Woke colonialism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have all heard Leftists charge that the US is an imperialism colonial power that imposes its will on the rest of the world militarily. However, the Left itself is engaging in what can only be classified as woke colonialism

Pot, meet kettle.

The above article is an example. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday said a provisional Afghan cabinet was not the inclusive government the Taliban had promised and that the Islamist group needs to earn the international legitimacy and support it seeks.

In other words, in order to share world power with the US and receive foreign aid from the US, the Taliban first needs to adopt the same woke culture as the US. This means going full woke. Women and gays need to be put in positions of power, even though this may be forbidden in their religion and culture. Obama started this woke colonialism by promoting gay marriage around the world when he was in office

The US is also funding abortion around the globe

President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing U.S. taxpayer funds to be sent to organizations that both promote and provide abortions in developing countries. The policy which he overturned, known as both the Mexico City and the Promoting Life in Global Health policy, had separated abortion from family planning activities and ensured U.S. taxpayer dollars only went to organizations that agreed to provide health services in a way that respected the dignity of all persons.

The US is here to manipulate all cultures and religions around the world to embrace their wokeness, or suffer the consequences, such as possible no US foreign aid.

Why? Because the Left feels that their woke culture is the culture of white woke exceptionalism and superior to all others. All other beliefs and views are inferior and must be crushed.

It's called woke fascism
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The Taliban is laughing at Blinken.
Luckily for the Taliban, the Biden administration thinks that Trump supporters are the biggest threat to US national security.

So the first order of business is to destroy all political opposition at home.

With continual propaganda from the media and schools indoctrinating children, it may take a generation or two.
I’m not a leftist but I know the US is an empire. After twenty years in Afghanistan, with hundreds of military bases outside our borders, and numerous wars these last several decades you’d think you’d get it. But, no.

Making this a Left vs Right issue is also dumb.

Please read this column. It might enlighten you.

The Decline and Fall of the Roman… Whoops!… American Empire

What Really Matters in the U.S. of A.​

In fact, it might be worth taking a step back to look at the big picture. For decades, the U.S. has been involved in a global project that’s come to be called “nation building,” even if, from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to Afghanistan and Iraq, it often seemed an endless exercise in nation (un)building. An imperial power of the first order, the United States long ago largely rejected the idea of straightforward colonies. In the years of the Cold War and then of the war on terror, its leaders were instead remarkably focused on setting up an unparalleled empire of military bases and garrisons on a global scale. This and the wars that went with it have been the unsettling American imperial project since World War II.

And that unsettling should be taken quite literally. Even before recent events in Afghanistan, Brown University’s invaluable Costs of War Project estimated that this country’s conflicts of the last two decades across the Greater Middle East and Africa had displaced at least 38 million people, which should be considered nation (un)building of the first order.

Since the Cold War began, Washington has engaged in an endless series of interventions around the planet from Iran to the Congo, Chile to Guatemala, as well as in conflicts, large and small. Now, with Joe Biden having withdrawn from America’s disastrous Afghan War, you might wonder whether it’s all finally coming to an end, even if the U.S. still insists on maintaining 750 sizeable military bases globally.

Count on this, though: the politicians of the great power that hasn’t won a significant war since 1945 will agree on one thing — that the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex deserve yet more funding (no matter what else doesn’t).
I’m not a leftist but I know the US is an empire. After twenty years in Afghanistan, with hundreds of military bases outside our borders, and numerous wars these last several decades you’d think you’d get it. But, no.

Making this a D vs R issue is also dumb.

Please read this column. It might enlighten you.

The Decline and Fall of the Roman… Whoops!… American Empire

What Really Matters in the U.S. of A.​

In fact, it might be worth taking a step back to look at the big picture. For decades, the U.S. has been involved in a global project that’s come to be called “nation building,” even if, from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to Afghanistan and Iraq, it often seemed an endless exercise in nation (un)building. An imperial power of the first order, the United States long ago largely rejected the idea of straightforward colonies. In the years of the Cold War and then of the war on terror, its leaders were instead remarkably focused on setting up an unparalleled empire of military bases and garrisons on a global scale. This and the wars that went with it have been the unsettling American imperial project since World War II.

And that unsettling should be taken quite literally. Even before recent events in Afghanistan, Brown University’s invaluable Costs of War Project estimated that this country’s conflicts of the last two decades across the Greater Middle East and Africa had displaced at least 38 million people, which should be considered nation (un)building of the first order.

Since the Cold War began, Washington has engaged in an endless series of interventions around the planet from Iran to the Congo, Chile to Guatemala, as well as in conflicts, large and small. Now, with Joe Biden having withdrawn from America’s disastrous Afghan War, you might wonder whether it’s all finally coming to an end, even if the U.S. still insists on maintaining 750 sizeable military bases globally.

Count on this, though: the politicians of the great power that hasn’t won a significant war since 1945 will agree on one thing — that the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex deserve yet more funding (no matter what else doesn’t).
All world empires do this. The former USSR did it with infusing money and support around the world in place like Cuba. The Chinese do it by doing the same to places like North Korea. In a game of international chess, other countries are merely the pawns.

Stop making it sound as if the US is the lone entity that engages in this. It is simply business as usual and will never change.

But the Left thinks they are above it all, which I find hilarious.

What self righteous morons.
We have all heard Leftists charge that the US is an imperialism colonial power that imposes its will on the rest of the world militarily. However, the Left itself is engaging in what can only be classified as woke colonialism

Pot, meet kettle.

The above article is an example. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday said a provisional Afghan cabinet was not the inclusive government the Taliban had promised and that the Islamist group needs to earn the international legitimacy and support it seeks.

In other words, in order to share world power with the US and receive foreign aid from the US, the Taliban first needs to adopt the same woke culture as the US. This means going full woke. Women and gays need to be put in positions of power, even though this may be forbidden in their religion and culture. Obama started this woke colonialism by promoting gay marriage around the world when he was in office

The US is also funding abortion around the globe

President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing U.S. taxpayer funds to be sent to organizations that both promote and provide abortions in developing countries. The policy which he overturned, known as both the Mexico City and the Promoting Life in Global Health policy, had separated abortion from family planning activities and ensured U.S. taxpayer dollars only went to organizations that agreed to provide health services in a way that respected the dignity of all persons.

The US is here to manipulate all cultures and religions around the world to embrace their wokeness, or suffer the consequences, such as possible no US foreign aid.

Why? Because the Left feels that their woke culture is the culture of white woke exceptionalism and superior to all others. All other beliefs and views are inferior and must be crushed.

It's called woke fascism
Well I'm glad he is concerned over the inclusiveness of the Taliban, I'm sure the entire nation of women cowering in fear for their lives are ticked too

How could 1 little Jew Boy cause this much pain?
All world empires do this. The former USSR did it with infusing money and support around the world in place like Cuba. The Chinese do it by doing the same to places like North Korea. In a game of international chess, other countries are merely the pawns.

Stop making it sound as if the US is the lone entity that engages in this. It is simply business as usual and will never change.

But the Left thinks they are above it all, which I find hilarious.

What self righteous morons.
Oh brother. Claiming our government’s imperialist actions is exactly like Russia’s and China’s shows a total lack of understanding. Then even more foolish, is concluding these imperialist actions are acceptable because all empires do it.

Wake the fuck up!
Well I'm glad he is concerned over the inclusiveness of the Taliban, I'm sure the entire nation of women cowering in fear for their lives are ticked too

How could 1 little Jew Boy cause this much pain?

That is just it, they don't really care about women. Just look how Biden treated Tara Read. Or look how Cuomo treats women yet only Cuomo has to resign, and not Biden

These people are one big hypocritical joke that are not funny.
That is just it, they don't really care about women. Just look how Biden treated Tara Read. Or look how Cuomo treats women yet only Cuomo has to resign, and not Biden

These people are one big hypocritical joke that are not funny.
You’re exactly like them, but don’t know it.
Oh brother. Claiming our government’s imperialist actions is exactly like Russia’s and China’s shows a total lack of understanding. Then even more foolish, is concluding these imperialist actions are acceptable because all empires do it.

Wake the fuck up!
As I suspected, you probably think that once the US goes away we will have utopia.

Don't forget about Israel. They need to go as well before that utopia can occur, at least according to the global socialists, not to be confused with the kiss'in cousin National Socialists of Germany.
Afghanistan was an empty gesture - supposed to boost Biden's "pro-American" standing.............of which he has none in the first place.

The ONLY reason they pulled out, is because the Dementocraps aren't making money off their contrived "war" anymore. They've sucked that well dry, they've extorted and syphoned all the money they can possibly get out the area, the companies, and the people set up there.

Now that they would have to start PAYING money to keep the scam going and LOSE money, they shut it down.

They don't give a shit about the soldiers, the land, the people, or anything else there. It's ONLY about the MONEY. And like all super corrupt criminals, if they aren't getting their money, they aren't going to bother with it.
As I suspected, you probably think that once the US goes away we will have utopia.

Don't forget about Israel. They need to go as well before that utopia can occur, at least according to the global socialists, not to be confused with the kiss'in cousin National Socialists of Germany.
Now you double on dumb. Why do cons always do this? They think our crooked government must impose it’s will on the world or become isolationist. Their is no middle ground with these mental midgets. Their small minds prevent them from thinking other approaches exist.

And hear I thought cons revered the Founding Fathers. I guess not.
Afghanistan was an empty gesture - supposed to boost Biden's "pro-American" standing.............of which he has none in the first place.

The ONLY reason they pulled out, is because the Dementocraps aren't making money off their contrived "war" anymore. They've sucked that well dry, they've extorted and syphoned all the money they can possibly get out the area, the companies, and the people set up there.

Now that they would have to start PAYING money to keep the scam going and LOSE money, they shut it down.

They don't give a shit about the soldiers, the land, the people, or anything else there. It's ONLY about the MONEY. And like all super corrupt criminals, if they aren't getting their money, they aren't going to bother with it.
Yeah the Afghan War was prosecuted by Democrats. WTF! How dumb is that?
I’m not a leftist but I know the US is an empire. After twenty years in Afghanistan, with hundreds of military bases outside our borders, and numerous wars these last several decades you’d think you’d get it. But, no.

Making this a Left vs Right issue is also dumb.

Please read this column. It might enlighten you.

The Decline and Fall of the Roman… Whoops!… American Empire

What Really Matters in the U.S. of A.​

In fact, it might be worth taking a step back to look at the big picture. For decades, the U.S. has been involved in a global project that’s come to be called “nation building,” even if, from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to Afghanistan and Iraq, it often seemed an endless exercise in nation (un)building. An imperial power of the first order, the United States long ago largely rejected the idea of straightforward colonies. In the years of the Cold War and then of the war on terror, its leaders were instead remarkably focused on setting up an unparalleled empire of military bases and garrisons on a global scale. This and the wars that went with it have been the unsettling American imperial project since World War II.

And that unsettling should be taken quite literally. Even before recent events in Afghanistan, Brown University’s invaluable Costs of War Project estimated that this country’s conflicts of the last two decades across the Greater Middle East and Africa had displaced at least 38 million people, which should be considered nation (un)building of the first order.

Since the Cold War began, Washington has engaged in an endless series of interventions around the planet from Iran to the Congo, Chile to Guatemala, as well as in conflicts, large and small. Now, with Joe Biden having withdrawn from America’s disastrous Afghan War, you might wonder whether it’s all finally coming to an end, even if the U.S. still insists on maintaining 750 sizeable military bases globally.

Count on this, though: the politicians of the great power that hasn’t won a significant war since 1945 will agree on one thing — that the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex deserve yet more funding (no matter what else doesn’t).
A liar and an idiot.....
Are you actually hoping the Taliban can resist pressure to not become a closed up hard line sharia hellhole again?
Now you double on dumb. Why do cons always do this? They think our crooked government must impose it’s will on the world or become isolationist. Their is no middle ground with these mental midgets. Their small minds prevent them from thinking other approaches exist.

And hear I thought cons revered the Founding Fathers. I guess not.
Prog Socialist President Woody Wilson and his wife set us on this course. There were a of of Americans who were sketchy about us going into WW 1. We had a draft imposed by old Woody. After promising to not going into that war. Going into the 20th Century we were the economic power of the world, but were dragging our feet as the policeman of the world. Britain was in decline economically and militarily. The Depression was engineered on purpose by the Federal Reserve and we suffered for a decade before we were engineered into WW 2. Both Wars eventually set us up for a global government. After WW 2 we were the defacto leaders of the World. All we had to do is not be dumb. We got dumb.

Proof right here. Now WHY would Afghans care about this wastoid, loser, drug addict, knee groid?

Short answer,...they don't...but our disgusting government (RIGHT AND LEFT) sure foist it upon them.

I am so glad the Afghans kicked the puss and shit we call culture out.

We would be jailing them for not baking fag cakes or kneeling for the next loser person of TRIUMPH! 'executed' by the police.
Prog Socialist President Woody Wilson and his wife set us on this course. There were a of of Americans who were sketchy about us going into WW 1. We had a draft imposed by old Woody. After promising to not going into that war. Going into the 20th Century we were the economic power of the world, but were dragging our feet as the policeman of the world. Britain was in decline economically and militarily. The Depression was engineered on purpose by the Federal Reserve and we suffered for a decade before we were engineered into WW 2. Both Wars eventually set us up for a global government. After WW 2 we were the defacto leaders of the World. All we had to do is not be dumb. We got dumb.
Agreed. The oligarchy hates it when there isn’t war or threat of war. So, naturally they really hated our history of nonintervention and the people’s demand for peace. They have pushed us down this same road of constant war that has destroyed past empires and many Americans think this is the way it should be.
Prog Socialist President Woody Wilson and his wife set us on this course. There were a of of Americans who were sketchy about us going into WW 1. We had a draft imposed by old Woody. After promising to not going into that war. Going into the 20th Century we were the economic power of the world, but were dragging our feet as the policeman of the world. Britain was in decline economically and militarily. The Depression was engineered on purpose by the Federal Reserve and we suffered for a decade before we were engineered into WW 2. Both Wars eventually set us up for a global government. After WW 2 we were the defacto leaders of the World. All we had to do is not be dumb. We got dumb.
Christ WW1 was a total disaster for the USA. What a waste.

Should have let Germany ruin Lenin and Russia

Stroked out imbecile Wilson stubbornly screwed up treaties so bad it sowed the seeds of resentment and the rise of Hitler

Added that the deadly flu was whipped up by the mushy soiled up mud fields of Europe during an unusually rainy yr that quickened the spread to the USA
Christ WW1 was a total disaster for the USA. What a waste.

Should have let Germany ruin Lenin and Russia

Stroked out imbecile Wilson stubbornly screwed up treaties so bad it sowed the seeds of resentment and the rise of Hitler

Added that the deadly flu was whipped up by the mushy soiled up mud fields of Europe during an unusually rainy yr that quickened the spread to the USA
Weren’t all our wars total disasters? It was for the many nations we invaded and for the American people. However a very small segment of our society made out like bandits.

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