Witness in George Zimmerman case lied says prosecution

From another article on this subject

On Tuesday, Zimmerman’s attorneys had been expected to ask Dee Dee to produce her medical records proving that she was in the hospital right after the shooting. Before the hearing, however, the state conceded there are no medical records.

As the Sentinel reported, prosecutors “had to publicly acknowledge that their star witness had lied under oath and had to answer questions about what they intend to do about it.”

One reporter had the temerity to ask the state’s lead prosecutor, Bernie de la Rionda, “Will you charge the 19-year-old Miami woman with perjury?” He answered evasively, “You can all read the law and make your own decision.”

The sharp-eyed reader will notice that Dee Dee was casually referred to as a “19-year-old Miami woman.” As the Sentinel also acknowledged, Crump had told reporters last March, “that she was 16 years old. In fact, she was 18 at the time.”

According to the Sentinel, “Crump has said he did not knowingly misrepresent her age,” but recall that in his initial press conference, Crump had asked the media to respect Dee Dee’s privacy because she was a minor. He had a vested interest in presenting her as a 16-year-old.

Had Dee Dee told the truth about her age and her relationship with Trayvon Martin last March, we might never have heard the name “Trayvon Martin,” but this is an evil genie that cannot be put back in a bottle.

Once again the intnernet has exposed how the media skewed their coverage of this incident.

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