recently.

She literally cried during the CETA negotiations in an attempt to shame Europe to give in, it was difficult to watch, made us look so weak and like whiners we are known for. Now Italy and other refuse to ratify that agreement. Ditto for other agreements. Canada really has a horrific reputation when it comes to trade, we don't even have free trade among our own provinces! You can be fined or even put in prison for buying cases of beer in Quebec and driving them to to your house in Ontario! Even if just for personal consumption.

The usual Canadian "do as I say, not as I do".
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