Without Obamacare "I'd have lost the farm," says Alabama farmer.

Opinion pieces aren't facts, they are opinions, meaning that they have almost no value other than to express the views of the person writing them.

Got any real news sources or factual sources to prove the Dems are hurting the middle class and the poor?

All your sources are right wing opinion pieces.
If you are white and already rich, like Republicans in congress, you deserve millions in farm subsidies.

Democrats aren't white, already rich, and don't vote for millions in farm subsidies?
Republicans always attack the poor and middle class workers. They want people to work but only want this so they work for the super rich...That is all that is all that matters to republicans.

Good to see Obamacare helping people.

Indeed? It actually is the Democrats who hurt the poor and working folks:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future

If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you idiots carry on anyway.

You know............I clicked on those links, and ALL of them are right wing opinion pieces and blogs.

Nice try.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.
Amazing how many of you want to talk about anything but the Real Life story in the OP.

But y'all just keep bumping the thread anyway. :D
It's a nonsense anecdotal piece that does nothing to justify obamacare.

And dude may lose the farm yet.
Republicans always attack the poor and middle class workers. They want people to work but only want this so they work for the super rich...That is all that is all that matters to republicans.

Good to see Obamacare helping people.

Indeed? It actually is the Democrats who hurt the poor and working folks:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future

If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you idiots carry on anyway.

You know............I clicked on those links, and ALL of them are right wing opinion pieces and blogs.

Nice try.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

Oh look, an imaginary scenario that didn't happen, which is supposed to prove..what, again?

Oh yeah. That Obamacare isn't the worst thing to ever happen to this country.
Republicans always attack the poor and middle class workers. They want people to work but only want this so they work for the super rich...That is all that is all that matters to republicans.

Good to see Obamacare helping people.

Indeed? It actually is the Democrats who hurt the poor and working folks:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future

If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you idiots carry on anyway.

You know............I clicked on those links, and ALL of them are right wing opinion pieces and blogs.

Nice try.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

So what? I was paying it before (taxes) yet had lower premiums for my healthcare plan. With O-Tardcare, my plan went up with no increase in coverage.

Republicans always attack the poor and middle class workers. They want people to work but only want this so they work for the super rich...That is all that is all that matters to republicans.

Good to see Obamacare helping people.

Indeed? It actually is the Democrats who hurt the poor and working folks:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future

If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you idiots carry on anyway.

You know............I clicked on those links, and ALL of them are right wing opinion pieces and blogs.

Nice try.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

So what? I was paying it before (taxes) yet had lower premiums for my healthcare plan. With O-Tardcare, my plan went up with no increase in coverage.


Yup, me too. I had insurance, and I actually got to see my doctor every now and then.

Now if I need something in between regularly scheduled check ups, I have to go to the walk in clinic or the ER.

Wasn't Obamaturd supposed to reduce ER visits?
Republicans always attack the poor and middle class workers. They want people to work but only want this so they work for the super rich...That is all that is all that matters to republicans.

Good to see Obamacare helping people.

Indeed? It actually is the Democrats who hurt the poor and working folks:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor

Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class

Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future

If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you idiots carry on anyway.

You know............I clicked on those links, and ALL of them are right wing opinion pieces and blogs.

Nice try.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

So what? I was paying it before (taxes) yet had lower premiums for my healthcare plan. With O-Tardcare, my plan went up with no increase in coverage.


Too bad you didn't utilize the plans available under the PPACA.

Now, is this just another generalized lament (there are plenty of other threads for those) or did you have something to say about the OP?

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

So what? I was paying it before (taxes) yet had lower premiums for my healthcare plan. With O-Tardcare, my plan went up with no increase in coverage.


Yup, me too. I had insurance, and I actually got to see my doctor every now and then.

Now if I need something in between regularly scheduled check ups, I have to go to the walk in clinic or the ER.

Wasn't Obamaturd supposed to reduce ER visits?
Well, okay. Y'all just keep bumping the thread with Anything But the Topic.

The actuality behind the legislation clearly intimidates you.
Well, I guess we'll find out how much people hate/love the ACA, because the Dems are for it and all of the Republicans are against it, offering to simply repeal, or to repeal and replace (usually with a voucher system).

People have already been using the ACA for a year, and in another year (when the elections come around), when they are told that they will be losing the health care they currently have, I'm guessing the Dems are going to win in a landslide.

Lots of Americans currently like the ACA. Myself included.
60 percent cost explosion in one of the poorest states in the union:

"...this is a 60% increase in the cost after the subsidies, the cost paid by the consumer even with government assistance. The subsidy shrinks this year in this market, so the gross increase in premiums is actually smaller — but still an eye-popping 12.1% in the third year of the program, far above the inflation rate. Recall that the backers of ObamaCare from Barack Obama on down claimed that government control of these markets would control costs and bring them into line with inflation.
"Small wonder that people would rather pay the $695 annual penalty than a $1500 monthly premium, especially for a high-deductible plan"

ObamaCare premiums soar 60% in Mississippi « Hot Air
Well, I guess we'll find out how much people hate/love the ACA, because the Dems are for it and all of the Republicans are against it, offering to simply repeal, or to repeal and replace (usually with a voucher system).

People have already been using the ACA for a year, and in another year (when the elections come around), when they are told that they will be losing the health care they currently have, I'm guessing the Dems are going to win in a landslide.

Lots of Americans currently like the ACA. Myself included.
The majority of those who've availed themselves of it are satisfied.

What's disconcerting is the number of people I've had to walk through the registration process because they think the exchange sites are going to - I don't know - reach through the screen and attack them.

Hell, there was someone in this forum the other week that didn't even know that "the exchanges" were the same thing as "Obamacare."

I swear some of them still think it's "Gubmint Insurance."
Well, I guess we'll find out how much people hate/love the ACA, because the Dems are for it and all of the Republicans are against it, offering to simply repeal, or to repeal and replace (usually with a voucher system).

People have already been using the ACA for a year, and in another year (when the elections come around), when they are told that they will be losing the health care they currently have, I'm guessing the Dems are going to win in a landslide.

Lots of Americans currently like the ACA. Myself included.

Add this to the reality that many republicans want to gut ssi, get rid of medicare, abolish the epa, VA and educational department. And TO TOP THE Cake wants to raise the poors taxes with a fucking flat tax.

Well, I expect the republicans will lose big time.
60 percent cost explosion in one of the poorest states in the union:

"...this is a 60% increase in the cost after the subsidies, the cost paid by the consumer even with government assistance. The subsidy shrinks this year in this market, so the gross increase in premiums is actually smaller — but still an eye-popping 12.1% in the third year of the program, far above the inflation rate. Recall that the backers of ObamaCare from Barack Obama on down claimed that government control of these markets would control costs and bring them into line with inflation.
"Small wonder that people would rather pay the $695 annual penalty than a $1500 monthly premium, especially for a high-deductible plan"

ObamaCare premiums soar 60% in Mississippi « Hot Air

You know, you could do an entire thread on the Red State governors who screwed their citizens by refusing to set up their own state exchanges, but you won't.

Just as you won't answer Post 10.

But you will keep this thread at the top of the page. Thank you. :)
Well, I guess we'll find out how much people hate/love the ACA, because the Dems are for it and all of the Republicans are against it, offering to simply repeal, or to repeal and replace (usually with a voucher system).

People have already been using the ACA for a year, and in another year (when the elections come around), when they are told that they will be losing the health care they currently have, I'm guessing the Dems are going to win in a landslide.

Lots of Americans currently like the ACA. Myself included.
The majority of those who've availed themselves of it are satisfied.

What's disconcerting is the number of people I've had to walk through the registration process because they think the exchange sites are going to - I don't know - reach through the screen and attack them.

Hell, there was someone in this forum the other week that didn't even know that "the exchanges" were the same thing as "Obamacare."

I swear some of them still think it's "Gubmint Insurance."

The majority of the satisfied are non-working losers who have never paid for anything themselves.

The rest of us, that is, the middle class and the working poor, are the ones that are getting the shaft.

Now why am I not surprised some Liberal wingnut would claim that? Not dispute the content mind you, but claim because it's from a sensible source, it has no value.
Here's some content for you: What do you think would have happened to Mr. Adcock if he'd had to have both hands amputated, couldn't pay the bill, and lost his farm?

To put it in terms that the Rightists understand: He'd end up on public assistance and adding to your tax burden.

Refute that.

So what? I was paying it before (taxes) yet had lower premiums for my healthcare plan. With O-Tardcare, my plan went up with no increase in coverage.


Too bad you didn't utilize the plans available under the PPACA.

Now, is this just another generalized lament (there are plenty of other threads for those) or did you have something to say about the OP?

PPACA is not adequate for the cost


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