Zone1 witnessing to a J.W.

Good video. Trust in Jesus.

It's unfortunate that so many Christians rely on one verse to answer this question. First of all, what does it mean to be "Saved?" For those who are so fixated on one verse to feel good about their sinful predicament, they plead for a mediator to intercede for their own inability to change their behaviors. James tried to explain more of the teachings of Jesus when he basically said that you are saved by grace after all you can do. The Bible teaches that repentance requires restitution be paid and a clear change from the person you were. That, you become a new person in the Lord. However, there are people that never had the opportunity to hear Jesus Christ, of Jesus Christ or anything to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What about their salvation in the Lord? 1 Peter chapter 3 tells us that there is salvation for those who died without the law of Moses or Jesus Christ. When we die, we go to spirit prison and there are two sections, Paradise and Hell to await our final judgment and resurrection. Jesus went to preach to those in Hell. The thief on the Cross was given an opportunity to repent but will be taught in Paradise more because when he heard of Jesus Christ while on the Cross, he accepted Jesus Christ. But, there will be more for the thief to do before receiving more than salvation, Exaltation. Paul also taught in First Corinthians that there are three degrees of glory or mansions or levels of Salvation and/or Exaltation.

Back to the video, the interviewer was asking for death bed repentance and as far as I could see and hear, showed no remorse for his sins. Perhaps he will confess Jesus is the Christ at the judgment seat and at least receive the lowest degree of Heaven as stated in First Corinthians chapter 15. Very few will remain in Hell and eventually Perdition with the son of Perdition, Satan.
personally, it seemed a bit silly. Sure some JW's are morons, and most are normal & know their Bibles better than this. That's my experience.
They don't really know their Bible. They know Watchtower doctrine. They believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel. Only 144,00 are going to heaven. If you leave the organization or are kicked out, you will be shunned, even by family who are JWs. Most people don't really know the truth about this organization.
Here's another video on what to say to a Jehovah's Witness, this one done in a little different style.

I've noticed a disturbing trend for decades where many of their churches are located right near documented UFO hotspots. No, I'm not saying real UFOs have that much to do with that. I am saying that the leaders of the church have an agenda and beliefs related to that that they don't share with their followers.
They don't really know their Bible. They know Watchtower doctrine. They believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel. Only 144,00 are going to heaven. If you leave the organization or are kicked out, you will be shunned, even by family who are JWs. Most people don't really know the truth about this organization.
You're absolutely right that there are a number of very unfortunate things about the JW's, seems most of my objection to the video was that it was snarky and shallow. It's true that my experience is as yours, that they really don't know their Bible, and couple that w/ their shunning the become dangerous.

Good video. Trust in Jesus.

Ecc 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

One can be righteous and yet sin. Absolute perfection isn't God's standard for human righteousness. It never was.

Ecc 12:13 This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.
When I talk to a JW I like to ask them how many nails were in the hands of Jesus on the torture stake. Their pictures always show his hands together over his head with one spike through both of them. Then I ask them to read from their own bible John 20:25. "Thomas said to them: : "Unless I see in his hands the print of the NAILS and stick my hand into his side, I will never believe it". If Jesus was hung on a cross there would be a nail through each hand, thus, NAILS, not a nail as in their pictures to support their claim of a torture stake.

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