Without a doubt, Chicago deserves to suffer the consequences of this latest election.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2019
This is what this fool, Brandon Johnson stands for. Addressing and irradicating crime in the city is not a stated priority.
#1---In fact, he has advocated defunding the police in the past and during his run for Mayor, would not promise to continue funding the police at current levels.
#2---Talk about spending----Pay to protect illegals from being deported. and pay for another holiday called Indigenous Peoples Day.
#3---He wants to let convicted criminals live in public housing amongst law-abiding citizens who have already been victimized by them.
#4---Of course, he supports the left-wing progressive teacher unions.
#5---The best is yet to come, just like all DEMONRATS, the want to increase taxes. Check out this insanity.
#1---This fool wants to reinstate a HEAD TAX on businesses for every job they create. WTF?
#2---He intends to increase the city's real estate taxes.
#3---He will increase taxes on all businesses for the purpose of adding more social welfare services.
#4---His administration will increase taxes on hotels and motels and make the suburbs, airlines, and the so-called rich pay more too.
I repeat-------NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about attacking out-of-control crime in the city.
Chicago and every other progressive Democrat-led city deserve what is coming down the road and they deserve every bit of the misery they continue to ask for.
So many hard working folks have left Chicago that all that's left are welfare takers and thugs..... even so the race was close.... but the entire state is dying anyway... such a shame.....
Companies are leaving chicago. Too dangerous, high taxes, lawlessness....just like california, mass exodus.
I’m sorry I can’t hear you through all that crying.

Chicago has one problem. It is surrounded by shit hole red states that give away guns like candy. Very safe NY and LA by comparison have a barrier to the shit hole red states.
This is what this fool, Brandon Johnson stands for. Addressing and irradicating crime in the city is not a stated priority.
#1---In fact, he has advocated defunding the police in the past and during his run for Mayor, would not promise to continue funding the police at current levels.
#2---Talk about spending----Pay to protect illegals from being deported. and pay for another holiday called Indigenous Peoples Day.
#3---He wants to let convicted criminals live in public housing amongst law-abiding citizens who have already been victimized by them.
#4---Of course, he supports the left-wing progressive teacher unions.
#5---The best is yet to come, just like all DEMONRATS, the want to increase taxes. Check out this insanity.
#1---This fool wants to reinstate a HEAD TAX on businesses for every job they create. WTF?
#2---He intends to increase the city's real estate taxes.
#3---He will increase taxes on all businesses for the purpose of adding more social welfare services.
#4---His administration will increase taxes on hotels and motels and make the suburbs, airlines, and the so-called rich pay more too.
I repeat-------NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about attacking out-of-control crime in the city.
Chicago and every other progressive Democrat-led city deserve what is coming down the road and they deserve every bit of the misery they continue to ask for.

They're becoming ghost towns.. covid brought on a lot of wfh that never transitioned back, and companies aren't going to pay for expensive downtown building space when they have an alternative. That also allows people to move out and away from the cities, which ruins all of the businesses that needed those people coming into the city every day. It's going to be a domino effect, you couldn't pay me to visit any major shithole city in this country.
They're becoming ghost towns.. covid brought on a lot of wfh that never transitioned back, and companies aren't going to pay for expensive downtown building space when they have an alternative. That also allows people to move out and away from the cities, which ruins all of the businesses that needed those people coming into the city every day. It's going to be a domino effect, you couldn't pay me to visit any major shithole city in this country.
A scaredy cat humanitarian like yourself should be scared to go to the red states below which.. are in fact red states. Not surprisingly almost zero of our GDP comes from these dangerous shitholes.

Chicago has one problem. It is surrounded by shit hole red states that give away guns like candy. Very safe NY and LA by comparison have a barrier to the shit hole red states.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
A scaredy cat humanitarian like yourself should be scared to go to the red states below which.. are in fact red states. Not surprisingly almost zero of our GDP comes from these dangerous shitholes.

View attachment 773497

Yeah, except it's mostly Democrat cities in those states that are the problem.

Yeah, except it's mostly Democrat cities in those states that are the problem.

Youre another one of those people who think states with very few cities are more dangerous than states packed with cities because of the few cities they have???? That's moronic. Oklahoma has 5 of the most dangerous cities and they are ALL republican mayors. Red states are dangerous as hell.
This is what this fool, Brandon Johnson stands for. Addressing and irradicating crime in the city is not a stated priority.
#1---In fact, he has advocated defunding the police in the past and during his run for Mayor, would not promise to continue funding the police at current levels.
#2---Talk about spending----Pay to protect illegals from being deported. and pay for another holiday called Indigenous Peoples Day.
#3---He wants to let convicted criminals live in public housing amongst law-abiding citizens who have already been victimized by them.
#4---Of course, he supports the left-wing progressive teacher unions.
#5---The best is yet to come, just like all DEMONRATS, the want to increase taxes. Check out this insanity.
#1---This fool wants to reinstate a HEAD TAX on businesses for every job they create. WTF?
#2---He intends to increase the city's real estate taxes.
#3---He will increase taxes on all businesses for the purpose of adding more social welfare services.
#4---His administration will increase taxes on hotels and motels and make the suburbs, airlines, and the so-called rich pay more too.
I repeat-------NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about attacking out-of-control crime in the city.
Chicago and every other progressive Democrat-led city deserve what is coming down the road and they deserve every bit of the misery they continue to ask for.
No sooner than this weekend you will see the fail. Another weekend of murdered blacks.
Youre another one of those people who think states with very few cities are more dangerous than states packed with cities because of the few cities they have???? That's moronic. Oklahoma has 5 of the most dangerous cities and they are ALL republican mayors. Red states are dangerous as hell.

I see it where I live. Ohio is considered a red state although technically purple. Where do all the murders take place? My city of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Akron, Dayton, Youngstown, Toledo, Columbus, all of them.
Youre another one of those people who think states with very few cities are more dangerous than states packed with cities because of the few cities they have???? That's moronic. Oklahoma has 5 of the most dangerous cities and they are ALL republican mayors. Red states are dangerous as hell.
Black hearted soulless dead ghoul lies again.
Maybe the immigrant settlers will do something. Americans leave and more aggressive fighters move in.
This is what this fool, Brandon Johnson stands for. Addressing and irradicating crime in the city is not a stated priority.
#1---In fact, he has advocated defunding the police in the past and during his run for Mayor, would not promise to continue funding the police at current levels.
#2---Talk about spending----Pay to protect illegals from being deported. and pay for another holiday called Indigenous Peoples Day.
#3---He wants to let convicted criminals live in public housing amongst law-abiding citizens who have already been victimized by them.
#4---Of course, he supports the left-wing progressive teacher unions.
#5---The best is yet to come, just like all DEMONRATS, the want to increase taxes. Check out this insanity.
#1---This fool wants to reinstate a HEAD TAX on businesses for every job they create. WTF?
#2---He intends to increase the city's real estate taxes.
#3---He will increase taxes on all businesses for the purpose of adding more social welfare services.
#4---His administration will increase taxes on hotels and motels and make the suburbs, airlines, and the so-called rich pay more too.
I repeat-------NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about attacking out-of-control crime in the city.
Chicago and every other progressive Democrat-led city deserve what is coming down the road and they deserve every bit of the misery they continue to ask for.

This dude has been described even left of far left.
His central platform was offering more social programs through higher taxes. And he put his defund the police mantra on mute during his campaign.
Chicago is fucked when most of the taxable makers have fled leaving behind a taker zombie apocalypse.
He will finish this shithole off while lining his personal pockets.
Maybe the immigrant settlers will do something. Americans leave and more aggressive fighters move in.

They leave, get killed, or end up in prison IF the charges are strong enough. What should you expect from a city that regulates their police officers get permission from their supervisor before they are allowed to give a foot pursuit? The criminal just jogs from there laughing his ass off.

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