With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger


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With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

October 23, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

No doubt plenty of conservatives wanted a more reactive and aggressive Romney. But as I said last time, the purpose of these debates is not to score points. It’s to appear in charge. This late in the game, the shift has already happened.

Obama came into the 3rd debate as the challenger and acted like it, launching attack after attack at Romney. But Romney, in a turn from his previous debate performance, took on a laid back attitude. The two men had switched roles and Romney’s goal was to maintain his lead by alienating as few voters as possible.

The election is Romney’s to lose. Obama has nothing left to lose. That is what you saw in this debate. Romney had the ball and Obama did everything he could to get it from him. He failed.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

A Public Policy Polling survey of voters in 11 swing states who watched the debate found them giving it to Mr. Obama, 53 percent to 42 percent.

A CNN poll of registered voters who watched the debate put Mr. Obama ahead, 48 percent to 40 percent. That was similar to Mr. Obama’s 46-39 margin in a CNN poll of the second debate, and much smaller than Mr. Romney’s 67-25 advantage in the first one.

An online poll by Google Consumer Surveys had Mr. Obama winning, 45.1 percent to 35.3 percent. His roughly 10-percentage-point margin in the poll is smaller than in a Google poll after the second debate, which gave it to Mr. Obama by 17 percentage points, or Mr. Romney’s after the first, which he won by 22 points.

There is, obviously, some disagreement on the magnitude of Mr. Obama’s advantage — the polls surveyed different types of voters and applied different methods to do so.

But averaging the results from the CBS News, CNN and Google polls, which conducted surveys after all three presidential debates along with the one between the vice-presidential candidates, puts Mr. Obama’s margin at 16 percentage points.
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

A Public Policy Polling survey of voters in 11 swing states who watched the debate found them giving it to Mr. Obama, 53 percent to 42 percent.

A CNN poll of registered voters who watched the debate put Mr. Obama ahead, 48 percent to 40 percent. That was similar to Mr. Obama’s 46-39 margin in a CNN poll of the second debate, and much smaller than Mr. Romney’s 67-25 advantage in the first one.

An online poll by Google Consumer Surveys had Mr. Obama winning, 45.1 percent to 35.3 percent. His roughly 10-percentage-point margin in the poll is smaller than in a Google poll after the second debate, which gave it to Mr. Obama by 17 percentage points, or Mr. Romney’s after the first, which he won by 22 points.

There is, obviously, some disagreement on the magnitude of Mr. Obama’s advantage — the polls surveyed different types of voters and applied different methods to do so.

But averaging the results from the CBS News, CNN and Google polls, which conducted surveys after all three presidential debates along with the one between the vice-presidential candidates, puts Mr. Obama’s margin at 16 percentage points.
President obama to have chance of winning in next 14 days must target midwest like his life depends on it

only chance of winning.

romney know if he wins co and ohio he won it.

game is still on but obama team needs to go all out

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

October 23, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

No doubt plenty of conservatives wanted a more reactive and aggressive Romney. But as I said last time, the purpose of these debates is not to score points. It’s to appear in charge. This late in the game, the shift has already happened.

Obama came into the 3rd debate as the challenger and acted like it, launching attack after attack at Romney. But Romney, in a turn from his previous debate performance, took on a laid back attitude. The two men had switched roles and Romney’s goal was to maintain his lead by alienating as few voters as possible.

The election is Romney’s to lose. Obama has nothing left to lose. That is what you saw in this debate. Romney had the ball and Obama did everything he could to get it from him. He failed.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger


Great post A+! Glad you shared.
All the polls I've seen had the two men tied going into the debate, and give the last debate to the president.
true but the ramusen poll major worry. it now has Romney: 50%, #Obama: 46%...

very bad news.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

October 23, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

No doubt plenty of conservatives wanted a more reactive and aggressive Romney. But as I said last time, the purpose of these debates is not to score points. It’s to appear in charge. This late in the game, the shift has already happened.

Obama came into the 3rd debate as the challenger and acted like it, launching attack after attack at Romney. But Romney, in a turn from his previous debate performance, took on a laid back attitude. The two men had switched roles and Romney’s goal was to maintain his lead by alienating as few voters as possible.

The election is Romney’s to lose. Obama has nothing left to lose. That is what you saw in this debate. Romney had the ball and Obama did everything he could to get it from him. He failed.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

I'm sure you and that other idiot Greenfield would like to think that but.. Wrong again.

Obama looked great and won that debate hands down just like he did the townhall.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

October 23, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

No doubt plenty of conservatives wanted a more reactive and aggressive Romney. But as I said last time, the purpose of these debates is not to score points. It’s to appear in charge. This late in the game, the shift has already happened.

Obama came into the 3rd debate as the challenger and acted like it, launching attack after attack at Romney. But Romney, in a turn from his previous debate performance, took on a laid back attitude. The two men had switched roles and Romney’s goal was to maintain his lead by alienating as few voters as possible.

The election is Romney’s to lose. Obama has nothing left to lose. That is what you saw in this debate. Romney had the ball and Obama did everything he could to get it from him. He failed.

With the 3rd Debate, Obama has Become the Challenger

I'm sure you and that other idiot Greenfield would like to think that but.. Wrong again.

Obama looked great and won that debate hands down just like he did the townhall.

:lol: I agree Obama won last night...
Thoughts On The Final Debate
Posted by: MacAoidh on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 1:03
Overall: Romney won, again. And unlike the second debate, when the conventional wisdom seemed to be somehow that Obama won (the polls certainly didn’t respond accordingly), there really isn’t a major question about the one tonight.

Romney won on a number of points, but what he really won on was demeanor. Because Obama came off as petty, petulant and unpresidential. He argued small things, he was ungenerous, he was obviously attempting to “score points” rather than communicate with the American people. And it showed. Romney, on the other hand, was clearly focused on presenting the country with somebody who looked like he could lead and somebody who would bring reason and judgement to the job.

Romney’s strategy clearly came from the position of strength. Romney’s camp clearly sees themselves as ahead, with momentum. As such, Romney went into this debate with a plan to stay as above the fray as possible and to take no chances. That was clear when, at the very beginning of the debate, Romney opted not to indict Obama’s Benghazi performance on a point-by-point basis as so many of us wanted him to.

Frankly, I’m a bit disappointed by that. The Obama administration’s conduct on Libya has been impeachable – yes, I’m using that word – from the start all the way to the present, and it’s long past time someone burned him to the ground. Romney is certainly well-spoken enough and capable enough to take the president apart on the issue.

Full comment @ http://thehayride.com/2012/10/thoughts-on-the-final-debate/

I agree with this assessment. Gov Romney appeared and responded like a president while Obama grimaced, pouted, whined, and attacked like a bully being put in his place. And read my next post. :cool:
And then, there are these two:

Obama Strikes Out in VA: 'Battleship,' 'Horses and Bayonets,' Sequester Walk Back

The defining moments of Monday's foreign policy debate came halfway through the evening, when President Obama struck himself out--especially in Virginia--with three pitches aimed at Mitt Romney that boomeranged. These ill advised lines will come back to haunt him over the final two weeks of the campaign:

Read more @ \]Obama Strikes Out in VA: 'Battleship,' 'Horses and Bayonets,' Sequester Walk Back

Debate #3: Bayonets, Horses, And Jihadis

by William Teach
I’m not going to write a whole lot about the debate, since I only saw a few snippets, being at a friends house watching the Bears-Lions game, and John Hawkins does a good job of breaking it all down. Two interesting ones I did hear (while walking in the kitchen for a beer or food, friends wife, a big Obama supporter, was watching it). Here’s the first (Daily Caller) In a debate exchange Monday night that set Twitter on fire, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney crossed swords over ...More @ Debate #3: Bayonets, Horses, And Jihadis | Right Wing News
Presidential Debate: With Little Mention Of Afghanistan Or Drones, Obama Avoids Hard Questions

-- Huffington Post

President Barack Obama managed to escape Monday night's presidential debate on foreign policy without having to defend either his escalation of the war in Afghanistan or his unprecedented use of drones to attack suspected militants -- including American citizens -- in countries where the U.S. is not technically at war.

In a battle of optics rather than genuine disagreements, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney vaguely accused Obama of weakness, and Obama depicted Romney as flighty.

Read more ....Presidential Debate: With Little Mention Of Afghanistan Or Drones, Obama Avoids Hard Questions

Oh really? From that leftist piece of garbage? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Obama Pledges to Stop Military Cuts He Championed

When Gov. Mitt Romney pointed out the devastating $1 trillion in cuts set to hit our military via sequestration, Obama stated flatly, "[those] cuts will not happen."

The cuts, which are the result of Obama's failure to lead on deficit reduction, were signed into law by the President on August 2, 2011. The sequestration cuts are the result of Congress not passing a budget with $1.2 trillion in spending cuts; the automatic sequestration cuts hit both discretionary and vital areas of government spending.

Because the cuts are law according to the Budget Control Act, they cannot simply be ignored; they cannot simply "not happen."

The only way the cuts can be avoided is if Congress passes a new law before Jan. 2. But the problem with this is that Obama has "threatened to veto any law that doesn't replace sequestration with alternative deficit reduction." In other words, upon signing sequestration into law, Obama hedged his bet in a way that makes it all but impossible to reverse.

Congress has not passed a budget in 1,272 days as of the date of this presidential debate. Several budgets have been passed by the Republican-controlled House, but Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has declined voting on any budget bill until after the November election.

Obama owns the sequestered military cuts. They are the result of his failure to lead.

More lies he's called on @ Obama Pledges to Stop Military Cuts He Championed
Foreign Policy Debate Scoreboard

Tonight, Breitbart News will bring you live fact-checking from the Third Presidential Debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL, which will focus on foreign policy. (We will also bring you live scores from Game 7 of the National League Championship Series, and from the Monday Night Football clash between the Chicago Bears and the Detroit Lions.) We will begin at 8 p.m. EDT, with the first pitch in San Francisco. And as a primer for tonight's foreign policy clash, we recommend this A-Z review of the Obama Doctrine here at Breitbart.com.

Scorecard with comments @ Foreign Policy Debate Scoreboard Most interesting.

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