Woke San Francisco DA Offers Excuses For Infamous Walgreens Shoplifter


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
Hard-left San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who has expressed his contempt for San Francisco police in the past, offered excuses for the infamous Walgreens shoplifter who was videotaped by a security guard on June 14 as the shoplifter casually stole items from a Walgreens in Hayes Valley, filled up a garbage bag, and strolled out the front door.
Boudin told The New Yorker, “When I watch that video, I think about five questions that people are not asking that I think they should. Is he drug addicted, mentally ill, desperate? Is he part of a major retail fencing operation? What’s driving this behavior and is it in any way representative, because it was presented as something symptomatic?” Boudin continued, “If Walgreens has insurance for certain goods or they expect a certain amount of loss... Woke San Francisco DA Offers Excuses For Infamous Walgreens Shoplifter | The Daily Wire

Ok, *sigh* Come on now libs...This kind of thing can't be acceptable to you?

The consquence for this behavior is going to result in closing stores in "underserved communities" and less choice for those people...But, for this DA to basically blame the store for what this criminal is doing is beyond the pale....What an asshole...
Ok, *sigh* Come on now libs...This kind of thing can't be acceptable to you?

The consquence for this behavior is going to result in closing stores in "underserved communities" and less choice for those people...But, for this DA to basically blame the store for what this criminal is doing is beyond the pale....What an asshole...
I would be at the door with a ball bat, for the shoplifters and HER.
Strange ... it's typically the job of the Defense Attorney, not the Prosecutor, to defend the actions of the accused.

If I ever decide to take up a life of crime, I may move back to California.
Ok, *sigh* Come on now libs...This kind of thing can't be acceptable to you?

The consquence for this behavior is going to result in closing stores in "underserved communities" and less choice for those people...But, for this DA to basically blame the store for what this criminal is doing is beyond the pale....What an asshole...
This guy deserves a medal. He is actually thinking and looking for solutions. This is hard to do for retarded right wingers.
This guy deserves a medal.

How is a District Attorney who allows his Leftist political views interfere with the job for which he was appointed any different from a Police Officer who allows his conservative views to interfere with how he does his job?

Both are equally wrong.
How is a District Attorney who allows his Leftist political views interfere with the job for which he was appointed any different from a Police Officer who allows his conservative views to interfere with how he does his job?

Both are equally wrong.
Who said he was allowing his views interfere with his job though? He just voiced an opinion.

"“When this particular individual was arrested, and we got the full police history, it turned out that he had been detained by the police previously after another Walgreens incident, and they didn’t arrest him because Walgreens had said they did not want to press charges in that prior case. The police had known who he was for months.”"
How is a District Attorney who allows his Leftist political views interfere with the job for which he was appointed any different from a Police Officer who allows his conservative views to interfere with how he does his job?

Both are equally wrong.

Right and Wrong no longer enters as a guage in a Nutter Nation like ours.
Ok, *sigh* Come on now libs...This kind of thing can't be acceptable to you?

The consquence for this behavior is going to result in closing stores in "underserved communities" and less choice for those people...But, for this DA to basically blame the store for what this criminal is doing is beyond the pale....What an asshole...
What can be said about a DA who is the spawn of the Weather Underground. You know those oppressed spoiled rich kids of the 70's. Where do you think his money for that law degree came from. His dad is still in prison. Chesa Boudin is a joke.

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