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Jan 6, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt6GjrVfxxk&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - "Without A Revolution Americans Are History!"[/ame]

Paul Craig Roberts
Prison Planet.com

Monday, August 16, 2010
The United States is running out of time to get its budget and trade deficits under control. Despite the urgency of the situation, 2010 has been wasted in hype about a non-existent recovery. As recently as August 2 Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner penned a New York Times column, “Welcome to the Recovery.”

Without a revolution, Americans are history.
As John Williams (shadowstats.com) has made clear on many occasions, an appearance of recovery was created by over-counting employment and undercounting inflation. Warnings by Williams, Gerald Celente, and myself have gone unheeded, but our warnings recently had echoes from Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff and from David Stockman, who excoriated the Republican Party for becoming big-spending Democrats.
It is encouraging to see some realization that, this time, Washington cannot spend the economy out of recession. The deficits are already too large for the dollar to survive as reserve currency, and deficit spending cannot put Americans back to work in jobs that have been moved offshore.

Without a Revolution, Americans Are History
Pretty much true, the sources nonswithstanding.

The highest probability, historically speaking, would be a tax revolt.

Little wonder the Fabian socialist progressives mewl about the top 1% or 5% or whathaveya, when the truth is that the hyperinflation coming down the pike when OASI and Medicare/Medicaid go tits up will hurt those at the bottom of the economic scale the worst.

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