Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

If you think this means Wisconsinites will be approving of late term, i.e. third trimester abortion, think again. Most people are not supportive of the radical "life begins at conception" rule. Most everyone supports a woman's Right for a first trimester abortion, since a lot of pregnancies never make it past the third month. But once the subject transcends into the second trimester, the restrictions accelerate quickly. Rape and incest, sure, maybe, but a healthy mother, aborting a healthy five month old fetus??? That is not so easy a pill for the vast majority of voters to swallow.

Actually, the overwhelming majority of America, including Wisconsin supported things exactly the way they were before the Vatican controlled Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

The number one priority in America right now, is to deVaticanize the court, and return it to the secular, non religious institute, it is supposed to be.

Religion is a cancer, that destroys everything it touches.
It is becoming very clear that 2024 will be a enormous BLUE TSUNAMI!!!

Actually, the overwhelming majority of America, including Wisconsin supported things exactly the way they were before the Vatican controlled Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

The number one priority in America right now, is to deVaticanize the court, and return it to the secular, non religious institute, it is supposed to be.

Religion is a cancer, that destroys everything it touches.
Well said. Badger is in the belly of the beast, up close enough to feel the pathology, daily.
She is the Alvin Bragg of judges, having a history of being way too easy on violent felons.

And she supports abortion up to the moment of birth; so is a lover of criminals and a ghoul who relishes dismembering fully formed humans in the womb.

Her far-left extremist views may cause at least one of the other Democrats on the court to vote against her on such issues. We shall see.

But as of now, criminals are safe in Wisconsin while babies aren't.


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