Wisconsin Tea Party Candidate Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

Republicans hate education. They don't see the need.

You always throw out one liners. a joke a minute. but you are not successful because all your one liners are lies.

Take your Republicans hate education.

Prove it.

Bush's scores were higher than both Kerry's and Gore's. So when you post, you post idiocy.

Is that what you want to portray? Idiocy?

Maybe its useless but I'm trying to figure out how you can appear so pathetic whilst trying to run attacks on your opposition.
You can always tell how much Teasacks and conservatives love the USA when they say such lovely things. :cuckoo:

Kim Simac, Tea Party Candidate For Jim Holperin Recall, Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

Wisconsin tea party organizer and children's book author Kim Simac has admitted to comparing American public schools to the Nazi regime.

Simac, also Republican candidate for the Aug. 9 recall election of Democratic state Sen. Jim Holperin, wrote a controversial post on tea party social network Patriot Action Network last October. The post recently disappeared from the site going into the general election, Talking Points Memo reports.

From Simac's blog post:

I am done raising my kids but if I was a young parent today I would take my kids out of the public school system today. At what point will we stop talking about the comparisons to what is occurring today and what actually happened by the regime of the Nazi's in the past?

Looks like more looney left desperation to me.:confused:

So, pointing out how screwed up it is for a political candidate to compare the school system to Nazi Germany is desperation? Sounds more like you don't like it when ignorant conservatives are called out for their hateful rhetoric. Or maybe you support Nazis? I don't know. Please help me understand your thinking.
Truly amazing...the way the right takes a story about a rightie using the term Nazi and spins it as a story about this mysterious "left" that is doing what one of theirs just did. But wait, there's more! Then they condemn this shadowy "left" for using the term Nazi while finding no fault in one of their own doing the same thing.

Truly spectacular display of cognitive dissonance.

While that may be true for some, its not true for me.

I have no issue with the right using the tactics of the left regardless of where it leads.

Turning the other cheek only gets you punched again.
Nazi's = Centralized control over every aspect of Life, Through Government.
Statist Progressive = Centralized control over every aspect of life, through Government.

Same End. Totalitarian State, built on mandate and punishment.

In that sense All Totalitarian Ideologies, share that trait. Different paths, different brands, leading to the same end, as opposed to the concept of Individual Liberty and choice.

Government Dependency V.S. Personal Responsibility.

In your Socialist Utopia, who is to define injustice and persecution? Where exactly is that Someone buried? In your Socialist Utopia, the reward of a faithful witness is an unmarked grave. Do you even care where you lead the blind?

Keep on keeping on multiplying that debt. ;) That is the means to your end, right?

Never mind the ridiculousness of the rest of your post and the fact that you're way off topic, but if you want to talk about debt, you should have a talk with Bush 2. He left 10 trillion of our debt for Obama.
Anyone who believes Hitler was a Socialist because the party was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party is more ignorant of history than they realize.
Then you have to remember that the whole batch of these crazies wrote Prairie Fire and dedicated it to Sirhan Sirhan (oh for those little Jodie Evans/Cindy Sheehan wannabes Ayers and his wife dedicated their manifesto to the assassin of Bobby Kennedy).

Now why does this count you ask as little dimicrats? These are all the people who surrounded and influenced the President.

That's pretty bad if that's true. They all said bad stuff, and bad words are bad idk and sense he was involved with the president that's pretty bad.

Now, I missed where you were disgusted that GWB had a business relationship with Bin Laden. You know the guy who killed thousands of Americans? Remember that guy?

Truth: Praire Fire by Bill Ayers and Bernie was dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan

Truth: Saul dedicated his book to Satan the first community organizer

They beleive in this shit.

Oh and btw Obama's mentor was a commie pedophile. I have all the data. I'm not kidding.

Now back to GWB actually he didn't originally have a relationship with OB.

You have to go back to the 80's.
Anyone who believes Hitler was a Socialist because the party was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party is more ignorant of history than they realize.

He also believes that ppl who work for someone else (worker) are also Nazis lol
Nazi's = Centralized control over every aspect of Life, Through Government.
Statist Progressive = Centralized control over every aspect of life, through Government.

Same End. Totalitarian State, built on mandate and punishment.

In that sense All Totalitarian Ideologies, share that trait. Different paths, different brands, leading to the same end, as opposed to the concept of Individual Liberty and choice.

Government Dependency V.S. Personal Responsibility.

In your Socialist Utopia, who is to define injustice and persecution? Where exactly is that Someone buried? In your Socialist Utopia, the reward of a faithful witness is an unmarked grave. Do you even care where you lead the blind?

Keep on keeping on multiplying that debt. ;) That is the means to your end, right?

Your definition of a Nazi is just a little watered down than the one my uncle told us after he spent 3 years defeating them.
Try again.
Nazi's = Centralized control over every aspect of Life, Through Government.
Statist Progressive = Centralized control over every aspect of life, through Government.

Same End. Totalitarian State, built on mandate and punishment.

In that sense All Totalitarian Ideologies, share that trait. Different paths, different brands, leading to the same end, as opposed to the concept of Individual Liberty and choice.

Government Dependency V.S. Personal Responsibility.

In your Socialist Utopia, who is to define injustice and persecution? Where exactly is that Someone buried? In your Socialist Utopia, the reward of a faithful witness is an unmarked grave. Do you even care where you lead the blind?

Keep on keeping on multiplying that debt. ;) That is the means to your end, right?

The Department of Education needs to be vaporized
Anyone who believes Hitler was a Socialist because the party was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party is more ignorant of history than they realize.

I love this.

This is the part I really really love.

We called ourselseves the Socialist German Workers Party, BUT GOD FORBID we were not socialist we were really SUPER MOTHER TRUCKING CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTIERS!!!!!!

Even though tea partiers were not named at the time.

It gets funnier by the minute
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When I read threads like this I despair for our country.

People actually think Wisconsin public schools are comparable to Nazi propaganda wards? This is very unsettling.
Republicans hate education. They don't see the need.

Republicans love and respect education, they realize its power and potential. What they hate is its availability to everyone, the ‘unworthy,’ in particular. Conservatives believe the quality of one’s education should be predicated on one’s income and social standing; it’s too powerful a weapon to be given away for ‘free.’
You can always tell how much Teasacks and conservatives love the USA when they say such lovely things. :cuckoo:

Kim Simac, Tea Party Candidate For Jim Holperin Recall, Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

Wisconsin tea party organizer and children's book author Kim Simac has admitted to comparing American public schools to the Nazi regime.

Simac, also Republican candidate for the Aug. 9 recall election of Democratic state Sen. Jim Holperin, wrote a controversial post on tea party social network Patriot Action Network last October. The post recently disappeared from the site going into the general election, Talking Points Memo reports.

From Simac's blog post:

I am done raising my kids but if I was a young parent today I would take my kids out of the public school system today. At what point will we stop talking about the comparisons to what is occurring today and what actually happened by the regime of the Nazi's in the past?

Looks like more looney left desperation to me.:confused:

So, pointing out how screwed up it is for a political candidate to compare the school system to Nazi Germany is desperation? Sounds more like you don't like it when ignorant conservatives are called out for their hateful rhetoric. Or maybe you support Nazis? I don't know. Please help me understand your thinking.

My point is that comparing shit to hitler happens all the time, everywhere, including by both sides of the political isle, but the only time the huff&puff, (loony left), shows outrage is when someone from the right does it. I suppose it's also coincidence that it surfaces nearly a year later by sheer happenstance during an election campaign.
I love this.

This is the part I really really love.

We called ourselseves the Socialist German Workers Party, BUT GOT FORBID we were not socialist we were really SUPER MOTHER FUCKING CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTIERS!!!!!!

Even though tea partiers were not named at the time.

It gets funnier by the minute

I never said they were tea partiers. All I said is they weren't socialists. That's projection on your part.
Republicans hate education. They don't see the need.

Republicans love and respect education, they realize its power and potential. What they hate is its availability to everyone, the ‘unworthy,’ in particular. Conservatives believe the quality of one’s education should be predicated on one’s income and social standing; it’s too powerful a weapon to be given away for ‘free.’

Maybe some but not me.
When I read threads like this I despair for our country.

People actually think Wisconsin public schools are comparable to Nazi propaganda wards? This is very unsettling.

Have you heard the Obama song sung in some elementary schools?
We don't want to pay for a system that is set up to destroy us like the Federal Department of "Education"
When I read threads like this I despair for our country.

People actually think Wisconsin public schools are comparable to Nazi propaganda wards? This is very unsettling.

Have you heard the Obama song sung in some elementary schools?

They're kids. So they sing songs about the President. They're not voters, you know.
When I read threads like this I despair for our country.

People actually think Wisconsin public schools are comparable to Nazi propaganda wards? This is very unsettling.

Have you heard the Obama song sung in some elementary schools?

They're kids. So they sing songs about the President. They're not voters, you know.

What other President has had a song sung in an elementary school about him, the President? I cannot think of one, not about George Washington, not about Abe Lincoln, not about a Roosevelt, not one about "Ike" (though the military probably had some doozies). But maybe I am mistaken, please list all those songs about individual Presidents that are sung in elementary schools.
That's pretty bad if that's true. They all said bad stuff, and bad words are bad idk and sense he was involved with the president that's pretty bad.

Now, I missed where you were disgusted that GWB had a business relationship with Bin Laden. You know the guy who killed thousands of Americans? Remember that guy?
Truth: Praire Fire by Bill Ayers and Bernie was dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan
Truth: Saul dedicated his book to Satan the first community organizer
They beleive in this shit Oh and btw Obama's mentor was a commie pedophile. I have all the data. I'm not kidding.
Now back to GWB actually he didn't originally have a relationship with OB.
You have to go back to the 80's.

Dude, you just took a trip through the 70's, 80's and 90's but now you can't find outrage for business relationships from the 80's? No one had an "original relationship" with anyone but their parents. Why are you using weaselly words to move GWB from Bin Laden?

Bill Ayers is terrible but Bin Laden is what? Ok? Jeez...

Original. Lol..terrible

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