Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

I believe that fight for democracy in our world is a good thing.
I am antiwar and mourn the destruction of innocent life in Ukraine caused by the ineptitude of President Biden. You seem to rejoice in all the carnage.
Any woman that puts her herself above the life of an unborn child is selfish in my opinion. You obviously have no problem with destroying an innocent life.
In your opinion, however wrong and ridiculous.

Objectively, it is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to interfere in citizens' private matters such as whether to have a child or not.
The reactionary religious view that when women under their doctors’ care choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy they are “murdering an innocent human life” and even “killing their babies” is just cruel anti-woman propaganda. For the extreme political right it is a cynical partisan attempt to demonize their liberal opponents and win votes (now backfiring).

It is rooted in a primitive group hysteria that in some ways goes all the way back to accusations that Jews and gypsies kill Christian babies and drink their blood, and of witch-hunting women or even burning “heretics” and “witches” who supposedly “copulate with Satan.”

The cultural and “moral” issues individual women who consider abortion face may be significant. They themselves are the ones best equipped to make their own decisions — hopefully with the sympathy and support of doctors and their own friends and family and society as a whole.
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I am antiwar and mourn the destruction of innocent life in Ukraine caused by the ineptitude of President Biden. You seem to rejoice in all the carnage.
President Biden ordered russian soldiers to attack Ukraine.

I’m going to translate insane retard into English now.
The reactionary religious view that when women under their doctors’ care choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy
The fact that when mothers hire a contract killer to attack and end the life of their son or daughter…

they are “murdering an innocent human life” and even “killing their babies” is just cruel anti-woman propaganda.
… they are objectively taking an innocent human being’s life is indisputable and undeniable.

And of course claims that factual reality and the English language represent a conspiracy against women are just nonsense and those making them are clowns.

These people are just projecting their own repugnant bigotry against the unborn.
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Pro-life are you? Then you`re on board with banning assault rifles.

Right Fucking On. The leading death of children in our is by Gun Violence.

Nowhere the totally bogus "Parents Bill of Rights" is there a right to insure a Parent that their son and/or daughter will NOT be killed by some RWNJ carrying an AR-15 into their school and killing every child in sight
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You think it's funny that all those innocent lives are lost because of Biden's blunders?
It's funny that you think President caused the invasion of Ukraine by russia.

It also means that your lower educated.

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