Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Liberals Win Control of Wisconsin State Supreme Court For The First Time In 15-Years.

Conservatives spent millions to fund the conservative candidate, but their money couldn't buy you the seat this time. Let's celebrate this game-changing victory for the Democrats in Wisconsin!
Fascism is becoming less and less appealing for "born again" conservatives. The Wisconsin election results show that the less militant trump Nazis are moving away from the extreme right. This does not mean they will vote to help average Americans' economic situation, no, they remain hopelessly addicted to Reagan's snake oil, and are convinced the unregulated free market capitalism practiced in this country is beneficial to all. The billionaires love 'em.

She is the Alvin Bragg of judges, having a history of being way too easy on violent felons.

And she supports abortion up to the moment of birth; so is a lover of criminals and a ghoul who relishes dismembering fully formed humans in the womb.

Her far-left extremist views may cause at least one of the other Democrats on the court to vote against her on such issues. We shall see.

But as of now, criminals are safe in Wisconsin while babies aren't.
The last three comments are the reason why MAGAnuts are so despised by the majority of decent Americans. Their cynical, crude, obnoxious lies and anti-woman prejudice puts them outside the mainstream on abortion and many other basic issues.

That “Conservatives” apparently suffered an overwhelming electoral defeat in this election has no effect whatever on MAGAnuts like theHawk … who have been conditioned to believe that any election they do not win is “rigged.”
Democrats don’t support women. They are trying to erase women.
Once again abortion is the anchor dragging down the Republican Party. One must wonder when they will finally figure this out and drop this stupid issue once and for all.
The last three comments are the reason why MAGAnuts are so despised by the majority of decent Americans. Their cynical, crude, obnoxious lies and anti-woman prejudice puts them outside the mainstream on abortion and many other basic issues.

That “Conservatives” apparently suffered an overwhelming electoral defeat in this election has no effect whatever on MAGAnuts like theHawk … who have been conditioned to believe that any election they do not win is “rigged.”
Why would an election defeat affect my views? You think I am magically going to support groomers, warmongers, and CCP sellouts because we lose an election? And no, not all elections we lose are stolen. Just the ones that are blatantly obvious because the numbers make no sense.
Hahaha, we are supposed to believe the people voted for stricter conviction laws for criminals yet voted in this liberal dingbat.


Totally rigged.
If you think this means Wisconsinites will be approving of late term, i.e. third trimester abortion, think again. Most people are not supportive of the radical "life begins at conception" rule. Most everyone supports a woman's Right for a first trimester abortion, since a lot of pregnancies never make it past the third month. But once the subject transcends into the second trimester, the restrictions accelerate quickly. Rape and incest, sure, maybe, but a healthy mother, aborting a healthy five month old fetus??? That is not so easy a pill for the vast majority of voters to swallow.

Who argues that all abortions are the same or that everybody feels late abortions are “an easy pill to swallow?

I think the majority of people in Wisconsin understood — perhaps even better than you — the complex and uniquely personal issues involved in this issue, and therefore rejected the Conservative Judge’s political position.

Everybody should already know that “Roe vs. Wade” itself allowed state laws (and of course women themselves and their doctors) to appreciate deeply and distinguish as well as possible what was involved in having abortions in early and later stages of pregnancy.
Democrats don’t support women. They are trying to erase women.
Well, I think it is obvious Wisconsin voters do support women and their rights, and are not trying to “erase” them.

Here is a fine study of the reality of — also the rarity and reasons for — women & their doctors choosing to go through with very late abortions. It was written just before Roe vs. Wade was overthrown. It explains well the agonizing and complex decisions pregnant women had to make even then — when they had the opportunity at all — to go through with “late term abortions.”

I hope you find it informative and that it helps you to see things the way most of us who defend women’s right to abortion usually see this matter:

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The victory of Janet Protasiewicz over conservative Dan Kelly will allow the court's new liberal majority to determine the future of key issues like abortion rights.

Janet Protasiewicz, a judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, NBC News projects, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative Dan Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, on Tuesday in what became the most expensive state Supreme Court race in U.S. history and one of the most closely watched elections of 2023.

Protasiewicz’s victory will allow the court’s new liberal majority to determine the future of several pivotal issues the bench is likely to decide in the coming years, including abortion rights, the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps and election administration — including, possibly, the outcome of the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.

The people dodged a bullet there with this one.
Once again abortion is the anchor dragging down the Republican Party. One must wonder when they will finally figure this out and drop this stupid issue once and for all.

They can't.

There is a certain slice of the Republican Electorate that doesn't care about deregulation or tax cuts for rich people or even allowing crazy people to have all the guns they want.

Their only reason for getting up in the morning and going to the polls is their belief that fetuses are people and women should be forced to carry them to term no matter what the circumstances.

If the GOP loses those voters, even the reddest red states will turn blue.
The victory of Janet Protasiewicz over conservative Dan Kelly will allow the court's new liberal majority to determine the future of key issues like abortion rights.

Janet Protasiewicz, a judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, NBC News projects, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative Dan Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, on Tuesday in what became the most expensive state Supreme Court race in U.S. history and one of the most closely watched elections of 2023.

Protasiewicz’s victory will allow the court’s new liberal majority to determine the future of several pivotal issues the bench is likely to decide in the coming years, including abortion rights, the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps and election administration — including, possibly, the outcome of the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.

Democrats could retake control of Congress because of this election. It also keeps Wisconsin in play as a swing state.
The victory of Janet Protasiewicz over conservative Dan Kelly will allow the court's new liberal majority to determine the future of key issues like abortion rights.

Janet Protasiewicz, a judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, NBC News projects, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative Dan Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, on Tuesday in what became the most expensive state Supreme Court race in U.S. history and one of the most closely watched elections of 2023.

Protasiewicz’s victory will allow the court’s new liberal majority to determine the future of several pivotal issues the bench is likely to decide in the coming years, including abortion rights, the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps and election administration — including, possibly, the outcome of the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.
Millions of dollars in out of state money went into her campaign.
The victory of Janet Protasiewicz over conservative Dan Kelly will allow the court's new liberal majority to determine the future of key issues like abortion rights.

Janet Protasiewicz, a judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, NBC News projects, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative Dan Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, on Tuesday in what became the most expensive state Supreme Court race in U.S. history and one of the most closely watched elections of 2023.

Protasiewicz’s victory will allow the court’s new liberal majority to determine the future of several pivotal issues the bench is likely to decide in the coming years, including abortion rights, the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps and election administration — including, possibly, the outcome of the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.

Another one bites the dust.
April 4 (Reuters) - Wisconsin voters on Tuesday elected liberal Janet Protasiewicz to the state Supreme Court, flipping control to a liberal majority ahead of rulings on an abortion ban and other matters that could play a role in the 2024 presidential election.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative candidate Daniel Kelly in what New York University's Brennan Center for Justice called the most expensive judicial election in U.S. history….

The Associated Press called the race in favor of Protasiewicz. With 62% of the votes counted, Protasiewicz had 56.4% of the vote to 43.6% for Kelly, a lead of nearly 144,000 votes.

In a major victory for abortion rights advocates, the result turns a court with a former 4-3 conservative majority to liberal control after 15 years …

Be sure to put “abortion rights” in quotation marks like the legal fiction and apocryphal historical foot note that they were.

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