With cautious hope, it appears GOPers are preparing to take a hit in the House.

As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.
it appears the 45 winning honeymoon is sinking like the tRumptanic, and with the hopes of then suction swallowing up all of 45's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies too, etc:

Trump's sagging approval ratings have GOP staring at worst-case scenarios for midterm elections
  • Earlier this year, Republicans felt growing encouragement. The strong economy helped lift Trump's approval ratings into the low- to mid-40s and narrowed the Democratic advantage in the national surveys.
  • But now Trump's unpopularity provides Democrats a path to victory for both chambers. "
source: cnbc. com

How funny. Even IF the Dems barely eke out the House, they are going to hail this as the Victory of the Ages, when in reality they were supposed to have a Blue Wave, remember? And when in reality, taking one chamber from a one-party dominated DC that also has the presidency is just a matter of course.

The Democrats are a failing party. Just all the way around.

Your idea of failure is very weird.

How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

Here's a bit of reality for you, if democrats take control of the House, they get subpoena power. Since the republicans changed the rules on subpoenas, it will be much easier to issue those subpoenas and we will finally have a chance to learn the truth about what happened with the 2016 elections and all the crimes of the trump administration.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

You can say the democrats are a failure all you want but that doesn't make it true.

If the democrats take control of the House, you're going to see a lot of democrats throw your words back into your faces. Here's one of your words they probably will start with:


How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

has it happened

i dont think it is going to happen

by this time next week

all we will hear is how the Russians foiled ya one more time

hit tip- invest in Prep-H shares

there is going to be a big calling for it Nov 7th


So you're admitting that your idea of failure is weird since no one has succeeded or failed at this point.

It's nice to see at least one conservative can realize that what they said was incorrect.

Wait until next week to call someone a failure. Before that it's just a lie.

You can believe anything you want. It's still a some what free nation.

It's never wise to make predictions. It's always best to wait for reality.

We will see what happens.
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.

I beg your fucking pardon. A House investigation will fall far short of
a Senate Investigation. Graham will probably take over the Judiciary

The President will then allow the American people to see the FISA warrants
in their entirety. Fuck the British and Israeli Intelligence. They were stupid
enough to be duped let their countries suffer the consequences.

The Senate and The Donald will give you people a fucking you will never forget.
If the dems take the house, politics will go stagnant. The never ever Trump dems
will stop any progress. Trump will need to use his 'pen and phone'.
He will use his Twitter
Yes, THE Rasmussen and, they back it up with facts.

Rasmussen calls itself most accurate pollster of 2016

No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results.

"The media created a false narrative about the 2016 presidential campaign, and most polling reinforced it," Rasmussen wrote on its website Thursday. "Our polling showed that issues, not the media-fed controversies, would ultimately decide the election."

And yet they were still wrong - but no one was as wrong as the "always perfect" Nate Silver."

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.

The Republicans would welcome a house investigation into "what really happened" They have been trying to get the FISA warrant applications made public for over a year now.

And don't forget that the Democrats have already had an investigation underway since the election started - it's called the (what is it? I keep forgetting because nothing ever happens) - the Mueller investigation. I am not "very afraid" of that. If Mueller had anything at all it would have come out by now.

Here is what really happened: https://nypost.com/2017/10/24/clinton-dnc-helped-pay-for-infamous-trump-dossier/
it appears the 45 winning honeymoon is sinking like the tRumptanic, and with the hopes of then suction swallowing up all of 45's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies too, etc:

Trump's sagging approval ratings have GOP staring at worst-case scenarios for midterm elections
  • Earlier this year, Republicans felt growing encouragement. The strong economy helped lift Trump's approval ratings into the low- to mid-40s and narrowed the Democratic advantage in the national surveys.
  • But now Trump's unpopularity provides Democrats a path to victory for both chambers. "
source: cnbc. com

How funny. Even IF the Dems barely eke out the House, they are going to hail this as the Victory of the Ages, when in reality they were supposed to have a Blue Wave, remember? And when in reality, taking one chamber from a one-party dominated DC that also has the presidency is just a matter of course.

The Democrats are a failing party. Just all the way around.

Your idea of failure is very weird.

How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

Here's a bit of reality for you, if democrats take control of the House, they get subpoena power. Since the republicans changed the rules on subpoenas, it will be much easier to issue those subpoenas and we will finally have a chance to learn the truth about what happened with the 2016 elections and all the crimes of the trump administration.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

You can say the democrats are a failure all you want but that doesn't make it true.

If the democrats take control of the House, you're going to see a lot of democrats throw your words back into your faces. Here's one of your words they probably will start with:


How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

has it happened

i dont think it is going to happen

by this time next week

all we will hear is how the Russians foiled ya one more time

hit tip- invest in Prep-H shares

there is going to be a big calling for it Nov 7th


So you're admitting that your idea of failure is weird since no one has succeeded or failed at this point.

It's nice to see at least one conservative can realize that what they said was incorrect.

Wait until next week to call someone a failure. Before that it's just a lie.

You can believe anything you want. It's still a some what free nation.

It's never wise to make predictions. It's always best to wait for reality.

We will see what happens.

fuck you you are the one making the claims
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

indeed personally i would like to see the democrats fuck up the house for two years


but i believe they have already left a pretty bad taste in the mouths of average folk
The House is gone for the GOP
Be good to see Pelosi back on the job

I don't see how trading a turd sandwich for a giant douche is good, but then I'm not a partisan tool. I actually care about the future of our nation.
Pelosi accomplished more than Ryan, Boehner and Pedo Hastert combined
And she did it without having to read a bill to pass it. She is probably the biggest idiot to ever be elected to congress.
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.

I beg your fucking pardon. A House investigation will fall far short of
a Senate Investigation. Graham will probably take over the Judiciary

The President will then allow the American people to see the FISA warrants
in their entirety. Fuck the British and Israeli Intelligence. They were stupid
enough to be duped let their countries suffer the consequences.

The Senate and The Donald will give you people a fucking you will never forget.

You don't know what the results of a real and honest investigation into all the crimes of trump will be. So you have no way of knowing if it will fall short of anything.

You don't know what will happen in the Senate or House until it actually happens so anything you say means absolutely nothing.

Seems you do care if the democrats take over the house. Your post screams your fright.

A good therapist can help you with that.
it appears the 45 winning honeymoon is sinking like the tRumptanic, and with the hopes of then suction swallowing up all of 45's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies too, etc:

Trump's sagging approval ratings have GOP staring at worst-case scenarios for midterm elections
  • Earlier this year, Republicans felt growing encouragement. The strong economy helped lift Trump's approval ratings into the low- to mid-40s and narrowed the Democratic advantage in the national surveys.
  • But now Trump's unpopularity provides Democrats a path to victory for both chambers. "
source: cnbc. com

How funny. Even IF the Dems barely eke out the House, they are going to hail this as the Victory of the Ages, when in reality they were supposed to have a Blue Wave, remember? And when in reality, taking one chamber from a one-party dominated DC that also has the presidency is just a matter of course.

The Democrats are a failing party. Just all the way around.

Your idea of failure is very weird.

How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

Here's a bit of reality for you, if democrats take control of the House, they get subpoena power. Since the republicans changed the rules on subpoenas, it will be much easier to issue those subpoenas and we will finally have a chance to learn the truth about what happened with the 2016 elections and all the crimes of the trump administration.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

You can say the democrats are a failure all you want but that doesn't make it true.

If the democrats take control of the House, you're going to see a lot of democrats throw your words back into your faces. Here's one of your words they probably will start with:


How is succeeding in taking control of the House a failure?

has it happened

i dont think it is going to happen

by this time next week

all we will hear is how the Russians foiled ya one more time

hit tip- invest in Prep-H shares

there is going to be a big calling for it Nov 7th


So you're admitting that your idea of failure is weird since no one has succeeded or failed at this point.

It's nice to see at least one conservative can realize that what they said was incorrect.

Wait until next week to call someone a failure. Before that it's just a lie.

You can believe anything you want. It's still a some what free nation.

It's never wise to make predictions. It's always best to wait for reality.

We will see what happens.

fuck you you are the one making the claims

My my, do you kiss those you love with that filthy mouth?

Seems my truths hit a nerve.

A good therapist can help you with that.
it appears the 45 winning honeymoon is sinking like the tRumptanic, and with the hopes of then suction swallowing up all of 45's antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies too, etc:

Trump's sagging approval ratings have GOP staring at worst-case scenarios for midterm elections
  • Earlier this year, Republicans felt growing encouragement. The strong economy helped lift Trump's approval ratings into the low- to mid-40s and narrowed the Democratic advantage in the national surveys.
  • But now Trump's unpopularity provides Democrats a path to victory for both chambers. "
source: cnbc. com

Where? You're a joke.

President Trump’s approval rating hit 50% on Monday.
This was 6 points higher than Barack Obama at the same time in his presidency.

And President Trump’s approval number from black voters hit 25% on Monday.
This is a huge blow to Democrats who need around 85% of the black vote to win national elections.

HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 25% a Week Before Midterm Election

rasmussen ^^^^^^

The most accurate poll for decades.....
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.

I beg your fucking pardon. A House investigation will fall far short of
a Senate Investigation. Graham will probably take over the Judiciary

The President will then allow the American people to see the FISA warrants
in their entirety. Fuck the British and Israeli Intelligence. They were stupid
enough to be duped let their countries suffer the consequences.

The Senate and The Donald will give you people a fucking you will never forget.

You don't know what the results of a real and honest investigation into all the crimes of trump will be. So you have no way of knowing if it will fall short of anything.

You don't know what will happen in the Senate or House until it actually happens so anything you say means absolutely nothing.

Seems you do care if the democrats take over the house. Your post screams your fright.

A good therapist can help you with that.

You think so?

The Senate is where it is at. If the GOP has a +4 edge in the Senate, bothSessions and Rosenstein will be gone before February and replaced
by March.

Then there will be some real activity going on
As long as the GOP picks up seats in the Senate...I don't
give a shit.

They control the Senate, they control the next SCOTUS selection.

If they lose the House, the nation will come to a standstill for growth.
That will ensure Trump being reelected in 2020 and the GOP retaking
the House for the stretch run.

Well then you won't care if democrats take control of the House and start a real investigation into the crimes of the trump campaign and administration.

Since republicans removed some requirements to issue a subpoena it will be very easy for democrats to subpoena people like trump jr, Ivanka trump, donald trump and a long list of witnesses for a very long list of crimes and abuses by trump, his campaign and his administration.

By the time the democrats are finished exposing the truths and the crimes of trump and his administration he will be lucky if he gets elected dog catcher.

Good luck in 2020.

I beg your fucking pardon. A House investigation will fall far short of
a Senate Investigation. Graham will probably take over the Judiciary

The President will then allow the American people to see the FISA warrants
in their entirety. Fuck the British and Israeli Intelligence. They were stupid
enough to be duped let their countries suffer the consequences.

The Senate and The Donald will give you people a fucking you will never forget.

You don't know what the results of a real and honest investigation into all the crimes of trump will be. So you have no way of knowing if it will fall short of anything.

You don't know what will happen in the Senate or House until it actually happens so anything you say means absolutely nothing.

Seems you do care if the democrats take over the house. Your post screams your fright.

A good therapist can help you with that.

You think so?

The Senate is where it is at. If the GOP has a +4 edge in the Senate, bothSessions and Rosenstein will be gone before February and replaced
by March.

Then there will be some real activity going on

How do you know this?

Do you have some special line into the White House and Senate?

The senate will probably stay in the gop hands but not much will get done. Have fun with the filibusters that the democrats will be doing to just about every bill that goes to the Senate. The republicans made a 60 vote in the senate mandatory in the Obama years so you can have your 54 senators all you want. It's not 60 and no legislation will pass unless the democrats in the senate allow it.

Have fun with that.

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