Wisconsin GOP Polls 2016: Trump & Cruz in a Statistically Even Race!

You watch. As soon as Trump starts to falter, Snivelante will jump on the Cruz bandwagon.

You don't understand the mentality of Trumptards.

Everyone else is the enemy. If you oppose Trump, you are a RINO and an object of hatred and derision.

Trump is their messiah. They will support him no matter what he says or does. No matter how offensive or embarrassing, they will support their messiah, Trump.

Well, I put it this way awhile back:

RINOs up to no good...
Two polls this week have cruz with a double digit lead. I must not understand what statistically even means

Make America Great Again.
More Hope & Change nonsense

Simpletons paradise

And what if Trump turns around the economy, gets rid of Obamacare, blows away Isis, or puts an end to the illegal immigration nonsense? You gonna walk it back? Cos Cruz ain't gonna do none of that.

More likely Trump is going to oversee a gridlocked government!

You are wishful thinking

I don't believe any of the polls after seeing what happened in Michigan. That being said............it is more than obvious to anyone paying attention, that Trump is losing steam faster than a boiler with a hole in it. For a while, I thought Cruz could catch him, but I no longer believe it. What I do believe is this convention is going brokered, and at the end of it, neither Trump or Cruz people are going to be happy. When that happens, it means Hillary will win the Presidency if not in jail 1st, because everyone is going to pull the Ron Paul routine and pout.

I never fully believe polls. Too many biases out there. Too much money be thrown about. Too much actual cheating at polling stations.

I also never believed Cruz had a chance to pass Trump. I do believe that the GOP leadership might subvert the will of the people given the chance. I wouldn't mind that to watch the party crumble. Clearly, it's cancered to the core.

Fox Business and Marquette have Cruz ahead by 10%.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin Republican Presidential Primary

Trump is going to lose Wisconsin. He isn't going to get to 1237. And he's not going to be the nominee.

He is a disgrace.

So when did Trump jump the shark?

After Chicago?

After his abortion comments?

When he began leading the Republican nomination in August?


Trump and his supporters, started losing it when they forgot that the election was about defeating the Democrat, and instead started thinking, it was all about getting the nomination.

Trump and friends believe that Hillary is sooooo weak, that whomever gets the GOP nomination will defeat her, and that is not so.

In all fairness, Trump should have been the GOP nominee going away, but he and his fans forgot 1 thing! You can't win the general without the support of those you defeated. It is kind of like survivor. At some point, without those you vanquished behind you, you lose. If you don't want their help, you better win outright, and it is looking less, and less possible that he can.

It is funny when you think about it, isn't it! This whole exercise in politics was to defeat the Democratic nominee. Now, some will go home ALA Ron Paul supporters, if they don't get their way. What they are really saying is---------------> This isn't about stopping Hillary or Bernie, this about Donald, or Ted, or maybe even Kasich. No folks, this isn't about the country, our children, or grandchildren, our ridiculous debt, SCOTUS nominees, illegal immigration, or an Obama 3rd term............nope............it is about Donald, Ted, or John, and if we don't get our way because we didn't hit the magic number, screw everything else if we aren't anointed, we are taking our ball, bat, and glove, and going home. Let all those who come after us deal with the mess WE left because we were pissed; even if we didn't comply with the rules that our person agreed to when he entered the race, and win outright.

Yep, we are brilliant! We would rather sit here on a website and bitch, instead of getting someone.......ANYONE...........over the delegate number required, to take any unethical moves out of other peoples hands.

Sounds like a plan created just for us, by those kind, loving, lefties. And they thought they might lose, and now, they are confidant they are going to win! How did this happen? LOOK IN THE MIRROR, and when you see that face staring back at you, blame HIM/HER!
Funny how the pundits try to scheme around spinning with this abortion topic. Especially when the states mostly decide their take on abortions... So Trump is pro-life at the end of the day! Let's talk about more important subjects like the economy.
Remember, many Trump supporters in The People's Republic of Madison (WI) will never openly speak of that because they know that so to do is to invite assault by liberal thugs.
Remember, many Trump supporters in The People's Republic of Madison (WI) will never openly speak of that because they know that so to do is to invite assault by liberal thugs.

Sure. That's got to be it

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