Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

A Liberal win in Wisconsin
A teacher wins the Mayor race in Chicago
Trump is now Defendant Trump
Marjorie Trailer Queen is a bust in NYC
Don, Jr. went through 5 grams of coke

It's been a good day!
Conservatives spent millions to fund the conservative candidate, but their money couldn't buy you the seat this time. Let's celebrate this game-changing victory for the Democrats in Wisconsin!
Cool. Now y’all can get as many abortions as you want in Wisconsin.
Actually, I'm beginning to swing to the side of abortion advocates. For one thing, think of the million or so a year not added to the welfare rolls. And if composting catches on, all the gardens will have a more abundant production output. I should get me a wire coat hanger and a sign saying "WILL PERFORM ABORTIONS FOR FOOD" and find a busy street corner.
The last three comments are the reason why MAGAnuts are so despised by the majority of decent Americans. Their cynical, crude, obnoxious lies and anti-woman prejudice puts them outside the mainstream on abortion and many other basic issues.

That “Conservatives” apparently suffered an overwhelming electoral defeat in this election has no effect whatever on MAGAnuts like theHawk … who have been conditioned to believe that any election they do not win is “rigged.”
The last three comments are the reason why MAGAnuts are so despised by the majority of decent Americans. Their cynical, crude, obnoxious lies and anti-woman prejudice puts them outside the mainstream on abortion and many other basic issues.

That “Conservatives” apparently suffered an overwhelming electoral defeat in this election has no effect whatever on MAGAnuts like theHawk … who have been conditioned to believe that any election they do not win is “rigged.”
like the 2016 election when the left screamed that Trump was a Russian plant installed by Putin ??? so :anj_stfu:
The point is you, yidnar , I and the “liberal media” all accepted that Trump legitimately and legally won the 2016 election, whether we liked it or not.

But Trump and his loyalists actively conspired to deny Biden his legitimate electoral victory in 2020. Trump Republicans actively tried to stop the peaceful Constitutional transfer of power … in order to keep their magalomaniacal hero in power.

Similarly, in this overwhelming victory for liberal views on abortion in Wisconsin state, already many MAGAnuts leap to the conclusion that there must have been fraud! This is really sick.
April 4 (Reuters) - Wisconsin voters on Tuesday elected liberal Janet Protasiewicz to the state Supreme Court, flipping control to a liberal majority ahead of rulings on an abortion ban and other matters that could play a role in the 2024 presidential election.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative candidate Daniel Kelly in what New York University's Brennan Center for Justice called the most expensive judicial election in U.S. history….

The Associated Press called the race in favor of Protasiewicz. With 62% of the votes counted, Protasiewicz had 56.4% of the vote to 43.6% for Kelly, a lead of nearly 144,000 votes.

In a major victory for abortion rights advocates, the result turns a court with a former 4-3 conservative majority to liberal control after 15 years …

If you think this means Wisconsinites will be approving of late term, i.e. third trimester abortion, think again. Most people are not supportive of the radical "life begins at conception" rule. Most everyone supports a woman's Right for a first trimester abortion, since a lot of pregnancies never make it past the third month. But once the subject transcends into the second trimester, the restrictions accelerate quickly. Rape and incest, sure, maybe, but a healthy mother, aborting a healthy five month old fetus??? That is not so easy a pill for the vast majority of voters to swallow.
If you think this means Wisconsinites will be approving of late term, i.e. third trimester abortion, think again. Most people are not supportive of the radical "life begins at conception" rule. Most everyone supports a woman's Right for a first trimester abortion, since a lot of pregnancies never make it past the third month. But once the subject transcends into the second trimester, the restrictions accelerate quickly. Rape and incest, sure, maybe, but a healthy mother, aborting a healthy five month old fetus??? That is not so easy a pill for the vast majority of voters to swallow.
The 1849 law is done.

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