Wisconsin School District Accuses 3 Students of Sexual Harassment for Using Incorrect Pronouns

Disciplinary problem. BFD, super dupes...we DON'T KNOW!!

Forcing children to follow the LGBTQRSTUVYWXYZ1+ agenda isn't a "disciplinary problem," its Hitler Youth.

Those who are charged with protecting children are instead attacking them.

I'm old fashioned, the old way of taking them behind the barn with a few ax handles involved is good. Tar and feathering works too - get the tar to 350° first...
Just like these kids' bigot parents..

Did you seriously just try to argue that it is “bigoted” for parents to object to the sexual grooming and abuse of their own children?

I'm not the least bit surprised that you would think such a thing; but it's not common for your kind to come this close to openly admitting it.
Forcing children to follow the LGBTQRSTUVYWXYZ1+ agenda isn't a "disciplinary problem," its Hitler Youth.

The shit that the depraved pedophilic left wrong are now trying to push on children, I do not think that even Hitler or his followers would have tolerated. In fact, I think I have to give them credit for coming up with methods which, while inappropriately used in their time, would be most appropriate to apply to today's pedophile/groomer crowd.
That's your excuse for being a moron? :p

Lefties know all about haters and dupes, don't they?
We know history and what misinfo is and who the journalists are....NOT MURDOCH AND INTERNET NUTJOBS. "Opinion" is your heroes' defense. You're pathetic, hater dupe. Here is 72% Trump. Great people but totally misinformed politically....Try reality....You GOP base fools are the only political party in the world that denies GW, Vaxx, masks, abortion, election security living wage health care cheap college and training - you name it - . That's a dupe, Big Money sonny...
The shit that the depraved pedophilic left wrong are now trying to push on children, I do not think that even Hitler or his followers would have tolerated. In fact, I think I have to give them credit for coming up with methods which, while inappropriately used in their time, would be most appropriate to apply to today's pedophile/groomer crowd.
Tolerance? Oh noes!! It's ok to have two men for parents or some boy knows he's not? It's called science and reality. Not your RW fear mongering....nazi dingbat....
Tolerance? Oh noes!! It's ok to have two men for parents or some boy knows he's not? It's called science and reality. Not your RW fear mongering....nazi dingbat....

“Tolerance” for madness perversion, and outright evil, is not a virtue, no matter how desperately those on your side try to make it so.

And especially when you depraved freaks start dragging children into your sickness. We should have stopped you, by whatever means it took, as soon as it became apparent that you intended to approach, much less cross that line.
Did you seriously just try to argue that it is “bigoted” for parents to object to the sexual grooming and abuse of their own children?

I'm not the least bit surprised that you would think such a thing; but it's not common for your kind to come this close to openly admitting it.
“Tolerance” for madness perversion, and outright evil, is not a virtue, no matter how desperately those on your side try to make it so.

And especially when you depraved freaks start dragging children into your sickness. We should have stopped you, by whatever means it took, as soon as it became apparent that you intended to approach, much less cross that line.
You are way outvoted, brainwashed functional moron. Tolerance is not abuse
“Tolerance” for madness perversion, and outright evil, is not a virtue, no matter how desperately those on your side try to make it so.

And especially when you depraved freaks start dragging children into your sickness. We should have stopped you, by whatever means it took, as soon as it became apparent that you intended to approach, much less cross that line.
what color is the sky on your insane planet, super duper. No such thing is happening, just ending misinformed bullying.
Tolerance? Oh noes!! It's ok to have two men for parents or some boy knows he's not? It's called science and reality. Not your RW fear mongering....nazi dingbat....

Tolerance? Like you Nazis "tolerate" any dissent from your filthy agenda. You fucking swine are the most intolerant creatures on earth.

This thread is about the fact that savage fascists are attacking CHILDREN because they dared to stand up to the democrat agenda of grooming. Vermin going after kids who don't march in lockstep with the Hitler Youth indoctrination of the pedocrat party.
America has a growing number of young weak easily offended sissies that will be the future of our country . America will not be able to compete in the future modern world if the emasculating of our youth continues .
That hurt my feeling and I am telling Big Brother!!!
You are way outvoted, brainwashed functional moron. Tolerance is not abuse

You have no tolerance for any view that isn't that of your filthy Reich. You fascists are authoritarian thugs.

As for the popularity of the democrat agenda of grooming very small children - you couldn't be more wrong.

The child predators of the democrat party have committed suicide with this shit. Out voted? Quite the opposite, fascist. And you're not going to be able to engage in the massive fraud that you did last time.

Your filthy fascist party is finished - hopefully forever.
what color is the sky on your insane planet, super duper. No such thing is happening, just ending misinformed bullying.

The Florida Anti-Grooming law is important in so many ways. Directly protecting children as young as 4 from the child predators who are democrats is obvious.

But possibly more important is how it caused the pedocrat party to lose it's shit. "Grooming Now and FOREVER" became the cry of democrats and America got to see the depth of perversion that is the fascist Reich.

If you liked Virginia, you're going to LOVE November.

I have hope that this will be an extinction level event for the filthy fascist democrats.
We need to be yelling in kids faces "you don't have a right to not be offended".

We're working on raising another generation of pussy ass bitches.
Tolerance? Like you Nazis "tolerate" any dissent from your filthy agenda. You fucking swine are the most intolerant creatures on earth.

Evil demands tolerance for itself, but has no tolerance for good.

francoHFW is clearly demonstrating this; demanding that we tolerate the sexual abuse of children, while having no willingness to tolerate those of us who oppose such abuse.

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