Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

Killing innocent human beings for money isn’t healthcare you retarded piece of shit.

So, all those innocent Iraqi and Afghani children killed in the womb by U.S. Bombs matter after all...yeah right.

It is NOT up to you, your version of your god or your version of your "Limited Government" to decide what heath care a Woman can receive.

How many innocent children have died from hunger in this country because of ReNaziKlan indifference. Just remember dip shit. Rich White Women will still be able to receive their Abortions. They will able to go to "Private Clinic" for "Treatment" for their abortion.

You reek of hypocrisy.
Any woman that puts her herself above the life of an unborn child is selfish in my opinion. You obviously have no problem with destroying an innocent life.

Where the fuck is your outrage for the thousands of unborn children killed by U.S. Bombs and Bullets in Iraq?

It NOT your decision to make. It is up the Mother and her doctor to decide. You don't like abortion, don't get one. But do not decide for others something that you have no right to decide.
Where the fuck is your outrage for the thousands of unborn children killed by U.S. Bombs and Bullets in Iraq?

It NOT your decision to make. It is up the Mother and her doctor to decide. You don't like abortion, don't get one. But do not decide for others something that you have no right to decide.
I was against our involvement in Iraq. A mother and a doctor should not have the right to terminate a pregnancy unless the life of the mother is jeopardized.
It is NOT up to you, your version of your god or your version of your "Limited Government" to decide what heath care a Woman can receive.
Pretty sure I just educated you and corrected this dipshittery, but as noted you are a retard and your profound intellectual deficit dictates you must fail to learn and continue to claim killing your own patient or their family is “healthcare.”

Rape is orchestral music.
Grand theft auto is linear algebra. Sure thing.

How many innocent children have died from hunger in this country because of ReNaziKlan indifference.
Conservatives give much more to charity than you envy-ridden socialist pieces of filth.
Where the fuck is your outrage for the thousands of unborn children killed by U.S. Bombs and Bullets in Iraq?

It NOT your decision to make. It is up the Mother and her doctor to decide. You don't like abortion, don't get one. But do not decide for others something that you have no right to decide.
“If you don’t like arson, don’t burn down buildings that aren’t yours.”

Fuckin’ retards, I swear. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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