Without precedent -- except for all the other times....

* Oval Office attire: Several modern presidents have been seen in the Oval Office without wearing a suit jacket. When Obama did it, Republicans ran to the press to complain, and the media actually published pieces on the subject.
I doubted that one, but google shows that it is true. What a bunch of whiny morons.

Still I do believe they've topped themselves with their crying that those buried in LNC are somehow less worthy than those buried in Arlington.

Now that's an excellent platform for Republicans to campaign on.
I remember Bush holding hands with whatshisface.
That was before a few Jim Beams.....

Could you please show me pics of the other bowing Presidents?
And what other bailouts have been commonplace for decades???
Proof CON$ervaTards are the most uninformed people on Earth! And too lazy to search anything out for themselves.









But a bow is still much better than a kiss!




I can see how Republicans could bow to Chairman Mao..

But for crying out loud.....Charles Freak'n DeGaulle????? :eek:
Could you please show me pics of the other bowing Presidents?
And what other bailouts have been commonplace for decades???
Proof CON$ervaTards are the most uninformed people on Earth! And too lazy to search anything out for themselves.

So so true. I guess Rush, Glenn, Ann, and Fox need to reevaluate their educational curriculum. Ops, no, take that back, dumb tools is what they want and what they get.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." John Stuart Mill

Another republican failure and subsequent bailout.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL, this article put it all in perspective eh.
Glenn Beck told his minions this week that that the president "has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day," which isn't even close to true. The deranged media personality, apparently referring to Obama's decision not to be at Arlington, added, "Maybe this has happened before. I don't recall it. "
* Criticizing partisan media: White House complaints about unfair media coverage are as old as the republic. When the Obama White House noted what is plainly true about Fox News -- it's a Republican outlet -- the media went a little berserk, with the Washington Post and NPR characterizing the administration's criticism as "Nixonian."

and on and on it went.
it figures some brainwashed lefty would find a article like this, as putting things in PERSPECTIVE.
damn my sides are hurting from laughing so friggen hard.:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:
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Complete list of all American Presidents who ducked Arlington with 2 real live shooting wars:

Barack Hussein Obama
Complete list of all American Presidents who ducked Arlington with 2 real live shooting wars:

Barack Hussein Obama

Running list of those who favor Visiting some Military dead, over visiting other Military dead, as though less important, for seemingly Political reasons:

* Oval Office attire: Several modern presidents have been seen in the Oval Office without wearing a suit jacket. When Obama did it, Republicans ran to the press to complain, and the media actually published pieces on the subject.
I doubted that one, but google shows that it is true. What a bunch of whiny morons.

Still I do believe they've topped themselves with their crying that those buried in LNC are somehow less worthy than those buried in Arlington.

Now that's an excellent platform for Republicans to campaign on.

can you show me where the direct quote is? I'd love to read it.
Keep in mind, these same assholes criticized President Obama when he DID go to Dover.
Keep in mind, these same assholes criticized President Obama when he DID go to Dover.
And sure as shit in a cow pasture, these folks would be whining and kevetching if he DID go to Arlington, just like they whined phony and cheap photo op! last year when he went.

What a sad, sorry lot.
Keep in mind, these same assholes criticized President Obama when he DID go to Dover.
And saluted. What a posing moron he is.

Ah, there people, is a preview of what the Obama-haters' Plan B talking point would've been if he HAD gone to Arlington.
Oh? Did Obama serve in the military? At least in Arlington, the sergeant explicitly tells those who haven't served in the military and who are etiquette-challenged what to do specifically.
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