Winning letter on Kavanaugh in Idaho's state newspaper

No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

What an asshat
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh
I don't like foul words but your post indicate Bull Shit in a big pile.
Hate to break it to you, but there is nothing good about you, your cause or your viewpoints.

You are a authoritarian twat, and a person who puts politics over everything.

Your first assignment: Learn what the fuck an "authoritarian" is.
Trump’s troubling courting of authoritarian friends

So normal diplomacy is no "courting"


When you support "bake that fucking cake, peasant" that makes you authoritarian.

Let's get started MmmK? The four markers of authoritarianism are:
  1. Rejecting or showing weak commitment to democratic rules.
  2. Denying the legitimacy of political opponents.
  3. Encouraging or tolerating violence.
  4. A readiness to stifle or limit civil liberties of opponents, including media.
Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

But just in case ya need more:
trump authoritarian

No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.

Everyone experiences defeat Will - But a real man admits them, and treats as learning experiences.
If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.

Everyone experiences defeat Will - But a real man admits them, and treats as learning experiences.

would YOU quit the race, if you were lied about?
Hate to break it to you, but there is nothing good about you, your cause or your viewpoints.

You are a authoritarian twat, and a person who puts politics over everything.

Your first assignment: Learn what the fuck an "authoritarian" is.
Trump’s troubling courting of authoritarian friends

So normal diplomacy is no "courting"


When you support "bake that fucking cake, peasant" that makes you authoritarian.

Let's get started MmmK? The four markers of authoritarianism are:
  1. Rejecting or showing weak commitment to democratic rules.
  2. Denying the legitimacy of political opponents.
  3. Encouraging or tolerating violence.
  4. A readiness to stifle or limit civil liberties of opponents, including media.
Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

But just in case ya need more:
trump authoritarian


Says the side that wants to punish people for how they think.

Progressive's current tactics of mobbing those that oppose them are far more like the tactics of the SA than anything conservatives/libertarians do.

And you just made up those markers, so stop being an idiot.


1. How as Trump ignored the rules of the constitution?
2. How has trump done that? Has he started roundups?
3. Most of the violence is coming from the left
4. Show me where he has restricted the media? When was the NY times shut down?

You have nothing but lies and exaggerations.
If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.

Everyone experiences defeat Will - But a real man admits them, and treats as learning experiences.

You are no man. you are a snivelling little beta bitch.
If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.

Everyone experiences defeat Will - But a real man admits them, and treats as learning experiences.
Said the Leftard who can't deal with the results of the 2016 elections! Quite rich.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

His life is already ruined you moron....... he had to stop teaching his law class, he had to stop coaching kids sports......if the democrats win the house they are going to even impeach him from the D.C. circuit dumb ass....

He is innocent, she is lying, we now have a report from her friend who was supposed to be at the party, but wasn't, that another friend of Fraud...I mean Ford, tried to get her to change her testimony and lie to say she remembered the party.....

This man is innocent and asshats like you don't get to destroy them...
Hate to break it to you, but there is nothing good about you, your cause or your viewpoints.

You are a authoritarian twat, and a person who puts politics over everything.

Your first assignment: Learn what the fuck an "authoritarian" is.
Trump’s troubling courting of authoritarian friends

So normal diplomacy is no "courting"


When you support "bake that fucking cake, peasant" that makes you authoritarian.

Let's get started MmmK? The four markers of authoritarianism are:
  1. Rejecting or showing weak commitment to democratic rules.
  2. Denying the legitimacy of political opponents.
  3. Encouraging or tolerating violence.
  4. A readiness to stifle or limit civil liberties of opponents, including media.
Trump is an autocratic leader in a weakening democracy, Harvard political scientists warn

But just in case ya need more:
trump authoritarian


Don't you get tired of posting propaganda?


Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

Can't win, if you admit defeat.

Everyone experiences defeat Will - But a real man admits them, and treats as learning experiences.

would YOU quit the race, if you were lied about?

No, but I wouldn't whine about vast right wing conspiracies and what poor, put-upon victim I was.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh
What a load of bullshit.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.
Youre right , and Kavanaugh is winning.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh
Ford is a lying vehement anti-Trump douche who created the entire scenario, knowing that by maintaining large amounts of vagueness, she couldn't be proven a liar and thus prosecuted for perjury.
How'd you get to the party? I don't remember.
Who took you? I don't remember.
Whose house was it? I don't remember.
Where was the house? I don't remember.
What neighborhood was it in? I don't remember.
Who drove you home? I don't remember.
When did this occur? I don't remember.
Were you drinking? I had one beer (Can't remember any of the above important details, yet can remember that she had a single beer).
After supposed attack, she remembers running downstairs and locking herself in the bathroom, but doesn't know how she left.
The left's stance is, "if you are accused of sexual assault, even without a shred of evidence, you are to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned."
Bottom line, under a government run by the far-left, don't piss off any woman for any reason, for all she would have to do is accuse you of sexual assault if she knows you would be at home without a solid alibi and you're gone.
No - Bart won't feel a bit of pain in the unlikely event he isn't ramrodded up America's ass tomorrow.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh should withdraw. His life won’t be ruined by withdrawing. He’ll bask in martyrdom, a hero to conservatives filled with self-righteous indignation gripping quivers of poisonous arrows. He’ll retain plausible innocence to the D.C. political elite he admires. He’ll remain a federal judge, be paid millions for his book, millions more by the prestigious law firm soon hiring him while taxpayers pay his attorneys, and continue drinking and gambling excessively with his newfound riches.

What do Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez receive? Despite great service to our nation, condemnation and persecution. Their integrity and courage entail enormous personal and financial costs. They never asked to be part of his grandiose game, yet their lives are forever altered.

Even if innocent (doubtful), Kavanaugh’s a lifelong, professionally groomed political operative. Tutored for male-privilege power his entire elite life, he’s played politically vindictive games against others for decades. Cheating, he has the house advantage (Senate) by tossing dice unfairly weighted for him. Specifically coached to obfuscate his past legal opinions, he lied repeatedly under oath. He’s selfishly pushing us toward crisis, so, no, I won’t bleed for him. Kavanaugh’s not a qualified Supreme Court nominee; he’s a political hack in disguise.


Read more here: Letters to the editor: Judge Kavanaugh

If he gets confirmed is it still a winning letter?


Um.... No.

Good men always win in the end. You should try being one of those Orangeling.

You’re right! That’s why Kavanuagh and President Trump won!


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