Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

No fucktard.

It’s abortion. It’s not even close.

Well shit stick, Pro-Life is after all Pro-Life.

Like all ReNaziKlans, you are highly selective in your approach to Pro-Life.

You are all about Pro-Life, until the kid is born and it fuck them any way. The same kid you demanded be born, regardless of the consequences can be shot and killed in school and you don't give a shit one way or the other fuck stick.

Remember the bible is not exactly Pro-Life either. All those "First Born" who were murdered after the birth of bastard son the Skyman. In bible it says that if a Man strikes an pregnant Woman and the baby dies, he pays a fine. If a Man strikes a pregnant Woman and she dies, then it the old eye for eye shit. The bible tell a Woman how to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

You're so fucking Pro-Fucking Life back up your bull shit and support an assault weapons ban. You care for your fucking guns than fucking children being killed by your fucking guns.
Pro-life are you? Then you`re on board with banning assault rifles.
Banning so called assault rifles won't prevent the deaths of innocent lives.

I think this question of “banning assault weapons” (like the question of our government’s proper attitude toward Putin’s invasion of Ukraine) should not be mixed up with the abortion issue.

They are fundamentally different, except perhaps in the minds of many Party partisans.
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Well shit stick, Pro-Life is after all Pro-Life.
Pro-life means anti-abortion, it means things like protecting the right to life with laws against killing innocent human beings. You are welcome for this education you sorely needed in the depths of your stupidity.

Pro-Life, until the kid is born and it fuck them any way.
No, it’s really the leftists who are all about grooming children like that.

Moreover, it is already illegal to attack and kill born humans. I’m not shocked you didn’t know that, because you are incredibly stupid.

The same kid you demanded be born, regardless of the consequences can be shot and killed in school and you don't give a shit one way or the other fuck stick.
Schools need to be defended by armed guards period. It is already illegal to go attack and kill kids at school, which I guess you didn’t know, because you are incredibly stupid.

Remember the bible is not exactly Pro-Life either.
I don’t give two shits about your hate boner against Christians.

I’m not one. Spare me this nonsense about religion.
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It's funny that you think President caused the invasion of Ukraine by russia.

It also means that your lower educated.
I have a masters degree so I'm probably higher educated than you are. Biden threatened Russia and refused to use diplomacy.
Keep the government out of the business of transitioning kids.

News Flash, the "Government" is not involved, except in the mind of the deluded followers of the Traitor.

How keeping people armed with semi-automatic weapons from demonstrating at public libraries? How about having armed RWNJ NOT shooting schools?

Like I said, you people are more worried about your fucking guns than children killed by your fucking guns.
Conservatives spent millions to fund the conservative candidate, but their money couldn't buy you the seat this time. Let's celebrate this game-changing victory for the Democrats in Wisconsin!

and the national left sent no money?
News Flash, the "Government" is not involved, except in the mind of the deluded followers of the Traitor.

How keeping people armed with semi-automatic weapons from demonstrating at public libraries? How about having armed RWNJ NOT shooting schools?

Like I said, you people are more worried about your fucking guns than children killed by your fucking guns.
What do guns have to do with this subject?
Old irrelevant dude, it's her body and her choice.

You're not in the room.
Women are now asexual creatures capable of self impregnating? If not, the other contributor should have equal say, you know that equity you folks talk about.
Women are now asexual creatures capable of self impregnating? If not, the other contributor should have equal say, you know that equity you folks talk about.
A very good point. Why doesn't the man have a say in whether to terminate a pregnancy?
Women are now asexual creatures capable of self impregnating? If not, the other contributor should have equal say, you know that equity you folks talk about.
He gets as much say as the girl/women lets him.

But you want the rapist/incent prep in the room right.
A very good point. Why doesn't the man have a say in whether to terminate a pregnancy?
Because liberals are all trashy hypocrites. Logic would dictate: her body, her choice, her responsibility. Notice they stop short, when it comes to the responsibility it is no longer an individual thing, suddenly the male contributor matters again. Hypocrisy and endless stupidity are the perpetuating forces of modern liberalism.
News Flash, the "Government" is not involved, except in the mind of the deluded followers of the Traitor.

How keeping people armed with semi-automatic weapons from demonstrating at public libraries? How about having armed RWNJ NOT shooting schools?

Like I said, you people are more worried about your fucking guns than children killed by your fucking guns.
The last four active shooters were trannies.
Because liberals are all trashy hypocrites. Logic would dictate: her body, her choice, her responsibility. Notice they stop short, when it comes to the responsibility it is no longer an individual thing, suddenly the male contributor matters again. Hypocrisy and endless stupidity are the perpetuating forces of modern liberalism.
Hilarious rogue, you want the rapist to have a say.

You sound bitter about women. Just like dan kelly.

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