Wisconsin Student Tells Anchor "We Need To Tax The Rich" As A Solution To The Crisis

Feb 13, 2011

It was either Tuesday/Wednesday evening during a Fox News Program where the anchor was speaking with this kid in Wisconsin about the Union Crisis. He attempted to explain his version of the situation(maybe how it was affecting college kids),and in the middle of his statements,he has a brain-stoppage and says either "We Need To Tax The Rich" or "We Need To Start Taxing The Rich", as a solution to retrieving the millions of unfunded compensation dollars that seemed to have vanished. That's like a lunatic robbing a bank because he maxed out and abused his credit cards&can't pay them off.

This is so typical of a staunch Obama Supporter! We lost and wasted all of our money, let's go steal it from those who worked hard for it! They Don't Need It! The Hell With Those Evil Job Creator's :redface:

It was either Tuesday/Wednesday evening during a Fox News Program where the anchor was speaking with this kid in Wisconsin about the Union Crisis. He attempted to explain his version of the situation(maybe how it was affecting college kids),and in the middle of his statements,he has a brain-stoppage and says either "We Need To Tax The Rich" or "We Need To Start Taxing The Rich", as a solution to retrieving the millions of unfunded compensation dollars that seemed to have vanished. That's like a lunatic robbing a bank because he maxed out and abused his credit cards&can't pay them off.

This is so typical of a staunch Obama Supporter! We lost and wasted all of our money, let's go steal it from those who worked hard for it! They Don't Need It! The Hell With Those Evil Job Creator's :redface:

Maybe He Is Barney Franks, Or Nancy Pelosi's Nephew?:confused:
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. When I grew up, I put away childish things."

We can only hope that, when these kids grow up, they realize that they've been brainwashed instead of taught.
Brainwashed by the same people who helped Scott get off scott free with medicare fraud?
Brainwashed by the same people who helped Scott get off scott free with medicare fraud?

Why do you keep saying this? Did we help him with his fraud? A bigger question is, how did he get all that money, who gave it to him? Maybe you will find your answer when you follow the money TM, then you can lay blame on the people who gave him tax payer money… hint…. hint……...

Anyways, about the OP, I believe a source would be helpful or as they say, "source it, or it didn't happen."

I don't agree with the *child*, and we can all assume TM does, hence the reason she does not comment on what the *child* said but defends the rtarded position by presented by the *child* through derailing the thread with brining up a topic that has no relevance here. If you noticed the *child* reacts much the same way as TM by allegedly saying that "taxing the rich" is how we can "fix our problem."

Believe it or not the answers are out there, avoiding them because reality in fact defies your opinion the issues will not make a wrong answer right. There are repercussion for “taxing the rich,” BIG repercussions. While the first year or two things seem great, wtf are you going to do when the shit storm the future hold comes crapping all over your face?
Rick Scott bought hospitals and then those hospitals committed medicare fraud.

He was forced to resign but never prosicuted.

Now hes governor of wisconson.
How thrilled am I that Obama is out bloviating about supporting the union uprising? Couldnt be happier..............might as well take a shotgun and shoot himself in the face. Fcukk these greedy union assholes.....the sun is going down.

It was either Tuesday/Wednesday evening during a Fox News Program where the anchor was speaking with this kid in Wisconsin about the Union Crisis. He attempted to explain his version of the situation(maybe how it was affecting college kids),and in the middle of his statements,he has a brain-stoppage and says either "We Need To Tax The Rich" or "We Need To Start Taxing The Rich", as a solution to retrieving the millions of unfunded compensation dollars that seemed to have vanished. That's like a lunatic robbing a bank because he maxed out and abused his credit cards&can't pay them off.

This is so typical of a staunch Obama Supporter! We lost and wasted all of our money, let's go steal it from those who worked hard for it! They Don't Need It! The Hell With Those Evil Job Creator's :redface:

So anyone who is in the middle class doesn't work hard, doesn't deserve the right to be paid well, or have any benefits?

Thats the biggest crock of BS I have ever heard. Does Paris Hilton work hard? Did Michael Vick work hard? Did these trust fund babies do anything with their lives? Hell no. They never worked a day in their lives. Never work 8-6 everyday trying to make sure their kids have a roof over their heads, food on the table and new clothes to wear to school.

This is about them paying their fair share. They get off alot easier than you think. Warren Buffet pays less in taxes than his secretary. Thats ridiculous. They need no more benefits, they don't want to pay taxes. No one wants to pay taxes. But everyone has to pay taxes. They haven't even created any jobs plus any investment they do make, they can write off in their taxes.

I see no problem in the statement.
and why didn't all these overpaid union workers put some of their 50-100K salaries in a savings account in case of a financial crisis? God, If I made 50G a year, I could of easily put away 25G a year being I don't blow my income on material things! and now look at where they are, did they all always assumed that they were gonna retire with an 80-100K annual salary/pension?

It was either Tuesday/Wednesday evening during a Fox News Program where the anchor was speaking with this kid in Wisconsin about the Union Crisis. He attempted to explain his version of the situation(maybe how it was affecting college kids),and in the middle of his statements,he has a brain-stoppage and says either "We Need To Tax The Rich" or "We Need To Start Taxing The Rich", as a solution to retrieving the millions of unfunded compensation dollars that seemed to have vanished. That's like a lunatic robbing a bank because he maxed out and abused his credit cards&can't pay them off.

This is so typical of a staunch Obama Supporter! We lost and wasted all of our money, let's go steal it from those who worked hard for it! They Don't Need It! The Hell With Those Evil Job Creator's :redface:

So anyone who is in the middle class doesn't work hard, doesn't deserve the right to be paid well, or have any benefits?

Thats the biggest crock of BS I have ever heard. Does Paris Hilton work hard? Did Michael Vick work hard? Did these trust fund babies do anything with their lives? Hell no. They never worked a day in their lives. Never work 8-6 everyday trying to make sure their kids have a roof over their heads, food on the table and new clothes to wear to school.

This is about them paying their fair share. They get off alot easier than you think. Warren Buffet pays less in taxes than his secretary. Thats ridiculous. They need no more benefits, they don't want to pay taxes. No one wants to pay taxes. But everyone has to pay taxes. They haven't even created any jobs plus any investment they do make, they can write off in their taxes.

I see no problem in the statement.

Ummm.........did election '10 not happen?:doubt: Did the Bush tax cuts get extended?:doubt:

The class warfare shit is a dinosaur s0ns..........so says the electorate. Ony the k00ks still dont get it.
Rick Scott bought hospitals and then those hospitals committed medicare fraud.

He was forced to resign but never prosicuted.

Now hes governor of wisconson.

Ok, so wtf does that have to do with some kid claiming we need to "tax the rich" as a way to solve the things that *child* does not even understand... That fucker prolly can't tell you what party hold a majority in the Senate and house, but we should take his advice on taxing people more... Yeah, we should base are fucking tax code off what soundbytes kids were programmed to say TM...

TM, do you think there would be ANY consequences to taxing the rich? Any, I’m just wondering…
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. When I grew up, I put away childish things."

We can only hope that, when these kids grow up, they realize that they've been brainwashed instead of taught.

I saw this kid interviewed by Greta last night.

My comment to Mr. Boe was: "the brainwashing on this one is quite effective."
All the k00ks ever, ever dwell upon is the "greedy" rich. Meanwhile, these public employees make obscene salaries and retire at 55 with an even more obscene retirement salary + full medical. The k00ks dont say shit about that? WTF? And who's paying for this? Wait'll people see the push back on this charade............I cant wait.
Brainwashed by the same people who helped Scott get off scott free with medicare fraud?

No, brainwashed by people with a political agenda.... as far as I am aware, Scott has not been charged, tried and convicted.... but you'd prefer to circumvent due process and send him to prison without having tried and convicted him.

Other countries do that, America is not one of them.
Rick Scott bought hospitals and then those hospitals committed medicare fraud.

He was forced to resign but never prosicuted.

Now hes governor of wisconson.

Ok, so wtf does that have to do with some kid claiming we need to "tax the rich" as a way to solve the things that *child* does not even understand... That fucker prolly can't tell you what party hold a majority in the Senate and house, but we should take his advice on taxing people more... Yeah, we should base are fucking tax code off what soundbytes kids were programmed to say TM...

TM, do you think there would be ANY consequences to taxing the rich? Any, I’m just wondering…

Nothing.... but truthdon'tmatter is not getting the response she wants in her thread so she's trolling other threads with her hysterical ranting.

It was either Tuesday/Wednesday evening during a Fox News Program where the anchor was speaking with this kid in Wisconsin about the Union Crisis. He attempted to explain his version of the situation(maybe how it was affecting college kids),and in the middle of his statements,he has a brain-stoppage and says either "We Need To Tax The Rich" or "We Need To Start Taxing The Rich", as a solution to retrieving the millions of unfunded compensation dollars that seemed to have vanished. That's like a lunatic robbing a bank because he maxed out and abused his credit cards&can't pay them off.

This is so typical of a staunch Obama Supporter! We lost and wasted all of our money, let's go steal it from those who worked hard for it! They Don't Need It! The Hell With Those Evil Job Creator's :redface:

So anyone who is in the middle class doesn't work hard, doesn't deserve the right to be paid well, or have any benefits?

Thats the biggest crock of BS I have ever heard. Does Paris Hilton work hard? Did Michael Vick work hard? Did these trust fund babies do anything with their lives? Hell no. They never worked a day in their lives. Never work 8-6 everyday trying to make sure their kids have a roof over their heads, food on the table and new clothes to wear to school.

This is about them paying their fair share. They get off alot easier than you think. Warren Buffet pays less in taxes than his secretary. Thats ridiculous. They need no more benefits, they don't want to pay taxes. No one wants to pay taxes. But everyone has to pay taxes. They haven't even created any jobs plus any investment they do make, they can write off in their taxes.

I see no problem in the statement.

Ummm.........did election '10 not happen?:doubt: Did the Bush tax cuts get extended?:doubt:

The class warfare shit is a dinosaur s0ns..........so says the electorate. Ony the k00ks still dont get it.

I didn't bring Class warfare into the discussion, the OP did. He/she said that rich people are the only ones that work hard or insinuating that you have money so you must work hard. I met these people in college, from well to do families. They expected a handout, they expected to have everything work for them. Not me, I worked hard in school, got my license and work hard to provide a great education. But apparently because I don't have money, I don't work hard. That BS and you and I both know that.

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