Wisconsin Tea Party Candidate Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

I'm pretty sure saying someone is a teasack and comparing public schools to nazi regimes are on two entirely different levels.

I'm pretty sure you have two entirely different sets of standards. One for fascist democrat party members, and a vastly different one for the rest of us.

Again proving that there truly is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.
So, pointing out how screwed up it is for a political candidate to compare the school system to Nazi Germany is desperation?

Yes, desperation to the point of panic.

Obama's fascist regime is tumbling around you - and you can't deny it.
The political and cultural fascists are centered clearly in our far extremist right. The TeaPots sound as stupid as the Socialists when they do their mindlessly chattering chipmunk impressions.

Anybody, Tea Pot or Socialist or Boy Scout, that compares our public ed system to the Nazis should be metaphorically slapped down and fired from his or her job if it is in government. For shame.
Your definition of a Nazi is just a little watered down than the one my uncle told us after he spent 3 years defeating them.
Try again.

A little quiz for you;

Before founding the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was the head of what party?

A.) The Italian Tea Party
B.) Sarah Palin is stupid
C.) The Italian Bolshevik Party

Control of the means of production or distribution is the definition of what system?

A.) The Tea Party
B.) Sarah Palin is stupid
C.) Socialism

A command economy, where the central authority directs the production of industry is a feature of what sort of system?

A.) Laissez Faire Capitalism
B.) Sarah Palin is stupid
C.) Socialism

Fascism, with a command economy and the state having control of the means of production is what sort of system?

A.) Laissez Faire Capitalism
B.) Sarah Palin is stupid
C.) Socialism

According to Chris Matthews of MSNB, most USMB leftists and Evan Thomas; Barack Obama is;

A.) God
B.) God
C.) God
D.) All of the above
Uncensored2008 is unwilling to tell you that the Nazis killed the socialists in their party and the Nazis never nationalized their industries. The Nazi regime was a totalitarian right wing fascist state, much like Uncensored and others want to bring to America. Not going to happen.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

not that I'd agree with what dumbass vp said, but Nazis performed a specific act whereas terrorism comes in all types of forms and all of them aren't physical.
Uncensored2008 is unwilling to tell you that the Nazis killed the socialists in their party and the Nazis never nationalized their industries. The Nazi regime was a totalitarian right wing fascist state, much like Uncensored and others want to bring to America. Not going to happen.

nazis were national socialists, not the standard socialist of the day.

Basicaly they were tyrants and tyranny is found on the left and right.

Neither having much, if anything to do with Americans.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

not that I'd agree with what dumbass vp said, but Nazis performed a specific act whereas terrorism comes in all types of forms and all of them aren't physical.

pleas explain what you mean.

That's vague enough to mean anyone that gives you a hard stare is a terrorist.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

not that I'd agree with what dumbass vp said, but Nazis performed a specific act whereas terrorism comes in all types of forms and all of them aren't physical.

pleas explain what you mean.

That's vague enough to mean anyone that gives you a hard stare is a terrorist.

It means that causing a panic on-purpose with the Entire U.S. economy is pretty much a terror tactic, but I don't believe they did it on-purpose, I think they were holding out to appease a voter segment, all the while coming up with a good rationale so that they don't lose said segment, so-in order to do what they were planning to do all along.

Washington is so pwned by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and one side protects the fat cats while the other side's head is in the sand that the fat cats own their leaders, too.
not that I'd agree with what dumbass vp said, but Nazis performed a specific act whereas terrorism comes in all types of forms and all of them aren't physical.

pleas explain what you mean.

That's vague enough to mean anyone that gives you a hard stare is a terrorist.

It means that causing a panic on-purpose with the Entire U.S. economy is pretty much a terror tactic, but I don't believe they did it on-purpose, I think they were holding out to appease a voter segment, all the while coming up with a good rationale so that they don't lose said segment, so-in order to do what they were planning to do all along.

Washington is so pwned by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and one side protects the fat cats while the other side's head is in the sand that the fat cats own their leaders, too.


well I'm going to have a much higher standard for terrorist. Basically anyone that kills or seeks to kill innocent people. The threat of death is terrorfying, the threat of the economy going under was bullshit anyway.

fyi; by your standard, someone should be kicking in Pelosis door and slapping cuffs on her.
Now, I missed where you were disgusted that GWB had a business relationship with Bin Laden. You know the guy who killed thousands of Americans? Remember that guy?

Now let's deal with this part of your comment.

GW had no part in funding the Mujahideen. If you don't want to appear to be uninformed you should google before you post an opinion.

Truth will always help you. Historical facts will always help you.

Google first. Then hit reply.

Now to why we funded the Mujahideen was we were still in the Cold War. The Russians invaded Afghanistan and we ended up supplying their version of freedom fighters at the time.

Rent Rambo III. Get a history lesson.
Why are you talking about the Mujahideen when that is clearly not being mentioned? Change the subject much?

See you hate Obama because he "stood in the living room of Bill Ayers" but see no problem with doing business with Americas biggest fucking enemy and the leader of 911. Your priorities and your moral compass is all fucked up
pleas explain what you mean.

That's vague enough to mean anyone that gives you a hard stare is a terrorist.

It means that causing a panic on-purpose with the Entire U.S. economy is pretty much a terror tactic, but I don't believe they did it on-purpose, I think they were holding out to appease a voter segment, all the while coming up with a good rationale so that they don't lose said segment, so-in order to do what they were planning to do all along.

Washington is so pwned by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and one side protects the fat cats while the other side's head is in the sand that the fat cats own their leaders, too.


well I'm going to have a much higher standard for terrorist. Basically anyone that kills or seeks to kill innocent people. The threat of death is terrorfying, the threat of the economy going under was bullshit anyway.

fyi; by your standard, someone should be kicking in Pelosis door and slapping cuffs on her.

By my standard all politicians are scrubs, all Conservatives and Liberals who actively support any of them are naive, and money is clearly disappearing upward. Hmm,
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

The work place is not a place protected for political speech, as you well know. I would not let kluckers run their mouths in my place of business, because of its effect.

I am sure you misquoted Mr. Dumb Ass above, Two Thumbs. When a minority bunch of wacks in the Republican Party terrorize the rest of America with default, then, yeah, guess what: they acted like terrorists.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

The work place is not a place protected for political speech, as you well know. I would not let kluckers run their mouths in my place of business, because of its effect.

I am sure you misquoted Mr. Dumb Ass above, Two Thumbs. When a minority bunch of wacks in the Republican Party terrorize the rest of America with default, then, yeah, guess what: they acted like terrorists.

O hep me. Those nasty repubs want me to pay my bills. Those be turirists.
Links with context please.

and please fill me in on your thoughts about the #2 man in America calling people with opposing views terrorist, and what you think should be done about it.

Jake, you made it clear that nazi refferences = losing your job. so I will assume you have a simuliar view.

The work place is not a place protected for political speech, as you well know. I would not let kluckers run their mouths in my place of business, because of its effect.

I am sure you misquoted Mr. Dumb Ass above, Two Thumbs. When a minority bunch of wacks in the Republican Party terrorize the rest of America with default, then, yeah, guess what: they acted like terrorists.

Then you are nothing more than a double standard hypocrite.

Shame on you for comparing people that have commited no crime to mass muderers.
That is exactly what I am saying about the Tea Party member who likened our public ed system to the Nazis. You are a hypocrite, Two Thumbs, who just hoisted himself on his own petard.

Keep your political mouth shut in my place of business, do a good job, and you will be well rewarded. That goes for everybody. If that is hypocrisy, I can live with it.,

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