Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

Judges are not impartial like many folks believe.
English 101: Fail

To be "partial to" or "partial toward" someone or something is to be somewhat biased or prejudiced, which means that a person who is partial really only sees part of the whole picture. To be impartial is the opposite. The United Nations sends impartial observers to monitor elections in troubled countries.
Actually, the overwhelming majority of America, including Wisconsin supported things exactly the way they were before the Vatican controlled Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

The number one priority in America right now, is to deVaticanize the court, and return it to the secular, non religious institute, it is supposed to be.

Religion is a cancer, that destroys everything it touches.
What makes you think it's about religion? You don't think a non-religious person like me would be opposed to healthy mothers aborting their healthy babies into the second or third trimester? You think only religious people think that 2nd and 3rd trimester fetus is an actual person? I have two beautiful grandchildren who were born in the eighth month, I can assure you the fetus is a real person.
Who argues that all abortions are the same or that everybody feels late abortions are “an easy pill to swallow?

I think the majority of people in Wisconsin understood — perhaps even better than you — the complex and uniquely personal issues involved in this issue, and therefore rejected the Conservative Judge’s political position.

Everybody should already know that “Roe vs. Wade” itself allowed state laws (and of course women themselves and their doctors) to appreciate deeply and distinguish as well as possible what was involved in having abortions in early and later stages of pregnancy.

Well, I think it is obvious Wisconsin voters do support women and their rights, and are not trying to “erase” them.

Here is a fine study of the reality of — also the rarity and reasons for — women & their doctors choosing to go through with very late abortions. It was written just before Roe vs. Wade was overthrown. It explains well the agonizing and complex decisions pregnant women had to make even then — when they had the opportunity at all — to go through with “late term abortions.”

I hope you find it informative and that it helps you to see things the way most of us who defend women’s right to abortion usually see this matter:

so when should abortion not simply be a healthy mother's choice to kill her healthy baby? The last hour before birth? During birth? The eighth month, the seventh? Somewhere along the nine months of a pregnancy it becomes murder of a person, for a healthy mother to decide to abort a healthy baby.
so when should abortion not simply be a healthy mother's choice to kill her healthy baby? The last hour before birth? During birth? The eighth month, the seventh? Somewhere along the nine months of a pregnancy it becomes murder of a person, for a healthy mother to decide to abort a healthy baby.
healthy mothers vs unhealthy mothers?

Real person? Define "person" if you can. What definition do you use?
Once again abortion is the anchor dragging down the Republican Party. One must wonder when they will finally figure this out and drop this stupid issue once and for all.

Because conservatives don't surrender their values for votes.

No true conservative will EVER support the killing of a baby in the womb. They might lose every fucking election from now until eternity because of it, but at least they can lay their heads down at night knowing they stuck with their morals.

Democrats would sell their own children for votes.
Because conservatives don't surrender their values for votes.

No true conservative will EVER support the killing of a baby in the womb. They might lose every fucking election from now until eternity because of it, but at least they can lay their heads down at night knowing they stuck with their morals.

Democrats would sell their own children for votes.
Your so-called values died with orange sycophancy.
Keep on losing and enjoy it

I'd rather be an honest loser than a dishonest winner.

You act like conservatives have lost everything.

We have:

Full control of the house.

Lost the senate by one vote.

Trump won over 2400 counties in 2020, Biden 477.

Republicans have more state governorships than Democrats. This doesn't even include my state, LA, that has a democrat governor yet has gone for the Republican presidential candidate for over 20 years straight.

In November, democrats lost the Ohio and North Carolina supreme courts to Republicans. In NC it switched from 4-3 democrat to 5-2 Republican, a HUGE swing in the NC supreme court.

This one seat in one supreme court in one state really doesn't mean much when you see how badly democrats got their asses kicked in 2022.
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healthy mothers vs unhealthy mothers?
There are times when a woman is unhealthy and she needs to end the pregnancy as early as possible, or else she and the baby could die. I'm not opposed to that. I'm also not opposed if the baby is badly deformed and would not live outside the womb either.

Personally, when it comes to abortion, if women want to abort their healthy babies, go for it, the world will be a much better place without you polluting it with your offspring.

But as a matter of law, we need to have guardrails in place, so we do not become barbaric, and allow wholesale slaughter of healthy babies minutes or weeks before they would have taken their first breath.

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