With how many people....

With how many people... [see the OP for the rest of the poll question]

  • Four to seven

  • Eight to ten

  • Three or fewer

  • Eleven to fifteen

  • More than fifteen

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Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
...have you an ongoing (platonic or otherwise) personal relationship whereby you've
  • known the person(s) at least 20+ years,
  • you and they, outside of a work situation, talk/interact -- face-to-face or phone-call; not texting, email, etc.-- an average of least four hours each week,
  • for at least six unbroken years in the relationship were in each other's presence at least once a week, and
  • if they happen to be coworkers, the fact that they are is coincidental, not causal, to the nature and duration of your relationship?
In short, the folks who fit the description above are people who know you and you they so well that the two of you can no longer "manage" how the other views them because you know each other too well, and yet they are not a current or former spouse.
...have you an ongoing (platonic or otherwise) personal relationship whereby you've
  • known the person(s) at least 20+ years,
  • you and they, outside of a work situation, talk/interact -- face-to-face or phone-call; not texting, email, etc.-- an average of least four hours each week,
  • for at least six unbroken years in the relationship were in each other's presence at least once a week, and
  • if they happen to be coworkers, the fact that they are is coincidental, not causal, to the nature and duration of your relationship?
In short, the folks who fit the description above are people who know you and you they so well that the two of you can no longer "manage" how the other views them because you know each other too well, and yet they are not a current or former spouse.

Other than the four hours per week requirement I have about fifteen people that qualify. Drop the time requirement to 3 hours and I'm good to go.
I meant to include the requirement of:

Not a member of one's immediate family -- spouse(s), children, siblings, parents, grandparents, or
first cousins.​

I guess I lost that in the editing process...Oh, well.
4 hours a week? I'm not sure I talk to my wife 4 hours a week. That's a lot.

If you don't, I suspect she knows with complete certainty that you don't. LOL

Do you cohabitate with your wife? Do truly think you and your wife don't on average chat for at least ~30 to ~35 minutes a day each week?

Given what I ended up posting rather than what I meant to post, I'd have expected that anyone who has been married for 20 or more years and living with their spouse during that time would identify at least one person.

I realize individuals can have "special circumstances" in their marriage. I have nothing of substance to say about that. I shall simply take it that you may be one of those people that has "special circumstances." If you do, you do.
Two. And I married one of them. My circle of trust is very, very small...

The other one I know so well, and he me, we can sit in the same room for hours and not say a word, but, when it's all over and one or the other of us is leaving, we both feel like we've had a good visit. It is something my wife doesn't quite understand even after 20 years of marriage.

He and I met when we were both 16, that was 37 years ago. We know each others secrets and trust each other implicitly. I would help him hide the bodies, no questions asked.

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