With Generals like this....can we really expect to be able to handle China?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017

How someone so ridicuously stupid managed to weasel his way to the top speaks volumes regarding our promotional policy in the military

Critical race theory undermines military effectiveness
The author of the article was a kook screaming that CRT was marxism. Since someone would have to be a paste-eating moron of the highest caliber to say such a stupid thing, that instantly discredits the whole crank rant.

Why are fascist leaders making up scare stories about CRT? Two reasons.

1. To whip up their idiot base.

2. To censor/cancel any talk about racism. They try to pass laws making it illegal to teach "CRT", then they define any talk about reacism as "CRT". In the Republican fantasy world, even mentioning racism would get you a jail sentence.
New book out called "Irresistible Revolution" by an AF colonel details how fucked-up CRT is making the US military.
Its disgusting. We need a GOP president to fix things ASAP before they get any more fucked-up.
The author of the article was a kook screaming that CRT was marxism.
Study CRT and if you have a shred of analytical ability you will find that is 100% true. It is not a coincidence that the founder of CRT Kim Crenshaw and the founder of BLM Patrice Cullors are both Marxists.

I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever. And regardless of the stated personal beliefs of a Black Lives Matter founder, the bald fact is that none of the stated principles and aims of the Black Lives Matter movement has any relationship to Marxism whatsoever. But it does have a whole lot to do with the Constitutional principles of “liberty and justice for all”.

I seriously question whether your “studies of CRT” included reading the original text of CRT. Given that the original text is of CRT is written in “legalese” for Harvard law school students to discuss, I question your ability to slog through it with any level of comprehension.

And anyone who is still believing or promoting the idea that this is some thing that is being taught in anything below the university level as a fact not a “theory” to be discussed is flat out lying.

I also find it disturbing that white children cannot be taught the true history of their nation because of “white fragility”.

The rest of the world only recently became aware of how Jim Crow laws were used in the South to suppress the right of freed slaves to vote, own property or prosper. These laws were brutally enforced by the KKK until the 1960’s.

The entire world recently learned of the Tulsa Massacre, because white people buried the story. Then we learned about similar massacres that occurred in Florida and other states throughout the south around the same time which basically wiped out black businesses and wealth built in spite of Jim Crow laws in Southern States.

But now you cannot hide the treatment of Black people in the United States of America. You can’t hide the segregation, or the voter suppression, or the excessive use of force by police in dealing with petty crime and racial minorities. Because there are eyes and ears everywhere now. Everything is filmed.

The original police story that George Floyd died after a “medical incident” and was transported to hospital where he subsequently died, was blown to shreds by a nine minute and 43 second video of police murdering George Floyd while he begged for his life, in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers.
The author of the article was a kook screaming that CRT was marxism.
Study CRT and if you have a shred of analytical ability you will find that is 100% true. It is not a coincidence that the founder of CRT Kim Crenshaw and the founder of BLM Patrice Cullors are both Marxists.

I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever. And regardless of the stated personal beliefs of a Black Lives Matter founder, the bald fact is that none of the stated principles and aims of the Black Lives Matter movement has any relationship to Marxism whatsoever. But it does have a whole lot to do with the Constitutional principles of “liberty and justice for all”.

I seriously question whether your “studies of CRT” included reading the original text of CRT. Given that the original text is of CRT is written in “legalese” for Harvard law school students to discuss, I question your ability to slog through it with any level of comprehension.

And anyone who is still believing or promoting the idea that this is some thing that is being taught in anything below the university level as a fact not a “theory” to be discussed is flat out lying.

I also find it disturbing that white children cannot be taught the true history of their nation because of “white fragility”.

The rest of the world only recently became aware of how Jim Crow laws were used in the South to suppress the right of freed slaves to vote, own property or prosper. These laws were brutally enforced by the KKK until the 1960’s.

The entire world recently learned of the Tulsa Massacre, because white people buried the story. Then we learned about similar massacres that occurred in Florida and other states throughout the south around the same time which basically wiped out black businesses and wealth built in spite of Jim Crow laws in Southern States.

But now you cannot hide the treatment of Black people in the United States of America. You can’t hide the segregation, or the voter suppression, or the excessive use of force by police in dealing with petty crime and racial minorities. Because there are eyes and ears everywhere now. Everything is filmed.

The original police story that George Floyd died after a “medical incident” and was transported to hospital where he subsequently died, was blown to shreds by a nine minute and 43 second video of police murdering George Floyd while he begged for his life, in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers.
I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever...

All "critical theory" is straight out of the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism.

You're either lying out your ass or too fucking stupid to be allowed anywhere near school-aged children.


I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever...

All "critical theory" is straight out of the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism.

You're either lying out your ass or too fucking stupid to be allowed anywhere near school aged children.
I'm sure her "studies" came straight out of Time magazine or a Vox exposition.

The people in BLM absolutely have confirmed their CRT knowledge and training is
Marxist in origin and intent.

Blacks are all helpless victims. Whites are all racist devils. If you agree with the premise then you
will agree with anything dangled in front of your foolish face and you are indeed a racist
yourself. Surprise!
This is 2021.

Why, oh why, are activists still whining about slavery & segregation?

There is no more slavery.

There is no more segregation.

And if people would behave themselves, there would be almost no citizen-cop unpleasant encounters.


Most Americans are sick and tired of hearing how certain folks have been so badly treated.

Enough already!
View attachment 512106

How someone so ridicuously stupid managed to weasel his way to the top speaks volumes regarding our promotional policy in the military

Critical race theory undermines military effectiveness

Leftists preach victimization and feminization throughout all aspects of govt. & policy. It's a pussification, a dumbing down and distraction, all politics & power.

And let's not assume generals are worth a fuck to begin with, many are corrupt, self-serving and bow for those promotions. How do I know this? My &*^%*%*% was a Lt. Colonel with a bright future if he wanted it. He was trained CIA and worked with the CIA in Asia. Those guys received a slush fund which was supposed to be used for resources (e.g. payoff informants), but the unspoken rule was 50% went personal. My stepdad in his wisdom (cough!) kind of a rebel at heart decided to try and square things up, and paid informants 20% more than the others. So he stepped on their toes, full colonel came up and he wasn't recommended, which is another way of saying your future in military and intelligence has topped out. He used some of it to purchase Asian art, I guess his idea of giving something back to the economy LOL. Dude was actually highly intelligent, who knows. End of the day the taxpayer paid for it.
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The author of the article was a kook screaming that CRT was marxism.
Study CRT and if you have a shred of analytical ability you will find that is 100% true. It is not a coincidence that the founder of CRT Kim Crenshaw and the founder of BLM Patrice Cullors are both Marxists.

I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever. And regardless of the stated personal beliefs of a Black Lives Matter founder, the bald fact is that none of the stated principles and aims of the Black Lives Matter movement has any relationship to Marxism whatsoever. But it does have a whole lot to do with the Constitutional principles of “liberty and justice for all”.

I seriously question whether your “studies of CRT” included reading the original text of CRT. Given that the original text is of CRT is written in “legalese” for Harvard law school students to discuss, I question your ability to slog through it with any level of comprehension.

And anyone who is still believing or promoting the idea that this is some thing that is being taught in anything below the university level as a fact not a “theory” to be discussed is flat out lying.

I also find it disturbing that white children cannot be taught the true history of their nation because of “white fragility”.

The rest of the world only recently became aware of how Jim Crow laws were used in the South to suppress the right of freed slaves to vote, own property or prosper. These laws were brutally enforced by the KKK until the 1960’s.

The entire world recently learned of the Tulsa Massacre, because white people buried the story. Then we learned about similar massacres that occurred in Florida and other states throughout the south around the same time which basically wiped out black businesses and wealth built in spite of Jim Crow laws in Southern States.

But now you cannot hide the treatment of Black people in the United States of America. You can’t hide the segregation, or the voter suppression, or the excessive use of force by police in dealing with petty crime and racial minorities. Because there are eyes and ears everywhere now. Everything is filmed.

The original police story that George Floyd died after a “medical incident” and was transported to hospital where he subsequently died, was blown to shreds by a nine minute and 43 second video of police murdering George Floyd while he begged for his life, in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers.
I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever...

All "critical theory" is straight out of the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism.

You're either lying out your ass or too fucking stupid to be allowed anywhere near school-aged children.


Well if the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy says so, it must be true.

You’re even dumber than you look.

I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever...

All "critical theory" is straight out of the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism.

You're either lying out your ass or too fucking stupid to be allowed anywhere near school aged children.
I'm sure her "studies" came straight out of Time magazine or a Vox exposition.

The people in BLM absolutely have confirmed their CRT knowledge and training is
Marxist in origin and intent.

Blacks are all helpless victims. Whites are all racist devils. If you agree with the premise then you
will agree with anything dangled in front of your foolish face and you are indeed a racist
yourself. Surprise!

Please provide a link that ties CRT to Marxism. The only link so I can find tie it to the Harvard Law School where it originated

Sure doesn’t read or sound like anything to do with Marxism to me

Closely connected to such fields as philosophy, history, sociology, and law, CRT scholarship traces racism in America through the nation’s legacy of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and recent events. In doing so, it draws from work by writers like Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others studying law, feminism, and post-structuralism. CRT developed into its current form during the mid-1970s with scholars like Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, and Richard Delgado, who responded to what they identified as dangerously slow progress following Civil Rights in the 1960s.
Study CRT
I have. That's how I know you're making it all up. You didn't fake it all yourself, of courses. You're just rebleating what you were ordered to bleat.

Do you understand that your cult makes up a parade of Marxist bogeymen to terrify weak-minded cutltists like you into eternal submission? Those outside of your cult understand that, given how obvious it is.

Some Marxists once played the piano. Does that mean piano music is Marxist? Your task, which you won't accept, is to describe how CRT is Marxist, without whimpering "But this Marxist dude was involved, so it's all Marxism!". Exactly what is "Marxist" about the idea that racism is embedded in the legal system?
I have studied CRT and it has nothing to do with Marxism, whatsoever...

All "critical theory" is straight out of the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism.

You're either lying out your ass or too fucking stupid to be allowed anywhere near school aged children.
I'm sure her "studies" came straight out of Time magazine or a Vox exposition.

The people in BLM absolutely have confirmed their CRT knowledge and training is
Marxist in origin and intent.

Blacks are all helpless victims. Whites are all racist devils. If you agree with the premise then you
will agree with anything dangled in front of your foolish face and you are indeed a racist
yourself. Surprise!

Please provide a link that ties CRT to Marxism. The only link so I can find tie it to the Harvard Law School where it originated

Sure doesn’t read or sound like anything to do with Marxism to me

Closely connected to such fields as philosophy, history, sociology, and law, CRT scholarship traces racism in America through the nation’s legacy of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and recent events. In doing so, it draws from work by writers like Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others studying law, feminism, and post-structuralism. CRT developed into its current form during the mid-1970s with scholars like Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, and Richard Delgado, who responded to what they identified as dangerously slow progress following Civil Rights in the 1960s.
I just did, you flaming ignoramus.

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